GoMath is the curriculum we use and it is divided up into 13 chapters. I start a new concept with a quick video that introduces a real-world scenario. Next I spend the remaining time working on practice problems or showing them a variety of ways to answer the question. Students are provided with a paperback workbook for each of the 13 chapters and each chapter has 8 or 9 lessons to complete with a checkpoint.   They will have two workbook pages to complete independently (in their groups). What they don’t complete in class may become their homework; however they will have time to complete it and ask questions in class. In addition to print materials, I also use the Think Central application to assign how-to videos for them, or any interactive activities for extra support on a challenging concept. The first chapter covers whole numbers and decimals. Multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting of decimals, prime factorization, least common multiple, and greatest common factors.

period 5