IES Aljada

Here you can see what ISE Aljada, Murcia has worked on during the project.

IES ALJADA February 18-25th 2018

Sunday 18th February

Visitors arrive

Meet host families

Monday 19th February

On Monday morning, the School Choir of the I.E.S. Aljada School welcomed the students and teachers with a performance. After that, the Principal Ana Mula welcomed us all. In the morning, the exchange students attended some lessons with their host students. In the meantime, the teachers had their project meeting on the follow-up meeting in Augsburg in June. We discussed that we would continue working on the theme of 1968 and its effects on contemporary and future education. The focus will be on future education and future skills. Reminiscence about the possibilities of Democratic Learning.

The Principal and some of the teachers gave us a tour around the school. It became clear that the school is not only used by students aged 11 to 18, but also by adults in the late afternoon and evening. The importance of inclusion is shown in the OPEN CLASSROOM programme.

Classrooms ranged from theory to technology and mechanics, like car repairs and painting cars.

In the late afternoon, focusing in intercultural learning, all the exchange-schools gave their presentations on the student revolts in 1968 in a workshop led by Peter Bommas. Each group had examined the impact of the revolts in their country or their region. Altogether this gave an interesting overview of the changes in Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Cornwall.

Film “Un franco 14 pesetas”, a sentimental true story of Spanish emigration to Switzerland.


Welcome to the school and tour.

Article by Peter Bommas

Workshop on past and impact on contemporary culture.


Tuesday 20th

Continuation of the Puppet workshop. Participation of Integration and Open Classroom pupils.

Role play by our pupils in the Mediation Programme (English), and that for gifted pupils (Aljada +). This is what is called Restorative Justice - where students talk about what happened, how it made them feel and working towards restoring relationships between students in order to move forward.

A historical tour with Carlos Calvo, a colleague in the History Seminar, musician and certified guide: Casino, Cathedral, City Walls, Muslim palaces, Las Claras Processions…

Pupils explore the views of the city with María José and Fuensanta (Photo contest).

Puppet Workshop


Here is a clip about our inclusion work with the Erasmus Project at IES ALJADA

Wednesday 21st

Get together and Debate about the Pennington homework: how has your school empowered you to face the challenges of life and of the School of the future, if you happen to be a teacher.

Visit to Foodtopia in Murcia.

Teachers: Exhibition “The Guernika's trip”, in English (Murcia)

Teachers had a guided Visit to San Juan de Dios.

'The Guernika's Trip'

Exhibition, Murcia

Thursday 22nd

Visit to the Cuartel de Artillería. Exhibition about “the Future of Public Schools”.

Pupils continue photographic tour.

Workshop: Teaching with Objects, by Miguel Ángel González and the History Seminar.

Visit Museum Science and Water to look at how this compares to other countries.

Workshop by physics teacher, Melli who works with children in hospital so they can keep learning.

The Future of Public Schools

Friday the 23rd

Teachers visit School programmes at work (Bilingual, Cooperative Learning)

Health check for students

Visit to Murcia town hall with Sonia. Visit and Speech by local leaders.

Farewell party in LA NAVE with DRUM CIRCLE, with Spanish specialties by Families and National delights brought by project schools and students.

Drum Circle

Students and leaders from each country participated in a 'drum circle' which enable everyone to use an instrument to make music! It was a great evening and everyone enjoyed collaborating.

Saturday 24th

Visiting Schools: Tour of the archaeological complex of the Wolf King in Monteagudo (XII century), with Ecoambiental.

Afternoon with families and project leaders enjoyed listening to the experiences of our ex colleague Paco Rodríguez in his Parisian sojourn in 1968.

Sunday 25th

Students depart Spain.