
Containing a variety of articles specifically looking at the role of race in education and society in general.  Asking 'why race matters?' After reading the article you are encouraged to reflect on which quadrant of the Courageous Conversations Compass you find yourself and why. If you are able to read articles in a small or large group, have individuals discuss where they find themselves on the Compass and why. Please take time and leave your thoughts below (bottom of page) to grow our district conversations about race.  Include article read, quadrant of Courageous Conversations Compass and your thoughts. 


Locked out of the classroom: how implicit bias contributes to disparities in school discipline

Students of color with disabilities are being pushed into the school-to-prison pipeline, study finds

Biased Discipline at My School

Putting a Definition Back in Defiance

Discipline Disproportionality Myths & Facts

How school suspensions push black students behind (The Atlantic)

Teachers of all races are more likely to punish black students

One school district is fighting decades of 'punishment culture' 

UK schools have targeted black children for generations

Years of reform efforts contribute to declining African-American suspension rates

From preschool to prison: the criminialization of Black girls

Austin schools suspend Black students nearly 5 times as often as White students

Black students say they are being penalized for their hair, and experts say every student is worse off because of it

A teenager didn't do her online schoolwork. So a judge sent her to juvenile detenion

The inanity of Zoom School Suspensions

Black kids are way more likely to be punished in school than White kids, study finds (Vox)

A Colorado school suspended a 12-year-old Black boy and called the police to his home after he waved a toy gun during virutal class

Illinois school under fire for using Black faces to represent "out of control" and White faces to portray "ready to learn"

How schools are 'spirit murdering' Black and Brown students (Bettina Love) (PDF)

Teaching isn't about managing behavior (On Atlantic)

How the pandemic has altered school discipline- perhaps forever

Tennessee discipline bill raises concerns about potential bias against Black or disabled students

Building the school to justice pipeline

When school dress codes discriminate

A new report shows how racism and bias deny Black girls their childhoods

Pre-school to prison: the criminalization of Black girls 

Texas 11-year old suspended for wearing his hair in braids

A 4-year old child is not a problem. And expulsion is not a solution. 

Schools are sending kids to virtual classes as punishment. Advocates say that could violate rights.

The family fougt a West Side school's ban on Black hair styles- and now Illinois could ban hair discrimination 

Why, really, are so many Black kids suspended? No, it's not because they misbehave more

'Dads on duty' prove parent-led initiatives are effective alternatives to police in schools

Proviso West High School security guard charged after video shows apparent attack

New documents prove Tennessee County disproportionately jails Black children, and it's getting worse

In a California Desert, Sheriff's Deputies Settle Schoolyard Disputes. Black Teens Bear the Brunt.

Tiny wrists in cuffs: how police use force against children

School safety concerns push Black and Latinx parents to homeschool their kids

Black girls are fighting back against discriminatory school dress codes

MPS data shows disproportionate number of Black student suspensions

Black students in Illinois are far more likely to be ticketed by police for school behavior than white students

The price kids pay: schools and police punish students with costly tickets for minor misbehavior

How changing schools' culture of discipline paves the way for inclusivity

Dallas sees positive results in first year of discipline reform

How does student-teacher matching affect suspensions for students of color?

From slavery to school discipline

We know suspensions & expulsions are bad for preschoolers. What are some alternatives?

Black girls are 4.19 times more likely to get suspended than white girls 

For Black boys, tweenhood coincides with criminalization

Black, Hispanic students blocked from class for missing class

Black students don't need your 'tough love.' They need compassion. 

Handcuffs in hallways: hundreds of elementary students arrested at U.S. schools

Police in schools have outsize effect on Black children

How Black families can fight for fair discipline in school

Black students feel less welcome at schools with excessive suspensions

Breaking the school-to-prison cycle for kids with disabilities

We analyzed over 3.5 million written teacher comments about students and found racial bias

New data: over 100 elementary-aged children arrested in U.S. schools

Fed up Black moms take on the School to Prison Pipeline

Trauma-informed approaches to discipline matter for equityable and safe schooling

Schools say dress codes promote discipline. But many Black students see traces of racism

How adversity impacts the disproportionate suspensions of Black and Indigenous students

Why Race Matters in Education

How choosing a school made me realise my daughter is not white

Police killings traumatize high school students and hurt academic performance

When SEL is used as another form of policing

Race, power, and minority parent participation

How discrimination shapes parent-teacher communication

Don't let online education turn into the next crisis that hits people of color hardest

The weaponization of Whiteness in schools

Confronting the weaponization of Whiteness in classrooms

I was a racist teacher and I didn't even know it

14 disturbing stats about racial inequality in American public schools

'I was embarrassed.' Oklahoma teacher placed on leave after being triggered by Black boy wearing 'Black King' shirt

How public schools fail to recognize Black prodigies

Lawsuit challening N.Y. City schools segregation targets gifted programs

Dismantling systemic racism in schools: 8 big ideas

How systemic racism infiltrates education

Dear educators, it is time to fight for Asian America

Teaching a new generation about history of racist ideas

To understand structural racism, look to our schools

Why Black teachers walk away from teaching

Why won't society let Black girls be children? 

Mock slave auctions, racist lessons: how U.S. history class often traumatizes, dehumanizes Black students

What we know about the cirtical race theory controversy, impact on education

States want to prevent schools from telling the truth about racism in America. Here's what educators can do about it. 

