ThinkAchieve Course

ENME 1850

In this course I was put into a group of five members (the fifth member was not present in the photo below). Throughout the course we learned the basics of coming up with design for real-world applications. Included in the course were projects, requested by local clients, funded by the school. Each student picked their project in the order that was most convenient at the time. Therefore, we did not get to handpick partners and, with no prior knowledge of one another, it was up to fate who our groups would end up including.

My group ended up with dual-leveled table requested by the local School Spring Creek Elementary. The goal of the table was to have two levels. One lower level would accommodate young students who only had access via wheelchair, while the other higher level was for students not in need of a wheelchair. There were also the want of a versatile table that would accept multiple mounts or attachments via different holes we placed on the edges of the table. The umbrella was not asked for, or required, yet the team felt compelled to add it since we knew it would be exposed to the outside elements.

This project instilled the fundamentals of my career at UTC in getting out of my comfort zone and presenting when required to. The experience also taught me early on that I would have to learn to work with a variety of people in different ways of thinking and with different personalities. I was very pleased our hard work translated in tangible form and would indeed aid in the interactions of future children attending the Elementary school.

Front Entrance of the school

Here is a real image of the Elementary school where we spoke to our primary contact in connection with the UTC engineering department.

Real GPS location

Here is the actual Elementary school's location where the table was installed outdoors after completion of the project.


The team along with our fellow groups had an entire workshop on the first floor of the EMCS building to work on our project under the supervision of the university and its resources.


Here was what the final product looked like once it was installed on the Spring Creek Elementary property.