
Containing a variety of videos, Ted Talks, documentaries, podcasts, and books specifically looking at the role of race in education and society in general.  Asking 'why race matters?' 

Please take time and leave your thoughts below (bottom of page) to grow our district conversations about race.  Indicate what you watched/read,  where you found yourself on the Courageous Conversations Compass, and your overall thoughts. 


Ted Talks

Lucky zip codes

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

The danger of silence

How to teach kids to talk about taboo topics

How to have a voice and lean into conversations about race (Amanda Kemp Tedx Talk)

The danger of a single story (Chimananda Ngozi Adichie TED Talk)

Is my skin brown because I drank chocolate milk? Beverly Daniel Tatum- TEDX Talk

Racism has a cost for everyone (Heather McGhee Ted Talk)

Why microaggressions aren't so micro (TEDXYouth)

The lie that invented racism: John Biewen TED Talk

Color blind or color brave? Mellody Hobson TED Talk

What if white people led the charge to end racism? (Ted Talk- Nita Mosby Tyler)

How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time (Ted Talk- Baratunde Thurston)

Why black girls are targeted for punishments at school – and how to change that

How to let go of being a "good" person (Dolly Chugh)

Implicit Bias- how it effects us and how we push through (Melanie Funchess)

How to talk about race: Eric Deggans TEDX Talk

Why English Class is silencing students of color- Jamila Lyiscott TEDX Talk

Black self/ White world- lessons on internalized racism (TED Talk)

How to outsmart your own unconscious bias (Valerie Alexander- focuses more on gender)

We all have implicit biases. So what can we do about it? (Dushaw Hockett)

The little problem I had renting a house TED Talk

An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter

Help for kids the educational system ignores

The Muslim on the airplane

Eliminating Microaggressions- Tiffany Alvoid

What Beyonce taught me about race

"Race: Human" The un-science of race categories- Teja Arboleda

The urgency of intersectionality- Kimberle Crenshaw

America's Juvenile Injustice System- TED Talk Marsha Levick

Three myths about racism- Candis Watts Smith

How racism makes us sick- David R Williams

Racial Healing- Dr. Gail Christopher

Education or criminalization: the inferiority cycle- TED Talk Shalaya Minor

'RAPtivist' Aisha Fukushima

The Power of the Black Experience in the Classroom - Keith Mayes

PBS Wisconsin- Why Race Matters- video series

How to find common ground (various TED Talks)

How America's public schools keep kids in poverty

Removing labels- Dominique Goodmond

10 ways to have a better conversation

Why you think you're right- even when you're wrong

How can I have a positive racial identity? I'm White!

Michael Holding and Ebony Rainford-Brent speak passionately about ending institutionalized racism

TED Talk: The little problem I had renting a house

Janet Stovall- How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Antonio Valdes- challenging the bootstrap myth

Breaking down stereotypes using art and media

How to resolve racially stressful situations

Real Talk: mapping our identities throgh personal narrative (Diana Moreno)

How our identities are socially constructed (Florencia Escobedo Munoz)

What is equity and why do our children deserve it?

Let's stop talking about diversity and start working towards equity

Solving the achievement gap through equity, not equality

Allegories on race and racism- Camara Jones

Additional Topics

The Black Community's Mental health Treatment Crisis (Daily Show)

Study ranks Milwaukee worst city for African Americans

How housing redlining contributed to the racial wealth gap and segregation

Moving the race conversation forward

If these cells could talk (mini-film on the biological health effects of facing racial microaggressions)

Internalized racism

Black student voices: what we need from our schools

Stereotype Threat: a conversation with Claude Steele

Alicia Garza: co-founder of Black Lives Matter & 7 myths of Black Livess Matter

"Run for your life" - the marathoner who runs for his imprisoned father

Dr. DeGruy- Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver- Black hair

The racial wealth gap in America

Risha Talks: overcoming systemic racism in criminal justice

Redlining and racial covenants: Jim Crow of the North

The scorching words of Ravyn Wngz are an activism manifesto

Alysia Montano is the hero of this story

Top US general defends studying critical race theory "I want to understand"


Why Americans are so divided over teaching critical race theory

Amber Ruffin Show- Critical Race Theory

What is critical race theory and why are states banning it?