Why the academic achievement gap is a racist idea

Homeroom: I'm concerned about wokeness at my child's school

If only there were a viral video of our Jim Crow education system

ProPublica: Miseducation (variuos education metrics by race)

4 ways racial inequity harms American schoolchildren 

Making space for tough talks in class

Ten examples from Black students that reveal a pattern of racism at elite high schools

As states place new limits on class discussions of race, research suggests they benefit students

American schools are failing to equip studenst with racial literacy- and we've seen firsthand how it happens

Unlearning: Kindness, Color Blindness and Racism

I wanted to teach differently than I had been taught. How some Texas educators practice anti-racist teaching

Students of color deserve to see themselves in their school curriculum

A framework for conversations about race in schools (featuring Glenn Singleton)

NYC to eliminate 'gifted' test in overhaul of segregated program

Utah mom concerned over teacher's "slavery" game

A NY school district has apoligized for a middle school Spanish assignment that some parents are calling racist

I lead classroom conversations about race. But I need more help. 

Black, Latino students disproportionately taught by inexperienced, uncertified teachers, new research shows

There's no equity in education without truth-telling, ethnic studies and antiracist curriculum

5 reasons instructional materials matter for equity

Children are not colorblind: how young children learn about race

What happens to middle school kids when you teach them about slavery? Here's a vivid example. 

How to make your equity policy a reality

Putting the spotlight on racial disparity in speech therapy

Ask or aks? How linguistic prejudice perpetuates inequality 

Reading diverse and inclusive books teaches children empathy, experts say

'Give the children the poems and stories of their own people' 

It's a culture war that's totally out of control: the authors whose books are being banned in US schools

Ignoring racism in schools actually increases prejudice

Lynching is now a federal crime. Good luck teaching kids why.

I was constantly bullied being a Black student in one of Indiana's whitest districts

The teacher trying to add 'black joy' into lessons

A campus more colorful than reality: beware the college brochure

Student Voice: there's something missing from my advanced placement classes, and that needs to change

This Harlem teacher shares her love of literature and how she's promoting diverse authors

Children's books need to watch their (skin) tone

National Education Data: K-12 enrollment more racially diverse compated to a decade ago

U.S. schools are not racially integrated, despite decades of effort

Fighting for Our Lives: preparing teachers to teach African American students

Saint Paul Public Schools unanimously supports smudging in classrooms

Hechinger Report: To counter educator bias, we need more Black teachers in our classrooms

Few Black men become school psychologists. Here's why that matters.

The First A.P. African American Studies class is coming this fall

Wisconsin schools are not meeting state mandate on Native American education

'Too Black, too white:' studens of color in northeast Wisconsin often navigate multiple cultural worlds

How a Colorado school district changed its reading curriculum to better reflect students

Race in college admissions is back in front of the Supreme Court. Here's what to know

Is racism in the U.S. getting worse? Study shows minority children experiencing more discrimination 

We must support the teachers who will be in charge of expanding Native history lessons

Schools can't afford to lose any more Black male educators

The Black male teacher shortage won't change until America learns to 'love Black boys'

Solving the Black male educator shortage

White teachers often talk about Black students in racially coded ways

While white students get specialists, struggling Black and Latino readers often get left on their own

School Board openings are an opportunity for equity

Cracking the code on STEM success for Black and Brown students

Why nearly half of Black students have considered stopping college

I've been code-switching since kindergarten

How segregated schools led Black deaf students to develop their own form of American Sign Language

Autism now more common among Black, Hispanic kids in the U.S.

Black teacher sues district over students' racist behavior, lack of discipline

How music education in America is deeply rooted in anti-Blackness

These teachers are ensuring school is a fun, safe space for Black children

What we know about teacher race and outcomes

Stop talking about gaps in education, talk about harm

Are recommendation letters a form of discrimination?

First Civil Rights data since COVID reveals racial divide in advanced classes

Department of Ed data confirms what we already knew about the education of Black and Brown kids

America Erased

Survey: Teens divided on teaching race, gender identity- like their parents

Diversity in Wisconsin's high schools and the future of DEI in higher education

Beyond February: building Black futures all year, not just for 'history' month

Racism in schools: a long-standing legacy of cultural assimilation

Things are gonna get easier: refusing schooling as a site of Black suffering

Wisconsin will now require Asian American history to be taught in schools

Schools are more segregated than 30 years ago. But how much? 

Report: state by state, how segregation legally continues 7 decades post Brown

This map lets you see how school segregation has changed in your hometown

Brown devastated the Black teaching force. It's long past time to fix that.

Expansion of Asian American Studies fueled by racist attacks and activism

Antiracist Education

10 things every white teacher should know when talking about race

What Black Educators Built

Were all your teachers white? I've often been the only one who looks like my students

Dr. Bettina Love: "we're teaching Black kids survival tactics rather than how to thrive."

Here are concrete actions White people can take to fight racial injustice

How Ibram X Kendi's definition of antiracism applies to schools

Anti-racist work in schools: Are you in it for the long haul?

What antiracist teacher do differently? (The Atlantic)

All students need anti-racism education

Advice for the newly woke White teachers on teaching Black children

How White educators can approach antiracist work

6 ways to be an antiracist educator

Why we need antiracist education system

5 disturbing signs that you might not be an antiracist after all

Anti-racist curriculum: how to talk to your kids about Black History

Teachers, we cannot go back to the way things were (Bettina Love)

An essay for teachers who understand racism is real (Bettina Love)

6 things anti-racist educators want grown-ups to know about teaching and raising kids

Fighting systemic racism in K-12 education: helping allies move from the keyboard to the school board

The false promise of anti-racism books

Do conversations about race belong in the classroom?

Learning, reflecting and taking action to integrate anti-racism into our teaching

A guide to equity and antiracism for educators

How to build an antiracist workplace

Educate to liberate: build an anti-racist classroom

An antiracist roadmap for discussing tough topics in class

6 things White kids say about race that parents should call out

What it means to be antiracist (VOX)

Companies are speaking out against racism, but here's what it really looks like to lead an anti-racist organization

Yes, America is racist. No, you shouldn't teach my kids if you disagree.

No, you should not be teaching Black children if you reject anti-racism

For this group of Milwaukee school psychologists, the fight against racism starts with their own biases

How to teach about racism, without guilt or shame

Caring for Black girlhood in the classroom

What's missing from the discourse about anti-racist teaching

How to lay the groundwork for antibias and antiracist teaching

Here's what it really looks like to lead an anti-racist organization

English teachers must be anti-racist, national group says

How a school district got caught in a Virginia's political maelstrom

Welcoming Afghan School Children: how Milwaukee educators are helping refugees transition to a new life

Education advocates say the best way to address racial bias in standardized testing is to eliminate the tests completely

Schools can't address racism until they acknowledge how they got to this point

Let's reflect, what do we mean when we say inclusion? 

More than a month: for my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. James

It never seems to be a good time to talk about teachers' racism

Principal Kafele on developing an equity mindset

How to train an antiracist teachers

How this national teacher of the year dives into history lessons about race and oppression

What do classroom conversations about race, identity and history really look like? 

First-ever study of Mexican-American school desegregation finds marksed gains for Chicano students

Student Voice: Here's why my high school and others must address anti-Asian racism

Navigating responses to racism in your school community

Schools must do more to support Black students

Adults have power. Students don't. Cleveland schools aim bias lessons at staff. 

Stop measuring Black kids with a white stick: how to make school assessments fairer for all. 

4 tips for school leaders starting DEI work

Schools must do a better job teaching anti-racism

When local schools fail Black kids, our groups provide support, love and hope

The unintended consequences of Brown v. Board: a 'brain drain' of Black educators

This teacher keeps an empty chair in his classroom. Here's why other schools are doing the same. 

Why schools' going back to 'normal' won't work for students of color

How to change the story about students of color

Research: math teachers in virtual classes deem girls & Black students as less capable

NAACP targets a new civil rights issue- reading

Disparities in advanced math and science skills begin by kindergarten

Culturally Responsive Teaching favors depth over breadth

He teachers, please remain alert to racial prejudice and discrimination 

The mis-education of Black students: teaching the truth in a time of oppression

Is it 'woke' to teach kindness? With teachers' hands tied, racism flourishes in classrooms

Racism's cool again

Inclusion, equity, and honors classes in name only

Black community college enrollment is plummeting. How to get those students back.

A husband and wife reimagine fairy tales with Black children in mind

10-year-old's stand on racism stuns Oregon City Council meeting

An age-by-age guide to talking to kids about race

Plenty of Black college students want to be teachers, but something keeps derailing them

Racial gaps in math have grown. A school tried closing theirs by teaching all kids the same classes. 

How school choice left Black children with scraps for their education

Making assessments more equitable for multilingual learners

Celebrate linguistic diversity in your classroom

A classroom where everyone feels welcome

Study: weighing high school context could be the key to college diversity

5 strategies to help Black students feel at home in school

Pittsburgh Public Schools will change math instruction to be more equitable

How Black female teachers enrich science with anti-racism

A new student made me rethink my classroom culture - and the ways it marginalizes students

This California school district made a difference on Black students' scores

How colleges seek to increase diversity without relying on race in admissions

As states limit Black history lessons, Philly gets it right, researchers says

I'm a Black mom raising an Afro-Latina kid- these are 8 books I read to her during Black History month

Anti-racist, culturally responsive French immersion: listening to racialized students is an important step towards equitable education

In Florida, children now need permission slips to hear Black people talk? Parent is outraged

New study: two-thirds of teachers censor themselves even when they don't have to

Teacher explains equity, tells students why they can't be treated equally

Bettina Love: "if we can engineer inequality, we can engineer equality"

Education reform as social justice: the legacy of Washington's Ramona Edelin

To engage students in math, educators try connecting it to their culture

6 strategies for addressing hate speech and microaggressions in classrooms

Race Inequality/Racial Equity

Beyond random acts of equity

The value of interracial facilitation of racial equity training

Equity vs Equality

Five charts that will change the way you think about racial inequality

How to be an antiracist educator

How to be an antiracist (From the Guardian)

The problem with the equity vs equality graphic

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity through Mindfulness

Why some people live where they do, in segregated metropolitan Milwaukee

Milwaukee neighborhoods slid after factory jobs vanished

Milwaukee's staggering black-white economic divide

Report: Metro Milwaukee's Black students are the most hypersegregated in the nation

The problem with that new equity vs. equality cartoon you're sharing

How not to be an ally: a list of rules for anti-racist advocacy

Race in the heartland: Wisconsin's extreme racial disparity

Faces of Power: 80% are White, even as U.S. becomes more diverse

A Black couple had a White friend show their home and its appraisal rose by nearly half a million dollars

3 practices to promote equity in the classroom 

Journal Sentinel: fresh data documents the impact that race and income have on health of Wisconsin residents

Students in majority Black schools had been 9 months behind their White peers. Now, the gap is a full 12 months.

Black unemployment jumps to more than double the shrinking White jobless rate in December

The worst cities for Black Americans

Pandemic, protests, cause racism to resonate as a public health issue

Pew Research Center: views of racial inequality

12 charts show how racial disparities persist across wealth, health, education and beyond

How inequitable policies shape Milwaukee's homicide rate

What happens after your town declares racism a public health crisis?

