Team Resources

As Milwaukee Public Schools continues to address discipline disproportionality district-wide, in alignment with the resolution with the Office for Civil Rights and the Five Priorities for Success, all schools must establish a team that meets monthly to conduct specific activities, conversations and next steps to address disproportionality, along with school climate and culture. This team should be your PBIS Tier 1 team. 

Any questions or concerns please contact Jon Jagemann (475-8645 or  

Table of Contents

Discipline Champion Networking

Additional Resources

Racial Equity Tools- glossary of terms

Tips for Facilitating Effective Group Discussions

Common racist attitudes and behaviors

Racism: what can I do?

UW-Milwaukee: reorganizing the professional culture to eliminate racial achievement gaps

Missouri Educational Systems and Instruction for Learning (MO EDU-SAIL) 

10 steps for establishing team norms (Center for Creative Leadership) 

The nature of adaptive leadership (video)

Articles on discipline

In-school suspensions the answer to school discipline? Not necessarily, experts say

Schools are sending kids to virtual classes as punishment. Advocates say that could violate rights

Chicago will limit when schools call police. Do changes go far enough?

A deeper look at the whole school approach to behavior

Student voice is the most important one in the school (ASCD)

Educators worry schools are botching student discipline reform

Culturally Responsive Problem Solving (CRPS):

Strategies to address bias within discipline disproportionality (Dr. Celeste Malone)

Researchers blast data analysis for teachers to help students

Disrupt your vulnerable decisions with these simple steps

MPS Culturally Responsive Problem Solving PD Modules Flyer

Multi Tiered Systems to Address Disproportionality

Dr. Celeste Malone presentation for WI DPI (Part 1) (Part 2)

MPS Anti Racist Multi-Tiered System of Support

Teaching Tolerance- Speak Up at School

Have you experienced during a team meeting someone has said something that makes you uncomfortable and you want to say something, but you aren't sure what to say. There is a guidebook created by Teaching Tolerance that offers tools and strategies to prepare you to speak up against prejudice, bias, and stereotypes in school. 

Speak Up at School Webinar

How to implement 'Speak Up at School'

Speak Up at School- introduction

Pocket Guide

Speak Up at School Guide (PDF)