Creator of term Critical Race Theory Kimberle Crenshaw explains what it really is

Winona LaDuke on Redemption (story of the Pawnee Tribe returning to native land in Nebraska)

Kimberly Jones on difference between protesting, rioting, and looting

With Wisconsin disparities in mind, researchers and advocates reimagine health care for Black mothers

This is Equity (Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation)

Fighting systemic racism by eating healthy in a food desert

Black History Month: how new rules are limiting diversity education in schools

How the political debate on teaching race in schools is impacting students and educators

John Oliver addresses debate over teaching critical race theory in schools "very loud and very, very dumb"

Gloria Ladson-Billings: Critical Race Theory

Jon Stewart explains how white reckoning hasn't come close to addressing racial inequality in America

We can solve the racial wealth gap

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Environmental Racism

Daily Show: South African racism vs American racism

Rihanna- it's our problem, time to "pull up"

We must talk about race to fix economic inequality

American segregation, mapped at day and night

Understanding Black English Vernacular- a dialect born from conflict and creativity

Black Lives Matter at School

Being 12 Series- "what are you"


Movies/Documentaries/Mini Series

13th Documentary (Netflix)

When they See Us (Netflix mini series)

Love Them First (on Youtube)

PBS: The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

The Next Question (online show talking about racial justice)

Kalief Browder Story (Netflix mini series)

Whiteness Project (series of short films)

Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

Remembering Bronzeville 

United Shades of America (CNN Series)

One Night in Miami (Amazon Prime)

Growing Up Milwaukee (HBO Max)

Coded Bias (now on Netflix)

Humanize My Hoodie

Patriot Act (Netflix) episode “Why your public transportation sucks” (focuses on racial inequities in Milwaukee transportation) 

White Like Me (Time Wise) (or on Vialogues)

Weather Underground (available on Amazon Prime)

PBS NOVA S34E08: Percy Julian

Unnatural Causes.... is inequality making us sick? (7 part series)

Soul of a Nation (ABC)- a unique window into the realities of Black life

Colson Whitehead's Underground Railroad (Amazon Prime)

Disrupt & Dismantle (BET- exploring the inequalities Black communities face and actions need to be taken)

Frontline: Violence Interrupters

Homeroom (Hulu)

Reflecting on anti-bias education in action: the early years (guidebook)

My Name is Pauli Murray (Amazon Prime)

Civil War: Or, who do we think we are? (free on Peacock)

CBS Original Documentary: Debate over how and when race should be taught in schools

Jim Crow of the North (Twin Cities PBS Originals)

Hollywood's Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story

Purple America, we need to talk (20 minutes)

Blindspot (13 minutes)

Attica (2022 documentary)

Who We Are: A chronicle of racism in America

Our America: Lowballed (documentary on housing market and systemic racism)

High on the hog: How African American cuisine transformed America (Netflix)

The Making of Milwaukee

Far East Deep South (on Tubi)

Stamped from the Beginning (Netflix)

1619 Project (Hulu tv series)

I am not your Negro (James Baldwin documentary)- Available on Amazon Prime

Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehisi Coates) Available on HBO Max

Brooklyn Castle


Podcast Series

Code Switch

Show About Race

The Stoop

1619- 6 part podcast observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery.

Colorblind- Race across generations

White Lies (true crime podcast on the 1965 murder of a civil rights advocate in Selma, Alabama)

School Colors- a podcast about how race, class, and power shape American cities and schools

Miseducation (NY High School student personal stories about race in school)

Teaching While White

Silence is not an option (CNN- Don Lemon) 

We're having a moment (Baratunde Thurston)

Nice White Parents (This American Life)

The Tuff Juice Podcast with Caron Butler

Abolitionist Teaching Network (Dr. Bettina Love)

By Every Measure (88Nine Radio Milwaukee Podcast with Reggie Jackson)

How to Citizen with Baratunde

Teaching Tolerance (various podcasts)

53206 Podcast- podcast from a white couple that lives in 53206

Scene on Radio Season 4- the land that never has been yet

Scene on Radio Season 2- seeing white

Who We Are: a chronicle of Racism in America (additional resources)

Caught- mass incarceration starts young. These kids say the system changes them forever. 

