Management Committee

Management Committee

The ESWS Management Committee shall manage the affairs of the ESWS. The Management Committee shall consist of:

  • Hon’ble Secretary, Chairperson;
  • Director General, DAHE
  • Director General, DSE
  • Director General, DYS
  • Director, DoS
  • Chief Finance Offcier, FD
  • Chief HRO, HRD
  • Chief Planning Officer, PPD
  • Procurement Officer
  • TEO, Thromde Education Office
  • Principal, YHSS
  • Manager, (Member Secretary)

The Chairperson of the ESWS shall be the Secretary of Ministry of Education.

The Chairperson shall appoint the Manager, Treasurer and four members of the Management Committee.

The Manager shall function as the Member Secretary to the Management Committee.

All members of Management Committee shall be members of the ESWS.

The management Committee shall meet once a year. For the purpose of the management committee meeting, five-eighth of the full membership shall constitute the quorum. All decisions taken by the Committee shall be based on the consensus. Differences and disputes concerning the interpretation of these bye-laws and the business of the ESWS shall be referred to the Chairperson, whose decision shall be final and binding.

DEOs and Heads of institutes and head of AFD, MoE shall assist the Management Committee in the collection of monthly contributions, loan installments and disbursement of payments.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Management Committee

The Management Committee shall exercise all the powers of the ESWS including the following responsibilities:

  • Management Committee to assist the administration and function of ESWS.
  • Announce interests earned on an annual basis;
  • Ensure all transactions are in accordance with the bye-laws;
  • Develop investment strategies for ESWS funds;
  • Determine rates of interest to be charged on loans;
  • Approved budget for the day to day management of the ESWS and special requirements facilitate the management;
  • Take complete stock of affairs at least once a year and;
  • Efficiency and goodwill prevail all around.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Chairperson

The Chairperson shall:

  • Preside over all Management Committee meetings;
  • Consider and approve the annual reports and statement of accounts;
  • Consider and approve the loan applications;
  • Appoint a member to officiate during the Chairperson absence and;
  • Conduct any other business relevant to the ESWS.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Manager

The ESWS Manager shall:

  • Conduct the current business of the ESWS;
  • Ensure that the members who claim Semso support their claims according to the procedure described in Para 7.3, verify the claim as per ESWS Declaration of Direct Family Member Form and cross check the information of Direct Family members maintained in the ESWS software;
  • Ensure that loans are processed according to the bye-laws with proper supporting documents;
  • Ensure that ESWS benefits are paid on time
  • Invest ESWS funds as per the decision of the Management Committee.
  • Sign on behalf of the ESWS, conduct its correspondence, and operate the bank accounts; verifying the Semso documents with the concerned HR,
  • Summon and coordinate the meetings of the Management Committee and record the proceedings;
  • Maintain updated records of ESWS receipt and payment accounts
  • Prepare Bank Reconciliation statement on a quarterly/yearly basis,
  • Acknowledge the New Membership application by notifying the concerned accounts by forwarding the Acceptance letter for deduction,
  • Correspond with the Dzongkhag Accounts in regards to the deduction on the monthly installment for the welfare loan from the members salary,
  • Follow-up with the Accounts officer in regard to the non-clearance of cheque and,
  • Perform any other duties as may be entrusted by the Chairperson.

Roles and Responsibilities of DEOs. Heads of Institutes and Head of AFD, MoE

The DEOs and Heads of Institutes and Head of ADF, MoE shall:

  • Certify and forward all applications for membership to the ESWS in accordance with Para 7.2;
  • Maintain copies of ESWS Forms and current register of all ESWS members, and their direct family members, within their respective dzongkhags/institutes;
  • Maintain records of member contributions;
  • Certify that all semso claims and applications for loans are genuine and
  • Inform the ESWS manager on all staff transfers

Roles and Responsibilities of the Support Staff

The Treasurer shall:

  • Be responsible for all money received by the ESWS;
  • Updating members contribution on monthly basis,
  • Acknowledging of Cheque/Draft of the members contribution
  • Timely deposits of member’s contribution with the Bank.
  • Maintain updated records of members
  • Maintain of Cash Book.
  • Maintenance of a single correspondence files for all the dzongkhags,
  • Data Punching,
  • Assist in administrative duties,
  • Correspond with Accounts Officer on withdrawal of members,
  • Arrange meetings as required,
  • Provide annual audited statement to the members through DEOs and;
  • Perform any other duty entrusted by the Chairperson, Manager and or the Management Committee.