Student iCON

Student iCON Data Management 

Data Management EDM for Student iCON.pdf

Data Management Poster

Quick Guide on Student iCON Data Management.pdf

Data Management Guide

Google Takeout Guide for Student iCON.pdf

Google Takeout

SKSS Student iCON onboarding guide_1 September.pdf

Student iCON Onboarding Guide

PowerPoint Slides

SKSS Student iCON onboarding guide_video.mp4

Student iCON Onboarding Guide

Voice Over Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.  What is the naming convention for Student iCON email address?

a.    Your email address will be based on <Full Name>

b.    Any space in the full name will be replaced with an underscore.

c.    Should the student’s full name have words such as “Bte” and “s/o”, they will not appear in the email address.

d.    For cases where students share the same full name, we have added a numerical number (e.g. Jon_Tan_1, Jon_Tan_2) to differentiate your email addresses.

Q2. How can I log in to Student iCON?

Student iCON is web-based. You can use your web browser in their internet- enabled computing or mobile devices to visit to access Student iCON

Q3.    Which Operating System or browser should I use?

You can refer to the following table for guidance on the Operating Systems/browsers which you can use to log in.

Q4. What is the password requirement?  

Please follow the password requirements below:  

 ·   Password is case sensitive.

 ·   Must be at least 12 character long

 ·   The first character cannot be a symbol (non-letter or number)

 ·   Must not include part of your name or username

Must have at least three ypes of the following: 

Q5.    I have encountered one of the following problems:

What should I do?

a) Check that the browser is supported by Student iCON by referring to the Operating System / Browser table above. Close the browser and reopen it. Navigate to and repeat the logging in procedure.

b) If the above does not work, use Incognito mode on your browser to login. Upon activating Incognito mode, proceed to and repeat the logging in procedure.

c) WhatsApp the school's hotline at 8764 4137. 

Onsite operating hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

*Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

Q7.   I receive the following message: Your account is temporarily locked to prevent unauthorized use. What should I do?

a) Contact Mdm Ain via WhatsApp here at 8764 4137

Onsite operating hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

*Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

Please provide your full name, class and issue.

b) Click the link to unlock your account

Q8. How do I update my password after a password reset by the ICT Helpdesk/CPA Teachers?

Please update your password only on a school computer lab laptop or your PLD. This is to ensure the password is synced to the MIMS system and PLD. Follow the instructions below.

i)For updating password on PLD

a. On your PLD login page,  key in any characters in the password box and submit four times. You will be prompted to the screen below. In order to restore your local data, you can enter your old password but if you have forgotten your old password, the local data on your PLD will reformatted after you click 'Forgot your old password?'. 

b. You will see the windows log-in prompt, key in your student icon email and the password provided by the ICT Helpdesk/CPA teachers. Here you are able to update to your new password. Please refer to Q4 on the password requirement. 

ii) For updating password on school computer lab laptop

a. On the Windows login page, key in your NRIC and the password provided by the ICT Helpdesk/CPA teachers. Here you are able to update to your new password. Please refer to Q4 on the password requirement. 

The newly changed password will apply to your PLD/Com lab, SLS, Student ICON email & SWN@SSOE WiFi. Please note down your new password for reference and safekeeping.