Hear to Slay- Roxane Gay and Tressie McMillan interview Black women from across politics and pop culture

What matters: combines documentary narrative with interviews to create dialogue to promote collective liberation

Too dope teachers and a mic- exploration of race, gender and power in schools

There goes the neighborhood- a look into the gentriciation affect on cities

Racist sandwich- the role of race in food photography, chefs, and the food industry

Intersectionality matters- looking at intersectionality and critical race theory

The Reconstruction- conversations exploring systemic change in a time of great ferment

Higher Learning 

The Black Scholars Podcast- community for Black educators to discuss issues pertaining to Black educators

Tulsa's Buried Truth

Leading Equity- focuses on supporting educators with tools and resources towards equity in school

PBS Wisconsin- Why Race Matters

Momentum: A race forward podcast

Be Antiracist with Ibram X. Kendi

Teaching Hard History

Written Off (Apple Podcast) (Spotify) (Stitcher)

About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge

Blackberry Jams presented by Ben & Jerry's

Do The Work

Some of my best friends are............

Racially Just Schools

The Diversity Gap with Bethaney Wilkinson

Southlake- about the controversy around a video showing White students chanting the n-word at Black students

United States of Anxiety

From Woke to Work: The anti-racist journey

Yo, is this racist?

Decolonize yourself

The Black History Buff Podcast

Bright morning with Elena Aguilar (episodes February 7,2022  through March 28, 2022 focus on interrupting racism)

Unreformed: the story of the Alabama Industrial School for Negro Children

Black Like Me with Alex Gee

Black History Year

The Kids of Rutherford County- a Tennessee county was arresting and illegally jailing children

EmbraceRace- how kids actually learn about race

Individual Episodes

Ted Radio Hour: The Consequences of Racism

NPR Embedded: This is Not a Joke: how a school responds to racist extremism 

Cory Booker on White Supremacist Violence (Radio Atlantic Podcast)

How to Cover Racist Tweets (Radio Atlantic Podcast)

The Fight for Reparations (Radio Atlantic Podcast)

Mindshift: teaching 6-year-olds about privilege and power

Armchair Expert- Heather McGhee

NPR Thoroughline: American Police

NPR Thoroughline: Mass Incarceration

NPR Thoroughline: Milikin vs Bradley (school segregation and busing in Detroit)

Brene Brown with Ibram X. Kendi- how to be an antiracist

Brene Brown with Austin Channing Brown- I'm still Here: Black dignity in a world made for Whiteness

How racism is trauma (In the Open podcast)

Armchair Expert- Ibram X. Kendi

Why I'm no longer talking to White people about race

How white parents can talk to their kids about race

How police violence could impact the health of Black infants

Isabel Wilkerson (author of Caste) on Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin

Before Kaepernick, John Carlos Raised His Fist in 1968 

Code Switch: A tale of two school districts

PBIS Assessment: Expert Instruction Episode 6: Implicit Bias

Sporkful: Other People's Food (6 episodes) examining the cultural appropriation of food by White culture

The Ezra Klein Show- Heather McGhee- what drained pool politics costs America 

Colorblind: Unconscious bias

Teaching While White: Racial Identity for White People with Dr. Janet Helms

The mind of the village: understanding our implict biases

The Experiment: Inventing 'Hispanic'

Ten Percent Happier- How good people fight bias

Ten Percent Happier- See through unconscious bias

A Kids Book About Podcast: Jordan talks about systemic racism

A Kids Book About Podcast: Jelani talks about racism

TED Talks Daily- the difference between being "not racist" and antiracist- Ibram X. Kendi

NPR Life Kit: microaggressions are a big deal: how to talk them out and when to walk away

Teaching History Her Way Podcast: Anti-racist education with Ashley Lipscomb

NPR: racist history of American news media

Work Life with Adam Grant: building an anti-racist workplace

Racist bias in crime reporting

Making villains and the "problem" woman of color in the workplace

California Institute of Integral Studies- Dr. DeGruy & Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

Diversity Gap Academy- Bethaney Wilkinson upacks important topics related to organization culture and diversity

