Google Meet

Students can join Google Meet video conference via weblink or email invite.

Quick Guide

Start Up

  1. Go to

  2. Click "Join or start a Meeting"

  3. To start your own meeting, enter a nickname or leave blank, and click "Join".

  4. A meeting URL is created in the address bar. Copy and send this URL to the recipients.

  5. Click "Join Now"

Requirements on Devices

  • Laptop and iPad: Use web browser. Email is not needed. (when teacher shares the link with students, upon clicking the link, it will open a new tab on the browser).

  • Handphone: Must have Google Meet app downloaded.

Screen Presenting

If you wish to present PowerPoint slides or other programs on your computer, you can do wo with "Screen Presenting".

  1. In the Google Meet interface, click "Present Now"

  2. Choose the screen you wish to present with the recipients live.

The video below shows the perspective of student viewing teacher's lesson using OneNote.

Can my students see me?

Yes, when you are not on presenting mode. The webcam faces you, so students can see you. However, when you walk away from laptop, students can no longer see you.

If you want to demonstrate an action such as dance move or science set-up, place your laptop such that the web cam faces you.

Do I need a mic?

If you’re sitting near your laptop as you use OneNote, external mic is not necessary.

If you presenting ppt and walk around the class, yes. When you walk away from laptop during lesson, sound level also decrease because you’re further from laptop’s mic. With external mic, LOA kids can still hear as you walk in class.

Can I record the meeting?

If you are using ICON email: No, recording function is not available.

If your school has G Suite education acct (e.g, Google Meet accessed through that has the recording function. However, the G Suite admin for the school needs to allow that for the entire domain in the admin console.

Can students join the session halfway?

Yes. But he/she won't be able to view the earlier part he/she missed out.

However, if you are on "Present" mode, you will not be able to see the notification to "Admit" the student.

Teacher's Guide

Credits: Tan Ying Hwee (SGLDC FB Group)
Teachers' Guide to Using Google Meet for Live Streaming of Lessons.pptm.pdf

Google Meet with OneNote 2016

Credits: Alvin Mazon Tan (SGLDC FB Group)
Teachers Guide for Google meet and OneNote.pdf

Instructions for Students (Using Mobile Devices)

Guide below is by: Jen Goh (SG Learning Designers Circle FB Group)
Instructions to students to access Google Meet live lessons using smartphones.pdf

Instructions for students (using Chrome on Laptop)

Guide below is by: Jiaxin (ESPS)
Instructions for using Google Meet using chrome browser on laptop.pdf

Video Tips from YouTube

How to Use Google Meet - Detailed Tutorial

How to Use Google Meet (Kevin Stratvert)

A New Look for Google Meet Update Alert! (Apr 2021)

Using Google Meet inside Google Classroom