General FAQs Click here to see some common FAQs on SLS.

Classroom Management Tips Click here to get some tips on how you can execute SLS lessons in class.

Lesson Creation in SLS in a nutshell

  1. Creating a lesson in SLS

Tip: convert video files to MP4 (which is the format required to upload in SLS) using Windows Photo (readily available in all SSOE laptops). Click here to see how to do this.

Click here for the SLS User Guide. (You will need to log into SLS for this.)

Using and modifying from existing lessons

Use the existing lessons from MOE Library and Community Gallery and adapt it for your use.

  • MOE Library are lessons curated by MOE HQ.

  • Community Gallery are lessons curated by teachers like you and I. Click here for the e-Catalogue of lessons in Community Gallery.

Click here to watch a video on how you can search for lessons in MOE Library and Community Gallery.

Click here to watch a video on how you can edit lessons shared with you or copied from MOE Library/Community Gallery.

Managing Lessons

Click here to read the SLS user guide on info about lessons. (You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Click here to read the SLS user guide on creating a lesson from scratch. (You will be prompted to sign into SLS.) You can also click here to watch a video on it.

Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Edit a Lesson

Click here to watch a video on how to do this.

Tag a Lesson

Receive a Shared lesson

Move a Lesson to Trash

Copy a Lesson

Share a Lesson

Click here to watch a video on how to do this.

Adding Activities

Activities are the different tabs.

Activities can be custom, progressive quiz, auto-graded quiz or teacher-marked quiz.

(In the old version, these 3 quizzes are parked under the same category as the other components such as MCQ, FIB, poll, etc).

  • Custom - Create an activity with stand-alone components without quiz monitoring functions (see below 'Adding Components' for more details).

  • Progressive quiz - Students will receive feedback automatically after submitting each question.

  • Auto-graded quiz - Students will receive feedback automatically after submitting the entire quiz.

  • Teacher-marked quiz - Students will receive feedback after teachers have marked and released the quiz.


Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Add existing activities from the MOE Library, Community Gallery, My Drive and Starred Resources. This is the 'copying and pasting' that we love. Click here to watch a video on how to do it.

Did you wonder where the 3 dots went that enabled you to edit/move your activities? They are still there. You just need to do one extra step to see them.

Adding Components

The top row is basic formatting and they are self-explanatory.

Let us explore the bottom row.

Rich Text

Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

You can also click here to watch a video on more explanation and tips and tricks on how to use these features.


Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Click here to see how you can copy and paste existing components in your Drive into your lesson.

Click here to see how you can copy and paste components you have starred from other people's lessons into your lesson.


Click here to watch a video on how you can use the features in Text/Media. This is similar to the Question Body in all the other following components.

Interactive Thinking Tool

Use this when you want students to view and comment on their peers' responses.


Use this to get students to vote. They will be able to see the overall results.

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Make full use of the Feedback function to give timely feedback. There are 2 types of feedback - You may enter specific feedback for each option, and overall feedback for the question. After submitting their answers, students will see: The feedback for all correct options; the feedback for any incorrect options that they have selected and the overall feedback for the question, regardless of options selected.

Fill-in-the-blanks Question

Make use of the Explanation function in the question's answer(s) to give timely feedback. This is shown to students after they have submitted their answer.

Click and Drop

Use this to get students to label on a diagram.


Use this to get students to spot and edit an error.

Multipart Question

A multipart question consists of a main question stem which serves as the context for all subsequent sub-questions in this multipart question.

Free Response

  • Make use of the Suggested Answer to give timely feedback. You can use the blank drawing feature to write the question and then edit the same image to give suggested answer instead of preparing questions and their suggested answers on PPT slides , converting them to JPEG images and then uploading on SLS. It can get rather tedious for Math, esp fractions or model drawing. Click here to see how.

  • Make full use of the Feedback function to give timely feedback. There are 2 types of feedback: (1) Overall feedback for the question and it will be shown to students when they submit their answers. (2) After students have submitted their answers, you can give specific feedback to their answers. Starting from 23 June 2021, students will be able to respond to your feedback as well.

  • Click here to watch a video on how you can add pre-populate student answer. (This is like the Draw It function in Nearpod where students can annotate on an image given by teacher.)

  • Click here to see how you can add rubrics. Click here to watch a video on how you can do that.

Audio Response

  • Do note that students using iPads with older iOS will not be able to use this, so it is good to check if what device your students are using. Click here to see other tools you can use, except for SLS.

  • Click here to see how students can submit an audio clip in SLS.

  • Click here to see how you can add rubrics. Click here to watch a video on how you can do that.

  • Make full use of the Feedback function to give timely feedback. There are 2 types of feedback: (1) Overall feedback for the question and it will be shown to students when they submit their answers. (2) After students have submitted their answers, you can give specific feedback to their answers. Starting from 23 June 2021, students will be able to respond to your feedback as well.

  • Click here to see a lesson plan on how a teacher used SLS Audio Function with her students for the picture description component in Oral.

Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Other Features

Click on the underlined words below to read the SLS user guide for them.

(You will be prompted to sign into SLS.)

Discussion Forum

About Discussion Forums

Change Forum Permission Settings

Post and Comment in the Forum

Click here to see how and why you should use the Discussion Forum feature.

Assignment Sharing for Students

Allow Students to Share Assignment

2. Assigning a Lesson in SLS

Where is the Student’s View now? I need to view it before I assign my lesson. I cannot seem to find it.

The Student’s View is no longer available. The view teachers are seeing in lesson creation is what students will see too. However, many teachers will still want to have the old version back as it is useful to ‘test out’ the lesson before assigning. Feedback has been given to MOE ETD and they will look into it. Click here to see a workaround for it.

Click here to watch a video on how you can assign a lesson to students. Click here for a step by step guide. (You will need to sign in to SLS.)

Click here to watch another video done by a primary school teacher on assigning a lesson. (Credits: Li Huili (Harley Li) from Westwood Primary School)

Click here to see how you can create a group for your Form Class and add other FTs as owners.

How do we hide those parts of our SLS lesson that we do not want students to access yet?

Go to the top left menu of your assignment page to see the activity list. You can switch off access to each activity with the toggles (similar to old version).

Starting from 23 June 2021, teachers can edit lessons and courses that have been assigned. Click here to watch a video on how to do that.

3. Monitoring a Lesson in SLS

Click here for a step by step guide on how to monitor a lesson . (You will need to sign in to SLS.)

Students can write their own notes.

Click here to watch another video done by a primary school teacher on monitoring a lesson. (Credits: Li Huili (Harley Li) from Westwood Primary School)


I can’t download student marks and responses in Heatmap. When I click on the incoming notification that the download is ready (this can take up to 10 to 15 minutes), nothing happens. When I click to download a zipped resource, nothing happens.

You will need to ensure that your browser settings for the SLS site is set to “enable pop-ups” by going to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Site Settings. This is a known issue for Chrome and Safari browsers. Click here to see how to do this. (You will be prompted to sign in to SLS.)

Starting from 23 June 2021, teachers can:

  1. view collated student responses for each question Click here to watch a video on how to do it.

  2. do mass marking where you can select students with similar responses and provide marks and feedback to these students and

  3. mark with rubrics and apply the same marks and feedback to multiple students at once

How can my students do self-directed learning in SLS? (ie. look for lessons on their own for revision purposes)

Click here for a video on how students can use SLS for revision.

General FAQs Click here to see some common FAQs on SLS.

Classroom Management Tips Click here to get some tips on how you can execute SLS lessons in class.