Climate Equity Liaison

Updates & Role

All schools identify a Climate Equity Liaison to specifically support integration of Courageous Conversations about Race and best practice in interrupting bias and the role of race in our practices, systems, and structures of school climate. This position is an enhancement of the Discipline Champion from previous years (Discipline Champion will no longer be an identified position). This individual is expected to be a member of the school Tier 1 PBIS Team as well as trained in Courageous Conversations about Race.

A school’s identified Climate Equity Liaison should not be the school-based school psychologist or school social worker.


If you would like to receive updates on opportunities to engage in conversations about race within MPS please join our Why Race Matters in Discipline REMIND Group:  text @ae92hd to the number 81010

Follow us on Twitter at @bravespace4race 

This page will contain all messages to Climate Equity Liaisons. Please come visit often to ensure you are aware of the most recent announcements, resources, etc for schools. 

If at any time you need additional support or are looking for clarifcation, email Jon Jagemann, District Discipline Manager, at 

Culturally Responsive Problem Solving (CRPS):

Strategies to address bias within discipline disproportionality (Dr. Celeste Malone)

Researchers blast data analysis for teachers to help students

Disrupt your vulnerable decisions with these simple steps

MPS Culturally Responsive Problem Solving PD Modules Flyer

Multi Tiered Systems to Address Disproportionality

Dr. Celeste Malone presentation for WI DPI (Part 1) (Part 2)

MPS Anti Racist Multi-Tiered System of Support

Teaching Tolerance- Speak Up at School

Have you experienced during a team meeting someone has said something that makes you uncomfortable and you want to say something, but you aren't sure what to say. There is a guidebook created by Teaching Tolerance that offers tools and strategies to prepare you to speak up against prejudice, bias, and stereotypes in school. 

Speak Up at School Webinar

How to implement 'Speak Up at School'

Speak Up at School- introduction

Pocket Guide

Speak Up at School Guide (PDF)


Why Race Matters- articles, videos, podcasts, books (book discussion guides), activities and other resources to help engage in conversations around the role of race.

Classroom/School Climate Professional- modules, link to Google Classroom, list of LMS opportunities, and specific resources to support a positive classroom and school climate (new subpage with resources for virtual classroom climate)

Student Discipline Committee- expectations, updates, mini lessons on race and discipline, best practice and other resources to support Student Discipline Committees. 

MAPS (2019-2020 data)

2023-2024 Orientation Week

Supports for all staff members 

Content/PD to cover Orientation Week:


Overview of resources available

Select one or more of the "Six Best Practices to Address Discipline Disproportionality"

Additional Topics You Can Cover: