Bread The Love

5 students from 6G and 6F 2021 came together to make sure the welfare of the dormitory workers were taken care of through the SAY @ Bread the Love project. The aim of this project was to collect unsold bread from nearby bakeries and donate them to the migrant workers living in the dormitories. After the students surveyed on what the migrant workers living in the dormitories wanted, and they decided to include biscuits and energy drinks to be given to them. 

Every member of the team did their part by organising the project and by also packing and sending the bread, biscuits and energy drinks dedicated to the migrant workers. In total, 50 cartons of drinks and 13 boxes of biscuits were collected from the school population and distributed. A few Northlanders also made birthday cards for the workers as many of them have not celebrated their birthdays since they started working in Singapore. 

Through the project, the team hopes that their gesture can show their gratitude to the migrant workers for building homes for all Singaporeans.