Puppy Spotlight:
Meet Piper

March 21, 2024

Image from:  Katie Grabner

Piper is a service dog at Maplewood Middle School.

Everyone knows and loves Prada at Menasha High School— the incredible therapy dog that resides in the Student Services office with Lauren Schultz when on duty. Prada is there for whoever needs her. But, there is another dog around Menasha whose work is just as great. It’s Piper, the labrador and therapy dog of Maplewood Middle School. 

It is a coincidence that Piper ended up at Maplewood.  She was in the same class as Prada, so her name also begins with “P”.  

There similarities between her and Prada just keep coming, because the reason Piper went to Maplewood was because of an unfortunate health history as well.

She was trained to be a service dog for a person who was blind,” said Katie Grabner, whose home Piper occupies off-duty and a science teacher at Maplewood. “They thought she may have hip issues, so they didn't want to assign her to someone as a service dog.”

While Piper may have had a “ruff” start, she ended up where she is beloved just as much, thanks to Adam Baier, principal at MHS.

During Covid Piper was at Baier’s parents house because she did not have an assignment. Baier thought Maplewood would be a good placement for Piper and the ball started rolling.

Piper is now a service dog at Maplewood Middle School. Her handler at school is Cymone Cowling, counselor at Maplewood. Piper provides comfort and support for students in need.

But, Piper’s homelife with Grabner looks a little different than when Piper is at work. 

“Piper is a bit more animated at home.  She will not listen as well to directives when she is not working at school,” Grabner said. “She acts more like a ‘normal’ dog at home.”

Anyone who has a dog of their own knows the manner she’s speaking of - which usually includes some trouble mixed into her playful and sweetness.

Image from: Katie Grabner

Piper (middle) poses with her work handler, Cymone Cowling (left), and her home handler Katie Grubner (right).

Image from: Katie Grabner

Piper and her puppy sibling at home. 

At home, Piper likes to climb on furniture and rough-house with the Grabner’s puppy.  But she loves pets on the back and playing tug of war.  And her approximate 80 pounds loves to crawl onto people’s laps to sit there.  Piper loves attention.

Though Piper might have her unpleasantries, she can be serious too. Grabner can see why in Piper’s mind some of her ruckus is sweet.  For example, Piper has “offerings” she enjoys bringing people.

“She likes to bring people gifts like shoes and socks and gloves,” Grabner said. “She (also) eats the bird seed that has fallen to the ground under the bird feeder”

Though Piper is a fan of bringing treats, she is not a fan of “getting dressed”-- putting on her harness or gentle leader for walks.

Both Piper and Prada hold important roles in the Menasha School District.  They work hard, play hard, and many students are appreciative for the support.

by Jordan McCarthy

March 21, 2024

The Jay's News Nest