Why the racial wealth gap is so hard to close

America's infrastructure is a crisis of inequity

Corporate landlords profit from segregation, at cost of Black homeownership and wealth

Racism displaced Chicago-area Black families. This man wants to pay tribute to them. 

From data to action: Addressing racial disparities in Milwaukee's traffic fatalities

Interactive map: inside U.S. School segregation by race & class

The trust about anti-white discrimination 

These are the worst cities for Black Americans to live in


Black girls are viewed as less innocent than white girls starting at age 5: study

Mizzour Athletics Bias in Marketing

Richard Sherman: 'Thug' is accepted way of calling someone N-word

Don't talk about implicit bias without talking about structural racism

Headlines bias comparing Meghan Markle to Kate Middleton

White hero, sidekick of color: why Marvel needs to break the cycle

Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn't usually change minds

Mindful Reflection Protocol: A process for checking unconscious bias

Mindfulness and transforming bias

You're more racist than you think: how mental biases perpetuate racism and how to fix them (Forbes)

White and female teachers show racial bias in evaluating second grade writing

Checking yourself for bias in the classroom 

5 keys to challenging implicit bias

Trayvon Martin and implicit bias

Can we overcome racial bias? 'Biased' author says to start by acknowledging it

American Educator magazine: Confronting Bias in Schools

Teacher bias: the elephant in the classroom

New study finds black teens face racial discrimination 5 times a day on average

Black girls are viewed as less innocent than White girls start at age 5: study

How mindfulness can help you break your unconscious biases

Four ways teachers can reduce implicit bias

All teachers should be trained to overcome their hidden biases

A Q&A with social psychologist Jack Glaser on racial bias and policing

To overcome unconscious bias, you must recognize that it's deeply ingrained in your brain

Principals show bias in response to Black parents, new study shows

Cognitive Biases: what they are and how they affect people

Teachers are people too: examining the racial bias of teachers compared to other American adults

4 ways to fight bias in grading

CBS, Al Jazeera criticized for 'Explicit Bias' in reporting on Ukraine Invasion

We need to talk about why we still see CEOs as white men (and how to challenge that)

Study: Black girls viewed as less innocent than whites

This is the difference between racism and racial bias

Unconscious bias training is 'nonsense,' says Civil Rights stalwart Colin Prescod

Black patients dress up and modify speech to reduce bias, California survey shows

Disrupt your vulnerable decisions with these simple solutions

When it comes to double standards for Black women, Angel Reese is the tip of the iceberg

Canva faces backlash for listing Black hairstyle as an 'unsafe' search result

AI is biased. The White House is working with hackers to try to fix that

Systemic Racism

How ZIP Codes Determine the Quality of a Child's Education

What's lost when black children are socialized into a white world (The Atlantic)

Living White Black Headlines (Baratunde Thurston)

Milwaukee County declares racism a public health crisis

Inside the most incarcerated zip code in the country

The battle to be: how internalized racism impacts people of color in America

The BMI scale is racist and useless. Here's how to measure health instead. 

Is this the beginning of the end of American racism? (The Atlantic)

Black homeowners face discrimination in appraisals 

Black newborns 3 times more likely to die when looked after by White doctors

Black Milwaukeeans are generally worse off today than 50 years ago

What happens when Milwaukee 53206 residents can't go where the jobs are

Health problems take root in a West Baltimore neighborhood that is sick of neglect

Systemic Racism in healthcare

Millions of Black people affected by racial bias in health care algorithms

A broken parole process: data shows widened racial bias (New York State)

Ibram X Kendi: How racism relies on arbitrary hierarchies

How has media perpetuated racism when covering the Black community?

Discussing anti-Asian history and its societal effects today

10 signs of institutionalized racism

Systemic racism explained: four dimensions of racism and how to be part of the solution

What is systemic racism? Here's what it means and how you can help dismantle it

11 terms you should know to better understand structural racism

A look at housing inequality and racism in  the U.S.

What is systemic racism? Here's what it means and how you can help dismantle it

Systemic racism explained: four dimensions of racism and how to be part of the solution

Why a colorblind approach to economic policy doesn't work in closing the racial wealth gap

Kentucky mom exposes Walmart for pricing Black doll higher than the same White version

Understanding environmental racism and its affect on Black Americans

Where State Farm sees 'a lot of fraud' Black customers see discrimination

Why Black neighborhoods are valued less than other neighborhoods

Black grads aren't making bad decisions about student loan debt

This is environmental racism (Washington Post)

We can't achieve racial justice without obtaining housing justice

Black couple sues after they say home valuation rises nearly $300,000 when shown by a white colleague

Segregation by design

Black Milwaukee residents significantly more likely to experience police stop and frisk report says

How structural racism plays a role in lowering credit scores

Systemic Racism black Americans face explained in 9 charts

I was given a house for free- but it already belonged to someone else

Racism, not a lack of assimilation, is the real problem facing Latinos in America

158 resources to understand racism in America

Black couple win discrimination case after their house value was lowballed

Crosley Green returning to prison years after Florida murder conviction was overturned

Reconnecting Milwaukee- a bikeable study of opportunity, equity and connectivity

Robin Voss is wrong: systemic racism is the problem, not DEI

How Chicagoans try to bridge the city's deep, persistent segregation

Black children are drowning. Race and poverty should not be barriers to swim lessons.

Segregation academies show us the ugly side of vouchers

Historical Context

We need to talk about slavery's impact on all of us

6 myths about the history of Black people in America

Honoring the unforgivable: the horrific acts behind the names on America's infamous monuments

The false narrative of the post-racial America!

