Applied Learning Programme


Applied Learning Programme:

Future Ready Clementeens

Controlling the Star Wars BB8 sphero robot’s movements using an iPad. Designing interactive art works that bloom into a gorgeous array of LED lights upon sensing an approaching audience. Fun, imaginative and tapping into popular culture, these projects by our lower secondary students are part of the school’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP), COmputing to Discover and Empower (CODE).

Through weekly lessons, our ALP provides each Clementeen with early exposure to some basics of computer science and coding in interesting and fun-filled ways that ignite their motivation. Students can then go on to offer Computing as an O-level Applied Subject.

Besides developing logical thinking and problem solving skills through coding, our students also need skills like critical thinking, collaboration and communication to be ready for the future. Hence, in Secondary One, Clementeens embark on interdisciplinary Project Work (PW). The curriculum introduces our students to critical thinking tools which can be used in identifying problem statements, research and statistical skills, ways of working collaboratively with their peers including the use of online tools, and how to speak and present well.

CTSS has given me opportunities to explore the area of Computing. During the school’s Digital Applied Learning (DAL) programme, we learned about block coding and even used it to programme robots such as the BB8 sphero robot! Apart from that, I have gone on many learning journeys to companies such as Facebook and Microsoft to learn about the different kinds of computing related occupations. In Secondary 3, I participated in the Swift Accelerator Programme, organised by Apple, where I learned a new coding language, and created and published an app in 8 months.


It showed me that I could think of a lot of ideas and it trained me to be able to sieve through these ideas and pick the best. I enjoyed it because it gave me an opportunity to talk and speak about my opinions.