Armchair Expert with Dorothy Brown- The Whiteness of Wealth

Work Life with Adam Grant: how to bust bias at work

On Our Watch: Perceived Threat

The Sporkful: What McDonald's can tell us about Black America

Marriage & Martinis: Social Justice Parenting with Dr. Traci Baxley

Mindshift- Down with Toxic Positivity! For teachers and students, healing isn't blind optimism

ACLU Podcast: At Liberty- Kimberle Crenshaw on teaching the truth about race in America

ACLU Podcast: At Liberty- Criminalizing Schoolkids

ACLU Podcast: At Liberty- America's Criminalization of Blackness

WYPR All Things Considered: Heather McGhee's The Sum of Us: gauging the social costs of racism

Teaching Hard History: Creating Brave Spaces- reckoning with race in the classroom 

The Mind of the Village: understanding our implicit biases

ASCD: 3 things your Black and Brown students desperately wish you understood about teaching them

Code Switch: What about your friends?

Racial history of American swimming pools

Ready to Learn: Richard Milner- Putting Race, Equity, and Justice at the Center of Teaching

Teach Lab: Rich Milner- start where you are, but don't stay there

Cultural Humility Podcast: Racial Microaggressions and Political Correctness

Microaggressions are a big deal: how to talk them out and when to walk away

This American Life: the problem we all life with (Part One) -- (Part Two)

WBUR: Antiracist scholar Ibram X Kendi on race relations in 2022: "In many ways, we're still in 1962."

Justice in America: school to prison pipeline

This American Life: Talking while Black

This American Life: Three Miles 

The North  Star with Shaun King: White people are effectively banning their own discomfort all over the country.

Racially Just Schools: Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline and nexus

This American Life: School's out forever

This American Life: is this working?

Founding Critical Race Theory (with Kimberle Crenshaw)

United States of Anxiety- The Dangerous Cycle of Fear (on Anti-Asian violent crime)

An Interview with Reggie Jackson (53206 Cast)

Work Life: how to change your workplace

The Tom Schimmer Podcast: Gholdy Muhammad

The Tom Schimmer Podcast: Zaretta Hammond

Code Switch- what does it mean to inherit whiteness

Corporate landlords profit from segregation, at cost of Black homeownership and wealth

Elena Aguilar- why we need affinity spaces

PBS Why Race Matters: The School-To-Prison Pipeline

Expert Instruction (PBIS Apps)- Vulnerable Decision Points

Expert Instruction (PBIS Apps)- Neutralizing Vulnerable Decision Points

Mindshift: Gholdy Muhammad- How centering joy can make learning more relevant

"The promise of Whiteness: its past and its future"

Country Music's Race Problem

 Bettina Love explains how policy ended a "glorious" era in Black education

Historical markers dedicated to Milwaukee's Fair Housing Marches to be erected acros city

WTF does race have to do with taxes? 

How white people benefit from racism with Tracie McMillan

Sporkful: In Search of Rosa Parks' Pancakes

BAM Radio SuperSpeaks podcast

Cult of Pedagogy Podcast with Jennifer Gonzalez

Throughline by NPR episodes on race

Leading Equity



Pushout: the criminalization of Black girls in schools

Dr. Bettina Love: We want to do more than survive

Bettina Love- Punished for Dreaming

Ibram X. Kendi- How to be an antiracist

Educating Milwaukee

So you want to talk about race

Mediocre: the dangerous legacy of White male America

Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?

White Fragility

Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Teaching & Learning

Courageous Conversations about Race

"These kids are out of control"

Learning while black

Culturally responsive teaching and the brain

A Kid's Book About Racism

31 children's books to support conversations on race, racism, and resistance 

10 young adult books that tackle racism

18 children's books to prompt and further conversations on race

Why I'm no longer talking to White people about race

EmbraceRace book list

The 57 Bus: A true story of two teenagers and the crime that changed their lives

Teaching for Black Lives

Activities related to Teaching for Black Lives

Responsive Reads (culturally authentic texts)

The Whiteness of Wealth- Dorothy Brown

Racism in America: A Reader (free PDF book)

Confessions from your token Black colleague: true stories & candid conversations about equity & inclusion in the workplace

The Black Friend: on being a better White person