
Whiteboard.fi is what is says - it is an online whiteboard for individual students to work on. It is straightforward and easy to use.

Here are some ways it can be used:

-          Useful for any subject, especially those that require drawing of diagrams etc.

-          Useful for CLASS lessons or FT interaction as students can be free to express themselves

-          Useful for online/ HBL lessons as it shows students' work in real time

-          Students can access this using their mobile phones as well

-          Useful even in f2f lessons, where students can all participate and share their answers with the teacher

Here is an example of how students' work will appear on the teacher's screen. 

Watch this video to see how Whiteboard.fi can be used for a lesson. 

See how a teacher can use whiteboard.fi to support real-time learning with pacing through real-time learning dip sticking and give timely feedback