Milwaukee has long history of protests

If we're going to tackle systemic racism, we need to rethink how we teach history

The rich history of African American activism in Wisconsin (Reggie Jackson)

Reggie Jackson: Explaining about the persistence of racism in America

Racially restrictive covenants: the making of all-White suburbs in Milwaukee County (UW-M)

Redlining, racial covenants, and suburbia: How Milwaukee became a hyper-segregated city

How White people got made

Post traumatic slave syndrome is a racist idea

This Supreme Court case made school district lines a tool for segregation

A brief history of how racism shaped interstate highways

The player who nearly integrated baseball in 1905

You can't tell the story of 1776 without talking about race and slavery

Jim Crow in the United States: a brief guide to the racial segregation laws

How Plessy v. Ferguson turned dissent into a badge of honor

What we really lose when highways destroy historic neighborhoods

It's time to dismantle America's residential caste system

The racist history of America's interstate highway boom

Why Paul WIlliams, Hollywood's most proligic Black architect, drew upside down

The forgotten history of segregated swimming pools and amusement parks

Black skin was a death warrant- how the East St. Louis race massacre was an omen for racial violence to come

A reminder of what human beings can be capable of: a journey to the sites of America's forgotten race massacres

Racial reckoning turns focus to roadside historical markers

The historical legacy of Watch Night

How Black Americans used portraits and family photographs to defy stereotypes

400 years since slavery: a timeline of American history

A second look at the blue-eyes, brown-eyes experiment that taught third-graders about racism

Dear America: we have heard your whitewashed version of history. It is time you hear the truth.

The whole US is southern. How our troubled racial history went national.

America's long history of Black voter suppression

The tragic story behind Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit"

Redlining: the racist history behind racial wealth gap

The long history of racism against Asian Americans in the U.S.

The racist history of Senate confirmation hearings that started when a Jewish person was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1916

Amazon's union's Chris Smalls is part of the legacy of Black labor organizing

Legacy of Jim Crow still affects funding for public schools

Every generation of Black Americans has had a Rodney King moment

The first Decoration Day (Memorial Day)

The Juneteenth Flag, explained

What is redlining and how can it be solved?

'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?' The history of Frederick Douglass' searing Independence Day Oration

The long, ongoing debate over 'all men are created equal'

Historical foundations of race

'Land rich, cash poor'- how Black Americans lost some of the most desirable land in the U.S.

Important moments in Black LGBTQ+ history

Here's one reason why America's racial wealth gap persists across generations

Gen Z Historian Kahil Greene uses TikTok to combat whitewashed depictions of Black History

Slavery remembrance day should be on all our calendars

In 2 U.S. cities haunted by race massacres, facing the past is painful and divisive

Airbnb announces ban on slave cabin rentals // Airbnb examines racial inequality on its platform

Meet Wall Street's first Black millionaire who turned opportunity to fortune

The Black history of mapping racism in the United States

Black history is American history. We must face facts, face fears and face forward

Freedom, justice, brotherhood, equality: the lasting lessons of Milwaukee's Freedom School boycotts

How white people stole affirmative action - and ensured its demise

When did slavery really end in the U.S.? The complicated history of Juneteenth 

The story we've been told about Juneteenth is wrong

Juneteenth, Jim Crow and a Black family who fought for freedom

Juneteenth, the newest federal holiday, is gaining awareness

They marched for desegregation- then they disappeared for 45 days

Relative of Oscarville resident shares history behind the city underneath Lake Lanier

Don't tread on me: the interesting history of an iconic American flag

Native trive to get back land 160 years after largest mass hangind in US history

200 days of tension: former NAACP youth council commando remembers fair housing marches

The history and impact of Wisconsin's only school integration program

The untold stroy of the Black pilgrims of Plymouth Colony

14 vintage photos show what life was like in the historic neighborhood during the Harlem Renaissance

A New Orleans neighborhood confronts the racist legacy of a toxic stretch of highway

The grim history of Christmas for Enslaved People in the Deep South

What was Christmas like for Slaves in America?

1619 Project creator has been attacked for revealing heartbreaking truths. Listen to her

What does Watch Night mean for Black Americans Today? It dates back to the Emanicipation Proclamation

Bettina Love examines the impact of education policies on Black students and what we can do next

70 years after Brown vs Board of Education, public schools still segregated

The price of being first: effort to rename Brown vs Board reveals family's pain

The Black history that isn't taught: historians share lesser known moments in U.S. racial history

The little known history of Black History Month

Black history/white lies: the 10 biggest myths about the Civil Rights Movement

Black History/ white lies: 5 ways Black people built America

History should have done better by Claudette Colvin

These timelapses show Milwaukee transforming over 70 years, from Bronzeville to American Family Field

Auer Avenue honors eugenics champion

I hated history until I learned about Shirley Chisholm

The legacy of Vel Phillips continues to inspire generations of women leaders

For nearly 50 years, only Black men caddied The Masters. One day, they all but vanished.

The untold stories behind Brown v. Board

American Slavery wasn't just a white man's business - new research shows how white women profited too

40 acres and a lie


White Fragility- Robin DiAngelo

What happened when my school started to dismantly White supremacy culture

Why talk about Whiteness

White Supremacy once meant David Duke and the Klan. Now it refers to much more. 

