MPC 2019
Tuesday, December 24th, 6PM. Christmas Eve Service this year again featured the cutest Nativity pageant play by our most precious children. We will try something different next year.
Four Advent Sundays. We lit the Advent Candles one each Sunday: Purple Hope by Wedgewoods, Purple Peace by Rosenbergers, Pink Joy by Shorts, and Purple Love by Rayhills.
Monday, December 9th. The Westminster Guild had the annual Christmas party this year again, but in different location-Oak room at the Springmill State Park Inn.
Saturday, November 30th. Thanks to many people who came for the Hanging of the Greens, the church is now Christmas-ready.
Sunday, November 24th. The Harvest Dinner, celebrating the Thanksgiving Day was on the Sunday before the Thanksgiving Day.
Friday, October 4th - Saturday 5th. 3b is a programme for seniors to improve their body, brain, and Bible, sponsored by the Smock Grant.
Sunday, August 18th, 5PM. Parish Picnic was featured with the brand new grill. People enjoyed the good food and fellowship. Thankfully the weather was not too hot.
Wednesday, August 14th, 3PM. Finally our local mission is over. Pastor Je and the session members went to Hatfield Elementary School to present our gifts to them. Teachers appreciated being acknowledged.
Sunday, July 21st, 4PM. Samuel Jejun Lee's first birthday party was at the church fellowship hall. Many people from both churches came to bless and celebrate together.
Monday, July 8th. A few members visited Neff Family Pollinator Habitat in Salem. Mike Neff is our member. Bill Phiilips took some photos there.
Flower Photo Contest
Sunday, June 16th. The first annual flower photo contest officially ended on Sunday, June 16th. The winner of the adult entry is Karen Tolbert and the winner of the youth entry is Alexis Short. You can see all the photos in the contest at:
Adult Entry Photos:
Youth Entry Photos:
Saturday, May 4th, 7-10AM. Annual May Day Breakfast was hosted by the Mitchell Presbyteiran Church Men's Group. Many people came to help. It was for the fundraise for the church's local mission to help local teachers for the classroom supply. Kiwanis Club helped a lot this year for various ways.
Sunday, April 21st, 7:30AM. To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, both churches in the parish gathered together early in the morning of the Easter Sunday at MPC and had the Son-Rise Service, outdoor, watching the Sunrise. Mitchell deacons provided the wonderful breakfast.
Thursday, April 18th, 6:30PM. Mitchell Presbyterian Church hosted the Parish Maundy Thursday Service, which was the combination of worship, communion, fellowship, dinner, and also learning opportunity. Please see the flowers of the church taken on that day, as well as the photos of Maundy Thursday Service.
Saturday, April 13th, 2-3PM. Mitchell Presbyterian Church deacons hosted an Easter Youth Outreach. There were story telling, craft, game, and egg hunt.
Spring has come! And we can feel it, and we can see it. The beautiful flowers are surrounding us. Our beautiful church is also full of flowers. Here are some photos of the flowers in the church property.
Sunday, March 24th, Mitchell Presbyterian Church had quite unusual Communion experience upon the session's approval. Pastor Je led the Communion using the elements of doughnut holes, coffee and tea. It was to remind and emphasise that God is always with us no matter where we are, including our work places. Many people have doughnuts and coffee at work, and these elements were chosen as the reminders.
Missionaries' Presentation
Friday, March 22nd, 7PM, the missionaries, Revs. Elmarie & Scott Parker, to the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq) by the Presbyterian Church of USA visited the Presbyterian Parish of Lawrence County, and had their presentation at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. It was meaningful time of learning the good works of God being done through our money where there is huge need for it.
Tuesday before the Ash Wednesday, March 5th, both churches in the parish gathered together for pancakes before we refrain ourselves from good foods during the season of Lent.
Saturday after the Valentine's Day, February 16th, both churches in the parish gathered together to celebrate the love and to enjoy a good time. Deacons did an excellent job preparing everything. There was a Bible Quiz with awesome prizes.
Sunday, February 3rd: Every year on Super Bowl Sunday, we collect money to help our neighbours in the community. This year, all the money we raised went to the LIFE Pantry to feed people in our town.
Saturday, February 2nd at FPC Bedford: As a parish, we had a joint event with the First Presbyterian Church of Bedford at their church fellowship hall having the exotic and tasty Korean foods.
Saturday, January 26th, 1PM: Mitchell Cub Scout's annual Pinewood Derby racing was held at our church. It was fun to watch the race and the kids.
January 20th, 2019: Due to the severe winter storm and too much snow the night before, the Sunday morning Worship service was cancelled. The safety of our members always comes first. Pastor Je shovelled the half of the sidewalk in the morning.
We are having fun at MPC with good films on Sunday nights 6PM with free pop corns and drinks. Movie titles that we watched are Wonder (2017) on January 13th.
Welcome to Narnia! On Saturday, January 12th, we had the first snowfall in 2019 after long unseasonally warm weather. Please enjoy the photos of snow covered Mitchell Presbyterian Church, taken by pastor Je with the Camera provided by William Phillips.
Wednesday, January 9th: MAMA is the Mitchell Area Ministerial Association, in short, the gathering of the pastors and ministers in Mitchell Area. They discuss about the shared and common ministry in the community of Mitchell. Janet & Bill Phillips prepared wonderful breakfast for them.
Sunday, January 6th: Congregational Meeting was held with pitch-in lunch. And the guiding stars were distributed during the Sunday Morning Service.