Pet Spotlight:
The Pets of
Haley Russom

April 26, 2024

 Image from: Haley Russom

Adalita (Lita), posing for the camera.

Everyone hears of the adored pets of their peers, or they might even have their own. Whether that be a cat, dog, or fish; pets are an appreciated part of everyday life.

Haley Russom, junior at MHS, knows this especially well, because she doesn't have just any pet—she has twelve. Her family of pets includes: Seven birds, three dogs, a horse, and a gecko. 

“Having pets can affect our life because we have to make sure all the pets are accounted for when planning events or trips,” Russom said. “We can't go out as often, and they require a lot of attention; especially since all of our birds are rescues.”

Her rescued birds are of three different species. They consist of an African Gray Parrot named Gichi, two Cockatiels named Cinna and Jack, a Military Mexican Macaw named Adalita, and three Cockatoos named Daisy, Abby, and Spirit. 

Though these pets receive efficient and loving care, Russom still enjoys poking fun at them. 

They do not know all of their ages due to them being rescues, but birds usually live much longer than many other pets. A couple birds whose ages are known are Daisy, who is between 24-26, and Gichi who is 27. Abby certainly beats them both in age in Russom’s mind, describing her age in a different sort of way. “Old, she probably came over on the Mayflower.” 

Image from: Haley Russom

Abby (middle) dressing fashionably with Daisy (left) and Spirit (right).

A few of these pets do fall under Russom’s sole responsibility, making an inevitably stronger bond with them than the others, and a little favoritism. “Angel and Biff (her horse) are definitely my favorites.

Though these pets receive efficient and loving care, Russom still enjoys poking fun at them. 

They do not know all of their ages due to them being rescues, but birds usually live much longer than many other pets. A couple birds whose ages are known are Daisy, who is between 24-26, and Gichi who is 27. Abby certainly beats them both in age in Russom’s mind, describing her age in a different sort of way. “Old, she probably came over on the Mayflower.” 

A few of these pets do fall under Russom’s sole responsibility, making an inevitably stronger bond with them than the others, and a little favoritism. “Angel and Biff (her horse) are definitely my favorites.

Image from: Haley Russom

Haley lovingly admires her horse, Biff.

Image from: Haley Russom

Vinny relaxing for some photography.

One of her pets is a crested gecko named Vinny, who also made the “favorites’ list“. 

“He is one of my favorites, because he is mine,” Russom said. 

She mentions his fairly simple care, consisting of having to be fed a couple times per week, as well as getting a clean tank weekly. He also has to be sprayed down with water daily. 

“I take him out to hang with him,” she said.  “He basically chills for the most part.”

Her horse is another one of her pets and favorites. He is a 4-year-old American Saddlebred named Biff, who participates in shows as his registered name Unhinged. He is boarded and trained at Lance Hayes Stables in Neenah.

“We bring him to shows, and he is a western pleasure horse. He eats two times a day, and is basically a big puppy,” she said. 

A special mention goes out to Russom’s recently passed dog, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Angel. 

The story behind getting Angel started with one of her other dogs, Huxley. They were originally going to have Huxley be Russom’s dog after a surgery she had. 

“Hux was supposed to be my dog,” she said, ”but he bonded to my mom.” 

What may have seemed like a mishap at the time turned out to be for the better.  Russom’s mom saw they had one dog left in the litter. If it was Angel, who was the one Russom originally wanted, her mom said they would get her.  Angel wis Huxley’s sibling.

Image from: Haley Russom

Angel outside on the grass and being silly.

“My grandma had passed…. I was close to her, and she collected angels,” Russom said. 

The dog left was indeed Angel and their inseparable bond started. 

Huxley, though bonded to her mom, enjoys wandering the sheets in her older age of 10.

Her other two dogs are Boxers named Auggie and Indee. Both of them are one and a half years old, and they aren't siblings despite being the same age. 

Even though they seem quite peaceful in this picture, the reality isn't quite the same. Russom commented something other dog owners might be able to relate to- “They’re lucky they are cute.”

Image from: Haley Russom

Huxley relaxing with some out stretched paws.

Image from: Haley Russom

Auggie (left) enjoys a snooze by the side of Indee (right).

These pets might be adorable and fun at times, but not everyone can handle the load of work they require. 

“Someone can have too many pets. To own pets you must have enough space, time, and love for an animal,” Russom said. Not everyone should have an animal, let alone as many as we do!

by Jordan McCarthy

April 26, 2024

The Jay's News Nest