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (Peggy McIntosh)

Detour-Spotting for White antiracists (Joan Olsson)

Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture (from Dismantling Racism by Jones and Okun)

This equity picture is actually White Supremacy at work

The Classrical Roots of White Supremacy

The unbearable Whiteness of being in food media right now (and what we can do to change it)

Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people

White people are still raised to be racially illiterate. If we don't recognize the system, our inaction will uphold it. 

Paying attention to White culture and privilege: a missing link to advancing racial equity

What if being called a "Racist" is the beginning, not the end, of the Conversation? Learning what it really means to be a White teacher

I joke about my husband's White Privilege. Until it wasn't funny.

Why White people think we are are better than everyone else. It's not intentional, but we do.

6 things white kids say about race that parents should call out now (article and short video)

Breaking up with white supremacy was always the end game

10 reasons White people don't want to talk about racism

White nationalism isn't only immoral, it's suicide for America

How to avoid becoming a white savior

NYTimes: White Fragility is everywhere but does antiracism training work?

Equality feels like oppression to White people, and we know why

Straight White Male: the lowest difficulty setting there is

What happens when White people become the minority in America?

Why is whitewashing still happening in comics?

If you rise, I fall: equality is prevented by the misperception that it harms advantaged groups

I taught my 4th grade class about white privilege and their response was eye opening

How whiteness was invented and fashioned in Britain's colonial age of expansion

Calling in our white male colleagues

White men reimagined

What white people pretend not to understand about racism

We're watching white anxiety turn into violent rage

LSU's Angel Reese and other Black Women are Held to Unfair Standards in Public

This 1st grader's hairstyle represents his native american roots. His school isn't having it. 

Claudine Gay, white outrage and the myth of the 'diversity hire'

How white supremacy became a part of American culture

Using Your Privilige/Allyship

My White friend asked me on Facebook to explain White Privilege. I decided to be honest.

This is a WE Thing

Olive Garden customer loudly demanded a nonblack server- and the manager complied / Employee, 16, to file lawsuit after customer requested white server

Community rallies to support Cedarburg family who says they received racist letter

Here's how you can be unintentionally racist- and how allies can recover

Speak up against hateful rhetoric

Check yourself: why self-reflecting on privilege matters

Of smog and moving walkways: understanding prejudice, privilege and racism

This is what White privilege looks like at your workplace

Why it's important to think about privilege- and why it's hard

Explaining White privilege to a broke White person

Got internalized White superiority? The danger of denial and the promise of another way

103 things White people can do for racial justice

How to talk to White family members and friends who just don't understand their privilege

12 ways to be a White ally to Black people

George Takei on standing up to racism, then and now

How to respond when someone makes a racist comment

Ally or co-conspirator? What it means to act #insolidarity

5 ways to start being a better ally for your Black coworkers

How to help the fight against systemic racism

It turns out, all those 'woke' White allies were lying

When to call someone out or call them in over racist behavior

Use your everyday privilege to help others

Ally & Accomplice: Two sides of the same coin

Allyship- the key to unlocking the power of diversity

Standing against racism

Responding to a racist joke

A guide to how you can support marginized communities

Be warned: for influences, social justice is no more than a branding device

Racelighting and inauthentic allyship: how to recognize it, and how to change it

Privileged people oppose even 'win-win' pro-equality policies

Poll revelas white Americans see an increase in discrimination against other white people and less against other racial groups

Talking about Race

Talking about race in mostly white schools

Nothing to add: a challenge to White silence in racial discussions

Why food belongs in our discussions of race

First Encounters with Racism (as told by youth)

I can't find any common ground with racists (Reggie Jackson)

Ibram X Kendi- why White America is still shocked by White Supremacy

'A harsh wake-up' here's how White people can broach difficult conversations about race

The 10 R's of talking about race: how to have meaningful conversations

Conversation Guide: Talking about Race, Racism, Care and Caregiving (from Caring Across Generations)

Tone policing (with infographic)

Running from race in our minds

Talking about racism, racial equity and racial healing with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors

What to do instead of saying 'I don't see race'

We need a new language for talking about race

Please stop referring to me as a person of color. I am Black. 

Talking about racial inequality at work is difficult- here are tips to do it thoughtfully

Distinctions in White audience associations of 'Black' and 'African American' labels

We need to talk about racial justice issues at work. Here's how.

BIPOC or POC? Equity or Equality? The debate over language

AP: Why we will lowercase white

No, you really shouldn't capitilze the w in white

Seeing Black written with a capital b means more than you think it does

If first-graders are old enough to use racial slurs, they're not 'too young' to learn about racism

How teens are using online platforms to cal out racism in high school 

What's wrong with saying you "don't see color"?

How to talk to young kids about racism and racial bias

Race and Physical/Mental Health & SEL

This is what racial trauma does to the body and brain

Your Black colleagues may look like they're okay, chances are they're not

SEL as another form of policing

How social media helps and hurts when it comes to Black exhaustion

Study ranks Milwaukee worst for African-American well-being

The future of healing: shifting from trauma informed care to healing centered engagement

This med student wrote the book on diagnosing disease on darker skin

CASEL- SEL as a lever for equity & excellence

CASEL- Advancing SEL as a level for equity and excellence- emerging insights

Why we can't afford whitewashed Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Why SEL alone isn't enough

Three SEL skills you need to discuss race in classrooms

Why trauma informed approaches help advance racial equity

Social Emotional Learning or 'White Supremacy with a Hug'? 

How people of color can experience grief differently than white people

Disproportionality and race equity in child welfare

Black children continue to be disproportionately represented in foster care

What is the link between racism and mental health?

Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional-Learning: hot to get there

Why are more Black kids suicidal? A search for answers.

