

  • Education staff constitute about a third of the entire civil service.
  • Comradeship among education personnel needs further strengthening.
  • Most education staff cannot access financial support in times of emergencies and distress.

Mindful of these factors, His Excellency, Lyonpo Sangay Ngedup, Minister of Health & Education initiated the creation of a welfare scheme for education staff. In 1996 a nation-wide survey was conducted to determine the level of support for establishing a welfare scheme. More than 80% of those who responded were in favor of introducing a welfare scheme, none were against the idea. Based on the results of the survey, the Education Staff Welfare Scheme was established on 27th September 1996.


The Education Staff Welfare Scheme (hereafter referred to as ESWS) Bye-Laws described hereunder shall be legally binding to all members of the Scheme.

This edition of the Bye-Laws shall come into effect from 1st January, 2018 and shall supersede earlier editions.


The objectives of the Education Staff Welfare Scheme shall be to:

  • Strengthen comradeship among its members;
  • Provide cash grants (Semso) to assist members in times of emergencies and distress;
  • Encourage members to save money;
  • Provide small Welfare loans to members requiring such assistances;
  • Invest surplus funds wisely in financially sound projects.


The ESWS capital shall comprise of:

  • Member contributions;
  • Interest on Welfare loans and;
  • Returns on investments.