
Research Assistant Intern

During my final semester I had no prior internships to add to resume due to COVID and other obstacles preventing me from acquiring one at other companies. I was very excited to learn that I got accepted among five total interns to work for my boss and school professor Dr. Tantawi in the Engineering management department. At first I applied for a position more closely tied to the biomedical industry I was, and still am, interested in. It wasn't long after starting on January 18th, 2021 that I learned I would undergo a completely different area of study than I initially thought. Since I was a senior and a mechanical engineering student I got put to the task of researching, learning and teaching about the operation and programming of an ABB Yumi 14000 dual-arm robot as seen in the left image. I had very little to close to no exposure to real computer programming. And to make matters worse it was in a language I've never seen or heard of before. The main tasks that accompanied the robot was the implementation of its integrated vision system. In other words I had to teach the robot to "see" with the fitted cameras on its grippers or "hands".

Repair Work

There was a time I was tasked to analyze errors that the robot was producing on its controller screen. To fix this issue it involved me working with another professor in order to change the two batteries that were present in the robot. In order to aid whoever might replace the batteries in the future I also recorded videos and made highlighted images. Throughout my internship I made several tutorial videos for various tasks. The battery replacement process can be seen in the images below.

Design Work

Along with research, documentation, and programming, I was tasked at times to do design work and make the designs tangible by 3D printing them. Below you will see some examples of the designs I made for my boss. However, at the moment I am currently working on more so they will not be included in this portfolio.


Here is one of the four filters that would be used by the spectrometer telescope. There consisted of a blue, green, yellow, and white filter.


Here is one of the two lenses that would fit the spectrometer. There would also be two fasteners that could be attached.

Fusion 360 program

I used the 3D modeling software Fusion 360 to draw my designs.

Cura Program

The Cura software is used to prepare my drawn model to recognized and printed by the 3D printer.

Final product

My boss wanted the case to be mounted onto the top of the nearby desktop tower in the lab for ease of accessibility.

Robot plate attachment

My boss also would ask me to assist other professors in their work. Above is the model I was given to print for them and the robot they were working on.

Ender Printer

For all of my prints I used the Ender 3 printer that was accessible through my collaboration with the 3D printing Club under a different professor.

Other 3D Prints



The project I am currently working on is getting a COBOTTA robot to be able to dispense a liquid via a pipette and then take an image of the fluid to determine the contact angle. I am no where near its completion and the image you see to left above is a prototype. The look and function of the black grip seen on its lower button is not in its final stage and I will continue to complete it. The robot called COBOTTA is the image on the right above. I have yet to program the robot. That will come in the following week of me completing this portfolio. I anticipate many more projects to come, however the content must end here.