2nd Grade Flexible Instruction

Welcome to Second Grade... from HOME!

  1. You should work at your own pace this week; however, make sure that you are completing all of the items in the lesson plans for reading, grammar/writing, phonics/spelling, math, and science/social studies.

  2. Break this up however works for you! If you are LOVING an activity, keep working on it!

  3. Please email your teacher with any questions or concerns! If you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed by any assignment, please take a break and let us know. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

  4. Please check out the link under the "Morning Announcements" page. This will change on a daily basis.

The Second Grade Team :-)

Contact information:

Teacher Emails/Teacher Sites

https://sites.google.com/a/montourschools.com/mrs-athanas-google-site/%20 - Mrs. Athanas

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/baxter/home - Mrs. Baxter

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/carr/home - Mrs. Carr

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/mrsclegg/home - Mrs. Clegg

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/fotovich/home - Mrs. Fotovich

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/kidd/home-page - Mrs. Kidd

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/mrs-nicastro - Mrs. Nicastro

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/mrs-suchar/home - Mrs. Suchar

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/mes/home - Mr. Tomsko

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/wolsko/home - Mrs. Wolsko

https://sites.google.com/montourschools.com/zozos/home - Mrs. Zozos

Click the picture for the MES Nurse Google Site

Click the image for the MES Counselor's Google Site

Click the image for the MES Unified Arts Site