Take Screenshots
iPhone or iPad (iOS 11+)
Android Screenshots
The process for taking a screenshot on a mobile device varies depending on the operating system and device model.
The exact steps for taking a screenshot on your mobile device may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of your device. You can consult your device's manual or perform a quick internet search to find the specific steps for your device.
iPhone or iPad (iOS 11+)
On an iPhone or iPad (running iOS 11 or later):
Go to the screen you want to capture.
Press and hold the Power button on the right side (or top) of your device.
At the same time, press the Home button.
Your screenshot will be saved in your Photos app.
Android Screenshots
On an Android device:
Go to the screen you want to capture.
Press and hold the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time.
Your screenshot will be saved in your Gallery app.