Letters of Recommendation

What you need to know:

It is important that you follow up with each college that you plan to apply for letters of recommendation. 


CSU/UC College Applicants: 

Private/ Out of State Four-Year College Applicants: 

Most students do NOT need more than two letters, and should not plan to ask 4-5 teachers for letters of recommendation. Some students may need a third letter IF a particular school wants letters from certain subject areas (e.g. MIT, Princeton).

Counselor Letter of Recommendation

Your counselor will write a letter for you if at least one of your schools requires a letter.

You must:

Teacher Letters of Recommendation

The Counseling department recommends that students ask TWO core subject teachers for letters of recommendation.

You should:

Student's Background Profile Form:

Students applying to private schools or scholarships will need to fill out completely to give to teachers/counselor who you are asking for a letter of recommendation.

You will need to make a copy in order to complete this form. You may print out it out and fill it out as well.

Student Background Sheet for Recommendation Letters