

Lindsey is taking ceramics and sculpture this quarter and is excelling in both. She is creative, inquisitive, hardworking, and excited for class. Lindsey’s work shows a high level of understanding and skill. In ceramics, Lindsey is the first to help recycle clay or unload a kiln, the jobs that need to be done to keep the studio going. Thank you and keep up the great work Lindsey. 

- Mr. York


Nemo is a well-rounded student and has shown tremendous growth over the past year. He was able to improve his school attendance and has become a role model for other students. Nemo has shown more responsibility and maturity, and he makes us Mohon Proud! 

- Guidance Office


Josie is a first year media student with eclectic enthusiasm! Josie has demonstrated her creativity, tenacity and reliability in a big way only 3 months into the class. She has taken on a leadership role and is widely respected by her peers and has learned and mastered many aspects of the equipment and computer programs we use to edit and broadcast. She is always willing to learn and does whatever she can to make the team successful. Josie has also stepped up and taken on clients and has had an enormous amount of success completing and creating projects for them. One of our biggest clients, Mrs. Conway and the Computer Science program, have been elated by her diligence. Way to go, Josie! 

- Mr. Veeder


I have worked with Mya Romeo for the past 3 years through various FACS courses, and now CEIP. I am impressed with her drive, perseverance, professionalism, and initiative in the classroom and in her internship.

Mya handles her academic and employment responsibilities with her excellent organization and time management skills. She is an asset as an intern helping her mentor teacher with every detail of the classroom routines. Classroom management, leadership, integrity all make her a positive role model in the classroom. She uses the skills learned in her coursework and job site to be successful in her after-school job. She willingly volunteers to help with the FACS Skills class when we need an extra set of hands in the kitchen. Mya is on track to be a valuable member of the education community. These are the qualities that will allow her to become successful in college and career!

Mya is the epitome of a Mohonasen graduate. She is curious and creative, a critical thinker and team player, confident and growth-oriented. I have enjoyed working with her and wish her the best of luck in her future plans. She is ready for the challenges of college-level academics and has the energy to accomplish this goal and become a fantastic educator. I will miss her next year but hope to work with her one day as a colleague. 

- Ms. Sacks


This year in AP Calculus, Joyce had a rocky start to the school year. When many students would give up or drop the course, Joyce doubled her efforts. She attended extra help during study halls, after school and during lunch. She not only worked harder in Calculus but went back to review or re-learn topics from Pre-Calculus and Algebra 1 & 2 to give herself a more solid foundation going forward. In the time from Unit 1 to Unit 2 she almost tripled her test scores. She is an example to all students what hard work, dedication, and goal setting can accomplish. 

- Mr. Higgins


Claudia is an 11th grader involved in many areas of our Mohon Music Department including choir, select choir, a cappella, music theory, music production, and Mohon Masque. You may have most recently seen her as Mrs. White in the fall production of Clue! In addition to performing, you can also find Claudia helping out behind the scenes during Mr. Hoke’s open mic nights or just being an overall helper and student leader in our music department in general! 

- Music Department


Nevaeha has been having a great year. She is a pleasure to have in our classroom. She has been focusing on her work, and has shown good citizenship. She is kind to other students, and treats everyone in the classroom with respect. 

- RX Team


Jamie is an incredibly hard worker with a quiet perseverance and a positive attitude. She is an academic leader and a role model for other students in our Living Environment class. Jamie is comfortable offering knowledge and insights during class discussions and she is always willing to help other students who were absent or need support with tough concepts. She takes responsibility for her learning and seeks to extend her knowledge outside of class. Jamie can always be counted on to make positive contributions to our learning environment here at Mohonasen. 

- Ms. Clark

Social Studies

Coming back into a full “new normal” year of learning, Alaina has hit the ground running and excelled with pace and commitment to details. She is hardworking and never afraid to help out with class discussion. She may not be the first in her class to raise her hand, but her contributions are always solid and thorough. Alaina will do well on the US History Regents exam this year, as her commitment to excellence is commendable! 

- Mr. Martin


Nathan is an excellent student and is currently enrolled in classes that explore both our engineering and trades program. He demonstrates exceptional skills in both subject areas and consistently does superior work. Nathan is typically one of the first few students in class to complete design-based projects and regularly works with other students to assist them in class. He truly shows genuine interest in the various areas of Technology Education. His leadership role is evident and his willingness to help is always there. In addition, he is courteous, responsible, and well mannered. Continue the excellent work. 

- Mr. Buehler

Work-Based Learning

Danika has been serving as the main barista for the High School Coffee Cart. She began the year feeling a bit apprehensive about performing this task. In the last month she has become more comfortable interacting with her faculty customers. She knows the cart route, knows her customer’s specific orders and has helped another student learn the Coffee Cart routines. She is an asset to our school based enterprise, and we are so proud of her effort Congratulations Danika! 

- Work-Based Learning Team

World Languages

Kevin is consistently motivated, on task and eager to learn. Kevin is a respectful and responsible student who is a great role model for his peers. In class, he is not afraid to ask questions when he needs clarification. He helps to create a positive classroom environment with his willingness to always participate. He is also hard working, conscientious and always searching to learn new things. He is reliable and is always willing to help out. Kevin is a dedicated student and his grades have been exemplary. I am very impressed by his diligence and work ethic. Thank you for being such an awesome student! 

- Ms. Saullo