General FAQs Click here to see some common FAQs on SLS.

T&L in SLS Click here to see how you can create SLS lessons.

My students keep getting distracted when they are using digital devices to do work in class. What can I do to make sure they listen to me when I am teaching?

If you are using iPads, get your students to put the iPads facedown on the table when you are teaching.

If you are using laptops, get your students to put the laptop screen at 45 degrees.

My students keep forgetting their passwords. What can I do to minimise disruption during my lessons?

You can create a one-time password (OTP) for any student in your groups or classes. You can also create OTP for the entire class.

An OTP is only valid for 2 hours, and grants students temporary access to the SLS if they have forgotten their password or if their accounts have been locked.

Click here to find out more. (You will be prompted to log into SLS.)

I am teaching Primary 1 this year. They are so young. How do I teach them how to log into SLS and navigate it effectively?

Step-by-step tips to introducing SLS to Primary 1 students:

  1. Going into the SLS website itself.

  • We shouldn’t assume our little ones know how to go to an internet browser. Even though they are deemed as digital natives, they only know apps which are intuitive.

  • Use iPads and not laptops. If you use laptops, it’s double log in as they need to log into the laptop with their IAMS accounts. That will be a nightmare for first time users. Using iPads, they will not need to log into anything. They can use internet right away with seamless internet in every classroom now. SLS has been added to the home screen and all students need to do is just click on it.

2. Login details.

  • SLS login details are on the second last page of their Student Handbook.

  • I strongly recommend the teacher write the username for them as these young ones' handwriting may not be legible. ICT Trainer might have printed for them already. Do check.

3. Logging into SLS.

  • You need to show them how to do it. It is advisable to use the visualiser to show the iPad and use a student’s account to log in to show. Showing this via visualiser is preferred, as opposed to projecting the iPad onto the screen because the students get to see your finger as you click. They get a visual on what to do.

  • You will need to be very explicit in your instructions. You can say something like this as you show step by step. “Look for the word ‘Username’. Everyone say ‘Username’ (yes, need to let them recognise the word). Click on the rectangle below it. This is where you type in your username. The one on pg xx of your handbook, remember? (Show that page of the student’s handbook on visualiser. Use the student’s whose account you are using.) See. When you click on that rectangle, the keyboard pops up. This is where you type in your username. Your username starts with the first 5 letters of your name in the class list. It doesn’t have to be in capital letters. Just look for the letter on the keyboard and click. (Show them as you type in the letters of the student’s username) Now, we need to type in the digits. Can you see this button ‘.123’ on the keyboard? Click on it. Tadah! Magic! All letters have changed to digits. Now you can click on the digits in your username. (Show them as you type the 4 digits.) Oh, now we need to type a letter again. Can you see the button ‘ABC’ on the keyboard? Click on it. Tadah! Magic again! All changed to letters now. (Show them as you type that one letter.) Now, see this word ‘Password’? Everyone say ‘password’. Click on the rectangle below it. You have to type in your password. This password is below your username in your handbook. And this time, it is important you type small letters and capital letters. (Show on visualiser) (Again, show them how to type in letters and digits, showing them how to change the keyboard on the iPads from letters to digits and vice versa.) (You can say this when there are capital letters.) Look at all these letters on the keyboard. Oh dear. They are all in small letters/lower case. I need capital letters/upper case. Can you see this ‘⬆️’ button on the keyboard? Let me click on it. Tadah! It’s all capital letters now! To change it back to small letters, click on that ⬆️ button again. (Make your instructions as explicit as you can. Show every single step. For my very first lesson, I did it once and then I logged out again and had them repeat instructions to me to log in. Go through the steps BEFORE you give them the iPads. Go through the steps first and then give them the iPads. Go through these steps again during your second and third lesson, after that, you can see that the students get it already. By the fourth lesson, they are good to go. )

4. Starting your SLS lesson.

You will have half the class who can log in within a few minutes and you will have a few who struggle. Get the early finishers to help those who need help. “All right. If you see your name on the iPad, it means you are logged in. Go help a friend. One person to help one.” And you can also go around to help those you know will definitely struggle a lot. We know our kids best! After a few times, you will have more ‘helpers’ than ‘strugglers’.

5. SLS Lesson

Always show student view as you go through the lesson with them. Do one question in each activity to show them how it looks like. 'I do, We do, You do.'

General FAQs Click here to see some common FAQs on SLS.

T&L in SLS Click here to see how you can create SLS lessons.