Google Drive

Tips for Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides

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Converting Microsoft Files to Google Drive Files

Information from

Google Drive makes it easy to store and access your files online in the cloud, allowing you to access them from any computer with an Internet connection. If you upload files from compatible programs like Microsoft Word or Excel, you can even edit them in Google Drive.

If you are uploading files you plan to edit online, you will need to convert them to Google Drive format. Converting allows you to edit a file and collaborate with others easily (Good for group work!) Only certain file types—like Microsoft Office files and PDF documents— can be converted to Google Drive formats.

Unfortunately, this conversion isn't always perfect. Depending on the level of formatting used in the original document, the converted document could turn out looking quite different.

How to convert your Microsoft Files to Google Drive Files

  1. Go to your Google Drive

  2. Click on the cogwheel icon (Settings)

  3. Tick "Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format.

Sharing Files and Folders on Google Drive

Information from with inputs from Gabriel Cheow (MFSS)

Google Drive is quite an exceptional tool. It lets you save various types of file in the cloud, and also share these files and folders with others. That means, you can easily collaborate with others using Drive.

However, Drive houses various types of files such as Docs, Forms, Spreadsheets, etc., and the way we share these files also varies. For instance, one would give editing permissions of a file to a friend, but you would think twice before giving it to an unknown person.

To make the sharing process a bit easier for you, here we present a detailed guide regarding Google Drive sharing process and its permissions.

  1. Share with Contacts - If the person is in your Google contacts, you can simply enter their name in the available option, and they will be notified via email. The method works for non-Google contacts as well if they are in your contacts list.

  2. Share via Link - Sometimes, we want to share a file with a person who isn’t on our contacts list such as the new client. In such situations, you can generate the link and then share that with others. Anyone with the link can have access to the shared file.

How to Share with Contacts

  1. Right-click the file you wish to share, and then click "Share"

  2. Key in the names or email addresses of the recipients. It is alright if the recipients are outside of ICON.

How to Share via Link

  1. Right-click the file you wish to share, and then click "Share"

  2. At the top right-hand of the pop-up, click "Get shareable link."

  3. If you are sharing the file with students, you will have to change the current setting.

  4. Click on "Anyone at Ministry of Education with the link can view." , go to "More..."

  5. Select "On - Anyone with the link", and save.

  6. Click on the "Copy link" button, and you can now paste it on WhatsApp or another document.

There are three types of permissions offered by Drive.

1. Can Edit

This permission is set by default when you share files with your contacts using the first method mentioned above. With this permission, others who have access to the files can edit them i.e. make changes to them. Also, a very important thing to note that they can also share the file with others.

In the case of folders, you will find ‘Can organize, add, & edit’ permission. That is, others can perform all the editing and organization tasks on the files present inside the folder such as add, edit, delete, and move files.

NOTE: When shared with non-Google contacts, the default permission is set to View only.

Use this permission when you want to collaborate with others and when you trust the people with whom you are sharing the files. For instance, if you are working on a college project with your friends

2. Can View

As obvious, with this permission, others won’t have the rights to edit any individual file. They can only open and view the files inside the folder and not make any changes to them. They also cannot share the files with others.

Use this when you only want others to view the data. For instance, it can be used for sharing a folder having pictures in it. That way others can easily view the pics without deleting or modifying them in any way.

NOTE: When you share folders with the view or edit permissions, the same applies to all files in it. But, if you want, you can change the permissions for individual files.

3. Can Comment

Available only for files, this permission is a modified version of Can View permission as it lets others add comments and suggestions. However, they cannot edit the file or share it with others. You can say it has more rights than Can View but less than Can Edit