New national poll: Americans split on whether schools should teach current-day racism

A study links facing discrimination at a young age with future mental health issues

Racial minorities are less likely to receive CPR when they need it

What happened after Los Angeles schools cut police funds and hired mental health staff for Black students

Cancer facts & figures for African American/ Black People 2022-2024

Heath disparities by race and ethnicity

What happens when kids learn that racism can't be overcome

Celeste Malone: culturally responsive mental health care

Targeted menthol cigarette ads helped led to high Black usage. Should they be banned?

Racism is related to memory loss and can worsen cognition

Are pulse oximeters ultimately harmful to Black medical patients?

The dangerous impace of racial trauma on the Black Community

How I'm breaking the stigma of mental health in the Black community

Overcoming racial battle fatigue: how Black people can minimize race-induced stress

When watching footage of police brutality begets trauma

MRIs show racism and poverty may alter brain development of Black children

The Affordable Care Act has significantly reduced racial disparities in health care access

High blood pressure plagues Black Americans. Combined with COVID, it's catastrophic

What is racial battle fatigue? A school psychologist explains

Why is it important for Black people to heal from racial trauma?

Wisconsin's Black infants have some of the country's highest mortality rates. These solutions could help. 

Black residents in rural Alabama demand sanitation equity, saying 'it's a right'

The racism Black kids endure is spiraling into a health crisis

As conservatives target schools, LGBTQ+ kids and students of color feel less safe

You so Black: the internalized hatred of my students

Kids of color get worse health care across the board in the U.S., research finds

How weathering affects Black people's health


Say it with me: Racism

Kareem Abdul Jabbar: 'go out and make friends with somebody that doesn't look like you'

Teaching While White foundational texts

COLORLINES articles (various)

Hollywood: there's so much more to black lives than police brutality

Message received: all lives don't matter

How to respond to "riots never solve anything!"

The lies White people tell ourselves and how they haunt Milwaukee today

How to make this moment the turning point for real change (By Barack Obama)

How long will this go on? The driving force behind my righteous anger

Why tobacco is a racial justice issue

The sneaky language today's politicians use to get away with racism and sexism

Ahmaud Arbery Shooting: latest case of overuse of 'unarmed Black man'

Intersectionality Wars

11 ways race isn't real 

The police departments with the biggest racial disparities in arrests and killings

Banning White Supremacy Isn't Censorship, It's Accountability

A message to America: Black people are not broken and we don't need fixing, you do (Reggie Jackson)

Zeddie Quitman Hyler: the first Black man to move to Wauwatosa

I'm an angry Black woman. This is what I want White people to know

How to beat stereotypes by seeing people as individuals

Inside a battle over race, class and power at Smith College

Claudette Colvin: the woman who refused to give up her bus seat- nine months before Rosa Parks

A pedagogy for Black people: why naming race matters

Opinion: antiracist math education adds up to better results for students

Racelighting (a form of gaslighting)

Our kids are not broken

Is healing from racism possible?

How zero-sum thinking abour race hurts all Americans (a conversation with Heather McGhee)

Why we need more close interracial friendships (and why we're bad at them)

The journey from 'Colored' to 'Minorities' to 'People of Color'

4 little things you can do to be anti-racist as a family

Moving beyond diversity toward racial equity

What's the difference between race and ethnicity?

After COVID-19 school dismissals, let's stop pathologizing boys of color

The history of tensions- and solidarity- between Black and Asian American communities

Months after TikTok apologized to Black creators, many say little has changed

Am I racist? You may not like the answer

Report to the United Nations on racial disparities in the U.S. crimincal justice system

Companies are speaking out against racism, but here's what it really looks like to lead an anti-racist organization

Belonging: a conversation about equity, diversity and inclusion

Phrases you didn't know were racist

Psychiatry confronts its racist past, and tries to make amends

Too soon gone: how the life and music of DMX tell a tragically familiar story for Black men

Maybe America is just racist

You cannot divorce race from immigration, Jose Antonio Vargas

Hollywood's anti-Black bias costs it $10 billion a year

Some Black parents say remote learning gives racism reprieve

Extensive data shows punishing reach of racism for Black boys

Tracing the African Diaspora in Food

How whitewashed is TikTok? Let Kahlil Green break it down for you

When students ask why they haven't seen cicadas, we need to talk about environmental racism

Since when have trees existed only for rich Americans?

How does a Black person know if a White person is racist?

The myth of colorblindess- Dr. Rosa Isiah

Evidence of discrimination and bias in effectiveness ratings assigned to Wisconsin Educators of Color

"We've found the enemy, and it's not each other." Heather McGhee's quest to end America's zero-sum thinking on race

Down with toxic positivity! For teachers and students, healing isn't blind optimism

So much modern slang is AAVE. Here's how language appropriation erases the influence of Black culture

The pandemic forced kids to learn at home. Now more Black families are home-schooling by choice and avoiding 'unnecessary racism' at the same time.

In Minneapolis schools, white families are asked to help do the integrating

Being Black in education: where is the system going wrong?

