
I was involved in a variety of different organizations throughout my time at UTC. I was very happy and fortunate to have so many opportunities presented to me and, because of them, I will always have great memories that I will forever cherish. They may not be directly involved with my participation with the ThinkAchieve program, yet I included them so whoever reads this will have a better understanding of the person I am and how I aimed to embrace a variety of facets that UTC had to offer.

3D Printing Club

I was fortunate enough to join a organization that appealed to my interests under a professor I heavily respected. I gained a lot of hands-on experience with different 3D printers and had a lot of creative freedom when selecting what I could print. I originally started out as a member then quickly rose to the ranks of an executive position.


Thanks to a fellow Hispanic peer of mine I was fortunate enough to be a co-founder of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at UTC. There I met many in the same field of interest and with the same background. The chapter is continentally known and it can potentially lead to various opportunities.

UTC Amateur Brewing Club

Thanks to the efforts of a good friend of mine, also the President of the club, and the chemistry professor supporting him, the Amateur Brewing Club was able to be established at UTC. In this club I learned the basics behind making beer and wine from scratch. It was very chemistry and involved and I really enjoyed myself in learning a craft that's been around for generations. I was able to make my own beer out of star fruit with the aid of my president and as a club we all made elderberry wine as seen in the image above.

Rock Climbing Club

On my free time I enjoyed participating in boulder rock climbing on the walls provided at UTC's Aquatics and Recreation facility. I joined the club near the beginning of my arrival to UTC and never regretted it. I made good friends and I was able to participate in small competitions. I still try to be active and climb to this day. And I can definitely see myself continuing to grow my skills because I am still an amateur to say the least. Its challenging nature is why I enjoyed it so much. Anyone can physically see and feel improvement the more someone practices the sport.


I never expected for me to branch out as much as I did. But fortunately I met and made a great group of friends who started the Indian Student Association. I originally only knew about from a three friends who all had Asian-Indian backgrounds. Through them I met their entire friend group who had similar roots. I was the only non-Indian member yet they welcomed me very warmly.

UTC Men's Rugby Club

For a brief time I was a part of UTC's men's rugby club. It allowed me to stay active and yet not be under a strict schedule like that of the official school team. It was tough and definitely out of my comfort zone. I had previously never played the sport so I am happy I was able to experience it and meet the great people I did.