
Netball (Girls)

Teacher ICs

Ms Clara Wong

Ms Cheryl Seet

Ms Theresa 

Ms Vijayalakshmi Raja

Venue of training:

Parade Square

Date and time of training:

Tuesdays: 3.35pm - 5.35pm

Thursdays: 2.45pm - 5.45pm

Brief description of CCA

Sportsmen require discipline and that what PRCS Netball always emphasizes. We believe when one is disciplined in managing the demands of schoolwork and CCA, the students would mature into young ladies of exemplary character. To achieve our aim, Netball leverages on various experiences such as the National School Games and Netball Carnivals as platforms to bring about holistic development. If you want to be developed into a fit, disciplined, and confident student, Netball is definitely the choiced platform

CCA Training and Highlights

Training is conducted on Tuesdays and Fridays, timing as above. Additional training is conducted nearing competitions to fine tune the team.

Expectations of CCA

Netball is a fast-paced and intense physical sport. Hence, all participants are expected to have a serious attitude for rigorous training and physical fitness coupled with a love for sports. 

Achievements of CCA