Ready for Crunch Time

We all know that time of the semester when we walk, talk and breathe exams or assignment deadlines and needless to say, we fall victim to poor eating habits. We may lose control during that mindless, energy-demanding state however, we can make mindful preparations ahead of time.

Here are few tips to help support your brain and body during busy and stressful periods:

#1 Eat well-balanced meals & avoid skipping meals

Your body is on high demand for energy and the last thing you want to do is accelerate that energy crash by skipping meals and send your body craving for immediate energy (think chocolate bar, sweet biscuits). Devote some time around crunch time to prepare balanced meals or snacks to have on hand. Eating well-balanced meals or having small, frequent satisfying snacks will ensure you are supplying your body with steady energy during stressful and busy periods.

#2 Meal prep

You do not have to chop, cook and clean every time you are hungry. Prepare your meals the night before or make larger servings of recipes, portion them and store them in the fridge or freezer for multiple meals. All you need to do is reheat prior to eating.

#3 Choose quick recipes

Choose quick and easy recipes. Check out our one equipment recipes, no equipment recipes and snack ideas that have our time saver and tasty ticks of approval.

#4 Stock up on convenient groceries

Stocking up on essentials such as canned foods (e.g. vegetables, legumes), frozen vegetables or microwavable rice during busy periods may reduce cooking time. Supermarkets also have many nutritious pre-prepared, frozen and ready-to-eat options available for purchase. Refer to our "How Should My Plate Look?" section to learn more about portioning well-balanced meals.

#5 Choose healthy snacks

It is tempting to choose a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar when you are stressed. While it is okay to have these foods occasionally, choosing healthier snack options (e.g. nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetable sticks) may support you more during crunch time. Refer to "Snack Me In" for some satisfying snack ideas.

#6 Dine Out or Order in

Occasionally, dining out or ordering in may help you save time from needing to cook meals. This can also be a great opportunity to unwind from all the stress and socialise with your friends. Refer to "Healthy Dining Out" for more tips.