Holbein Gymnasium

Here are the project details from the Holbein Gymnasium exchange.

June 2018

Owning the Future

The Future of the Past: L'avenir est un présent que nous fait le passé. (André Malraux)

The Times They Are A’ Changin‘ (Bob Dylan)

From 1968 to 2018: Youth movements, civil disobedience and forms of protest

From Pink Floyd‘s song („We don’t need no education“) to George Pennington‘s lecture (Should Schools Be Cool?)

„They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum“ (Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi)

From Martin Luther King‘s March on Washington to Greta Tunberg‘s Friday For Future Movement


23 - 29 June 2018

Focus on Learning from the Past, Project Work, Intercultural and Lifelong Learning

Saturday 23rd June

Visitors arrive

Meet host families

Sunday 24th June


Professor Dr. John Dean‘s (University of Versailles) lecture on 1968, Part I

Bavarian Brunch

Afternoon: Trip to Munich – Guided tour with Mr. Robert Johnson

Focus on Learning from the Past

The Bavarian Brunch – white sausages – was spiced up with protest songs from the Sixties performed by the Amazing Jukebox Karl Poesl and Analysen by Prof. Dr. John Dean

The lecture by Prof. Dr. John Dean had been prepared by the visit of the exhibition „Mai 68 in Alsace“ in the context of the teachers’ meeting in Strasbourg. A survey on the long lasting effects of the 1968 protest movement in the individual Erasmus schools had prepared the Erasmus teams for the meeting in Augsburg and the topic of the Just Kids Festival.

The focus of Robert Johnson‘s tour was on Germany’s coming to terms with its painful past and the burden of history. Robert Johnson had already taken the Erasmus team to Dachau on during the first meeting in Augsburg.

The Erasmus teams were very impressed by the guide’s comments on the complex issues of „Vergangenheitsbewältigung and Erinnerungskultur“, which were explained and visualized during the stop-overs at relevant sights and monuments.

John Dean


Monday 25th June


Presentation of the Holbein-Gymnasium and school lessons for the Erasmus pupils

Textile workshop with arts teacher Mr. Christoph Spengler, Part I


Professor Dr. John Dean‘s (University of Versailles) lecture on 1968, Part II

Focus on Project Work and Learning from the Past

Apart from the Erasmus teams a whole class of Holbein’s fine arts department was involved in the installation on the 1968 movement.

Lunch at Fachakademie für Hauswirtschaft ( Academy of House Economics – the school lunches are prepared by pupils with mainly regional and biological ingredients)

The Lecture by Professor Dr. John Dean was conducted in the public library of the city of Augsburg. The library had already been presented to the Erasmus teams as a relevant external partner for extramural learning during the first Erasmus meeting in Augsburg.

At the teachers‘ dinner in the Kappeneck restaurant Mr. Jan Weber- Ebnet (an architect and member of the „Bauwärts“ group, expert on the topic „School Buildings of the Future“ and workshop leader of a current architectual process at the Holbein-Gymnasium) and the designer of the Erasmus maps, Ms. Nontira Kigle, took part. The plan of a food design and an architecture workshop in the next meetings in England and the Netherlands was discussed.

Textiles Project Part 1

Lecture: 1968

Tuesday 26th June


Visit of the One World Shop Augsburg and guided tour through the Textile Museum


Textile workshop, Part II


Opening of the Just Kids Festival „Revolt into Style“

Focus on Project Work and Extramural Learning

Sylvia Hank pointed out the impact of fair trade for developing countries and the working poor.

The guided tour in the TIM, Augsburg’s Textile Museum, focused on the historical and local impacts of the textile industry for Augsburg.

In one part of the exhibition upcyling was presented - fashion made out of recycled material like plastic bottles and other waste materials - a crucial link to the ecological aspect of the Erasmus project.

Combining the historical and asthetic aspects gave the textile workshop even another dimension. The installation turned out to be the ideal decoration for the „Revolt into Style“ sixties party at the opening of the „Just Kids Festival“ in Augsburg. The Holbein catering crew prepared and created all the food and drinks in the style of the 1960s (Toasts Hawai forever!). Live music presented by pupils and Amazing Jukebox Karl Pösl and last but not least the comments of Professor Dr. John Dean made the Revolt into Style Party an evening to remember!  www.pop-poetry.de

Textile Creations and Just Kids Festival Opening

Textiles Museum, Augsburg

Wednesday 27th June

Morning: The movie „Goal“ in Thalia cinema

Afternoon: Lecture by Life Coach George Pannington, „Should Schools be Cool?“

Evening: Beat-Club at the Just Kids Festival

Focus on Extramural and Lifelong Learning

The screening of the movie GOAL with its focus on lifelong learning

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC5oaVR9QYA) prepared the Erasmus teams for the participation in the Augsburg Football World Cup as TEAM EUROPE:


George Pennington’s lecture „Should schools be cool?“ was also joined by a group of trainee teachers which turned out to enrich the discussion about the future of education.

The remake of the Beat-Club, a popular German TV program (from 1965 to 1972) on pop culture, was prepared by pupils of the Maria-Theresia Gymnasium in cooperation with the organisation „Tanz und Schule“. It served as a platform for the presentation of the researches on different aspects of the Sixties in the Erasmus partner schools and countries.

George Pennington

Just Kids festival

Thursday 28th June

Morning: Team Erasmus participating in the Augsburg Football World Cup

Afternoon: Setting Sails for Fair Trade

Evening: Farewell Party in Bombig Beer Garden

Focus on Extramural Learning

Even if the Erasmus football team did not make it to the final of the tournament this event created great team spirit! This was also true for the farewell party which once more was spiced up by the Amazing Jukebox Karl Pösl and his brilliant performances.

Santa Maria Journey

FOOTball world cup!

Students took part in a mini World Cup and enjoyed participating in a fast and furious competition. They played in mixed country teams and rose to the challenge. Lots of fun was had cheering on our Erasmus Team!

Friday 29th and Saturday 30th June

Team feedback and reflections


Project Work in Augsburg

Video from the visiting students from IES ALJADA