Frequently Asked Questions

For a breakdown of the various types of questions and tools on SLS, please click on the respective sub-page.

You may also view the video below.

How can I check on students' understanding and provide feedback on SLS?

Three ways:

  1. Interactive Thinking Tool (ITT)

  2. Questions on Quiz mode

  3. Standalone Questions

What's the difference between the ITT and Quiz Mode?

Using ITT, students and teachers can view and comment on each other's answer/response. With questions on Quiz Mode, only teacher can view and comment on students' answer/comment/response.

Can students upload file on SLS?

Yes, they can through "free response question". Teachers should check on "allow file submission".

Can I upload PowerPoint slides?

Option 1: Embed using Google Slides

Option 2: Embed using Microsoft OneDrive

You can embed a published Microsoft document (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) that is stored on OneDrive. Please note that these documents are only embedded for viewing or downloading and are not for students to edit within SLS. Guide found here:

Option 3: Upload ppt slides as pdf file

Option 4: Upload ppt slides as jpeg (images)

Option 5: Upload ppt presentation as video

View the guide here.

Can I upload PDF files?

Yes, you can. Refer to Pg 4 in this guide.

Students can click on the file to view it.

Can I upload Microsoft documents?

Yes. Click on Text/Media. Select Add Media and Upload.

Can a student complete an SLS assignment that is past the deadline?

Yes. If a teacher extends the deadline for only students who have not completed, any submissions from previous students will be gone too. So, teacher can allow students to complete assignment without extending the deadline. On the monitoring page, assignment will be recorded as "overdue".

Can other teachers monitor my class assignments?

If they are added as co-teachers in your class or group, other teachers can help to monitor your assignments. Please refer to the slide below for the functions of the different teacher roles in SLS.

Teacher Roles in SLS