Dear Blue

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Disclaimer: The advice given to "Dear Blue" submissions is written by students channeling their inner Blue. Please remember, Blue and the writers are not professionals. While we will do our absolute best to help you, sometimes other intervention is necessary. Our advice is only suggested, so you don't need to feel obligated to take it.

Submitted on February 7, 2024

Dear Blue,

What should I do if I want to start getting into a sport of sorts but I'm scared and have no motivation? I need a hobby and I would like to meet some new people. I would also like to be more active. Please help! 

Curious Creature

Dear Curious Creature,

Sometimes high school can be an intimidating place to start something new.  You might feel scared because you do not want to feel judged by others. You might also feel scared because you feel people will be way better than you because they have been doing the sport or hobby for a long time.  

Take this advice from my older, wiser bird-brain.

You are never too late to start.  And, own it that you are new. Confidence goes a long way to make an experience better.

Go in knowing you are new, you might not know, you might not be the best, BUT you are going to do it.  You are going to make the best of it.  And you will learn something new.  And even if you give it a fair shot and decide not to continue, you can take it as a learning experience.

Submitted on January 26, 2024

Dear Blue,

Who is your favorite teacher at MHS? 🤔

Dear Feather Ruffler,

You wanted me to pick a favorite teacher!  (gasp)  How dare you put me in such a pickle.  I don’t want to ruffle any feathers.  I know everyone’s personality is different so students gravitate to different teachers.

I need to do some investigating before I can answer.  Is there a teacher that feeds bird-friendly food to the wildlife?  Or a teacher who likes to shake his or her tail feathers like I do at a pep rally or sporting event?  They might become my new favorite.  Until then, TBD.

Submitted on January 26, 2024

Dear Blue,

I'm very tempted to get several tattoos. But idk if I'm gonna end up regretting them, what should I do? 🤔

Dear Tempted Teen,

Tattoos and other body modifications shouldn’t be a spur of the moment decision. 

If it’s anything you even think you might regret, think on it more. 

How do your parents feel about tattoos, if you’re under eighteen? Would they be willing to sign off on it? How would they react? 

If you’re under eighteen, get your parents to take you somewhere and have them sign off on it. Back alley and DIY tattoos can be very dangerous, and there's a big chance you'll end up with something you don’t want/you think looks bad.

At the end of the day, here's what to think about:

Is there a possibility that I might regret this one day? Is this for me or for attention from others to show it off? Is this tattoo going to prevent me from future opportunities (“jobstoppers”)? Are my parents/adults going to be okay with this? Am I mentally prepared for this (have I had other body mods in the past)?

I don't think anyone would be able to see a tattoo with all my feathers, so I am glad I don't have to worry about this!

Submitted on January 26, 2024

Dear Blue,

Why doesn't Menasha have a weighted GPA? 🤔

Dear Wondering Wonderer,

While weighted grading systems can help acknowledge rigorous coursework and encourage student participation, some studies suggest that they can also create a highly competitive culture. In these environments, students may take coursework that does not support their interest or career pathway. As a result, studies suggest that students take on more stress and make a less informed decision about their future opportunities.  

Over the last decade, high schools have started to replace weighted grading scales with systems that reward all students for challenging themselves in their desired area of interest. For example, the UW College cum laude grading scale where all students who excel are honored. 

What’s best for Menasha High School students? Currently, our School Culture team is researching ways to motivate and reward student achievement. In the coming weeks, a student survey will be distributed amongst the entire student population. This survey will ask for student input on strategies that reward and motivate students. Results of the survey will assist in making changes where applicable and appropriate.

Hopefully MHS can always have the best way for all students to shake their tail feathers.