

Cael always goes above and beyond for his assignments and takes initiative in discussions and helping others. He challenges himself to learn new things, and excels in all he has learned. He is actively engaged in many facets of the Mohonasen school community and a pleasure to work with. 

- Ms. Mathieu


Lola is a good student, and has a genial disposition, and is responsible, and all the things one would expect from an Honors student. However, I nominated her because of how often I notice her volunteering to start some discussion, even when there is an awkward lack of start to the conversation in the small group which comprises her class. Her participation also always seems thoughtful and genuine, not perfunctory or superficial. 

- Mr. Sullivan


I have worked with Melissa for the past 3 years through various FACS courses, and now in CEIP. I am impressed with her drive, perseverance, professionalism, and initiative in the classroom and with her internship.

From her mentor teacher, “We are so grateful to have had Melissa as an intern in our program this year. She was a natural working with students of this particular population. She took initiative, always asked questions, always asked to work with the students who were struggling, and made connections with students by sharing stories and life experiences. Melissa was part of our class when unfortunately Mrs. Giattino sustained an injury that prevented her from attending school. Melissa was amazing and helped the classroom staff complete a variety of tasks, lessons, field trips, and activities to continue moving the program forward and making sure each child was successful. We are so proud of Melissa and look forward to her coming back and visiting our class when her schedule allows.”

I have had Melissa in several FACS classes. She is a hard worker, mature and surprises me with “out of box” solutions for topics discussed in class. She enjoys working with people and is always willing to help another student or teacher. She wanted to take the ECH 121: Intro to ECE to earn the CTE endorsement in ECE when she graduates. She came up with a unique way to complete her internship next year so that she could take the college class now and earn the endorsement. Melissa is the epitome of  Mohonasen graduate. She is curious and creative, a critical thinker and a team player, confident and growth-oriented! She has a big heart for her students and this will only help her as she pursues her goal of being a Special Education Teacher. 

- Ms. Sacks

Computer Science

Alex, Jordan, Layne, Daniel, Paolo, and Wyatt shared some exciting coding abilities with our Draper Middle School students on Friday, February 3. The students used block coding to maneuver our Finch Robots and Drones throughout the hallways and classrooms! The students shared information on how coding in the high school leads to the ability to easily code in the Python coding language. These students also answered any questions the teachers and middle school students had related to our growing Computer Science program and shared encouragement that all students should, and can, learn how to code! 

- Ms. Conway

Media Arts

Gabe has gone well above what was expected for any first year Media Arts and Live Production student. He has become an integral part of our live production team and his effort and example is the definition of leadership. Although Gabe had never broadcast a live event before this November, Gabe stepped up and accepted the responsibility to direct live events when no other experienced personnel were available. He was able to learn on the job and create professional and fun broadcasts for all of our home winter sporting events.

Gabe went so far above expectations, because of his efforts, that we were able to broadcast every single live Varsity and JV basketball home game along with most of our wrestling events. His efforts had an impact much broader than just our immediate community. Our athletes’ family members across the state and even the country were able to watch and follow our athletes through the 2022-2023 season. Thank you for everything you do, Gabe.

- Mr. Veeder


Malak is currently a senior in the music department. She is a student in the band and choir program. Malak is also a member of this year’s musical theater program, Jazz band, Indoor Percussion, and an honorary member of the Select Orchestra who are traveling to Orlando this year!

Malak is always helping and she is a very hard worker who truly cares about the music department. Malak is often found at events, even if she isn’t required to be there, just to help make it a success!

- Music Department


Mia consistently exemplifies positive character traits, strives to be her best, and tries to push herself out of her comfort zone when given the opportunity. She is kind and caring towards others and she is always respectful and self-aware. She has been a pleasure to work with throughout the year. 

- RX Team


Abby is one of the most naturally gifted Chemistry students that I’ve ever taught and she has a unique ability to comprehend, and more impressively, articulate her understanding of even advanced Chemistry concepts. It isn’t uncommon for Abby to explain aspects of Chemistry almost word-for-word the same exact way that I would. Abby is a tremendously hard worker as well and she brings a positive and uplifting attitude to every class. On top of everything else, she always assists her classmates and treats everyone with kindness, so I don’t think that I could ask for a better student to teach.

- Mr. Niedbalec

Social Studies

Jacob is always willing to help his classmates. He works diligently on all of his work, and participates actively in class. He is always smiling and goes out of his way to make others comfortable. He is a kind, and patient young man. I am so lucky to have him in my global class. 

- Ms. Wallace


Evan has persisted through hardship outside of school and has continued to lead the IED class. He constantly turns in assignments first, and has already printed numerous projects on the 3D printer. He asks questions when necessary, has stayed during lunch to get ahead, and helps his peers constantly. Overall, Evan is an excellent student.

- Mr. Abrey

Work-Based Learning

Daren has been serving as the cashier with the Coffee Express, our high school coffee cart, for several months. In this role, he has learned to organize our cash drawer, sell punch cards, record names for our customer loyalty program and interact with customers. He knows the coffee cart routine so well that he has begun to train other students in this role. Daren is an asset to our school enterprise and we are so proud of his effort. Congratulations Daren!

- Work-Based Learning Team

World Languages

It has been a pleasure teaching Ari for the past three years. Ari is an extraordinary young woman. She is hard working, reliable, and is always willing to help out. Ari is a dedicated student and is involved in many extracurricular activities but her grades are still exemplary. She is not afraid to ask questions when she needs clarification. I am very impressed by her diligence and work ethic. Thank you for being such an awesome student!

- Ms. Saullo

Special Recognition

During an emergency at the CAT building, Angelo jumped out of his seat to help a young man having a medical emergency. Angelo stayed calm, cool, and collected, and was a great help. 

- Ms. Hiscock

During a medical emergency, Angelo jumped into action to ensure that he did all he could to help. He was very calm and collected during the entire event. Anything I asked him to do he was very willing to do to ensure the situation went as smoothly as possible. He helped keep other students in the room calm. He helped to ensure the safety of everyone in the room. 

- Ms. Obie


Peyton maintains excellent behavior in the classroom while being polite and cheerful at all times. Her interactions with peers have been positive. She also works diligently on her APEX program when in the classroom.

- Mr. Smith