Want to create a more diverse teacher workforce? Start with the dedicated professionals already working in schools

Why more Black families are homeschooling their children

With Wisconsin disparities in mind, researchers and advocates reimagine health care for Black mothers

What Covid taught us about racism- and what we need to do now

The "angry Black woman" stereotype at work

A private swim club was accused of racial segregation- then, it disappeared from the internet

LAUSD program helping Black students achieve personal, academic goals

5 ways to approach racial equity at work

It's going to take more than school board statements to make education more equitable

Racism thrives in the online dating world

3 ways Black workers say their white colleagues and managers can support them

Neighborhoods where Milwaukee isn't segregated

How Sterling Brown and the Milwaukee Bucks got the NBA to listen to its players

Living near racists can literally make you sick

The double whammy of immigration and race for Black migrants in the U.S. and abroad

Black owned bookstores safeguard our history as racists try to ban it

2020 census undercounted Latinos, Native Americans and Black Americans at high rates

For Black Americans, experiences of racial discrimination vary by eduation level, gender

The impact of voter suppression on communities of color

State officials as residents of a small, predominantly Black town to forfeit their city charter or face takeover

CROWN Act is the bill we need to end discrimination against Black natural hair

Outrage. And Hope.

Anti-Asian racism never stopped being an outgrowth of U.S. Imperialism

Despite their credential, Black women are often asked to prove themselves and Ketanji Brown Jackson is no anomaly

Ketanji Brown Jackson's long pause explained racism and sexism in America

Black women are uniquely burdened by student debt, report finds

Affirmative Action benefits white women most

For-profit university allegedly targeting Black women in enrollment scheme

Seeing Black written with a capital B means more than you think it does

Asians feel least included in the workplace out of all racial groups, new report says

68 years after Brown, schools still highly segregated: 4 takeaways from study

The question we have to start asking after Walmart's Juneteenth mess

A Black restaurateur puts himself front and center in handling racist guests

Grocery stores are a hotbed of racism and hate crimes, data shows

Code-switching may be a survival strategy but 'culture coding' can be a superpower

A Jim Crow law was designed to disenfranchise Blacks. A court just upheld it. 

Who counts as Black in voting maps? Some GOP state officials want that narrowed

I thought being nice would shield me from racism at work- I was wrong

Paying a Premium- race and life insurance

We're done with performative 'inclusion.' Here's how employers can actually create change. 

Equity builder or racial barrier: debate rages over role of 8th grade algebra 

New study finds Black women's hair 2.5 times more likely to be seen as unprofessional

Angel Reese and why we don't go high anymore

I moved to the US from Kenya. I never fully realized I was Black until I had a son

Does the NBA have a colorism issue? Twitter starts a conversation about current draft class

Should Black America still celebrate July 4th or Juneteenth only?

The phenomenon of hair-salon "deserts" and how it impacts Black women

James Bond novels to be reissued with racial references removed

The diversity of the top 50 Fortune 500 CEOs over time

Study finds anti-Black bias among white Americans is rooted in perceived threat, not dislike

Here's an idea: let's celebrate Black hairstyles on Black people too

Why would you want to call your children that? Emotional caller rails against 'Black' as a racial label, Joy Reid offers compelling counter

Racial disparities in voter turnout have grown since Supreme Court ruling

US changes how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity. It's the first revision in 27 years

Scraping away generations of forgetting: my fight to honour the Africans buried on St. Helena

St. Helena urged to return remains of 325 formerly enslaved people to Africa

Chess masters: these young Black men ain't no rook-ies

The worst states for Black Americans: every state ranked

Racism plays a part in Algonquin pool's closure. It should been a priority for summer.

Next U.S. Census will have new boxes for 'Middle Eastern or North African,' 'Latino'

The forgotten racial history of Red Lobster

Critical Race Theory/ Teaching about Race/DEI

Why are states banning critical race theory?

Critical race theory hysteria overshadows the importance of teaching kids about racism

Critical Race Theory and the new 'Massive Resistance'

Opponents of critical race theory don't even know what it is

Schools face fears of 'Critical Race Theory' as they scale up Social Emotional Learning

Critical race theory panic is largely about white parents holding on to mythologies

What the critical race theory panic was really about

Critical race theory debate is a distraction from the real issue- making schools places where children can truly be themselves

Unfounded outrage over Critical Race Theory risks social emotional learning

Chicago Defender: here's what you need to know about Critical Race Theory

Here's what you need to know about Critical Race Theory

Why are states banning critical race theory?

13 questions for those who want to ban 'Critical Race Theory'

The White students didn't feel guilty. 

Georgia Senate passes bill limiting discussion of race in schools

Opponents of Mississippi's anti-Critical Race Theory law fear whitewashing of history

White anxiety redefined: the psychic wages of disfiguring the meaning of Critical Race Theory

How a diverse coalition in a red state shut down anti-CRT legislation

Shielding a culture of racism: why anti-CRT legislation should really be called "White Comfort Bills" instead

Why do young whites kill out of hate? Schools aren't teaching nation's racist past.

The real danger of the right-wing attacks on antiracist education

The Critical Race Theory explainer every white person should read

Conservatives are desperate for a new and scary-sounding term to justify their opposition to racial equity

Why critical race theory should inform schools

Why is Critical Race Theory so threatening to white people?

Why the narrative that critical race theory 'makes white kids feel guilty' is a lie

Children must learn the truth about racism and help our country move forward

How to respond to community concerns about critical race theory 

Temecula students protest district ban on Critical Reace Theory

Report: 1.3M teachers, 100,000 professors now under 'educational gag orders'

What changed after a California school district banned teaching critical race theory?

America is under under attack: inside the anti-DEI crusade

What is DEI and why is it dividing America?

For Black college athletes, this is the bus boycott of our era

Alabama Govenor Kay Ivey signs sweeping law that prohibits diversity, equity, and inclusion at public schools and universities

High school teacher and students sue over Arkansas' ban on critical race theory

Colleges exploit Black athletes for March Madness. It's time to boycott anti-DEI universities

I've worked in DEI for a decade- it won't survive beyond 2025

Backlash against DEI spreads to more states