Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and school-building closure, many of our Milton High School students are going above and beyond in their classes and their community. The students below have been nominated by MHS Staff members for their dedication, perseverance and service. Students are recognized via e-blast by Mr. Jette, and their spotlight narratives are archived below.

Student Spotlight - June 22, 2020 Edition

Bailey Dolgon

Bailey has been engaged in remote learning from the very beginning. She is an active member of class meetings and is always prepared with thoughtful questions about the material. Even when we are not meeting as a class, she is commenting on assignments and putting effort into her learning and working to improve her math skills. Nominated by Ms. Meunier

Samantha Baum

Samantha has continued to volunteer at the Milton Food Pantry, several times a week, and organized a neighborhood donation program where she picks up food for the pantry. All done quietly and consistently. Nominated by Mr. Mills

Isabella Goonan

Ella has worked diligently throughout the year and her effort has continued throughout these unprecedented times. She thoughtfully completes assignments and when we meet in Google classroom, Ella is always upbeat, and prepared with questions and commentary on the assignments. Ella is an outstanding freshman at MHS. Nominated by Ms. Kelley

William Scannell

With his galvanizing energy, positivity, and leadership, William Scannell has managed to keep the school's club newspaper alive during a pandemic. Will has gone above and beyond, serving as a beacon of hope and a motivator for staff writers and remaining calm and realistic with newspaper assignments and deadlines. Not only has he fulfilled his responsibilities as editor-in-chief for the newspaper, but he devoted several days -- in the midst of AP exam preparation -- to laying out the recent newspaper, which will be shared with the Milton community. Nominated by Mr. Young

Stella Yuan

Stella Yuan in honors chemistry has been a consistent, hardworking student both before and during remote learning. She consistently is present at Google Meet sessions, she helps other students with work/questions, and she always has a positive attitude with both an appreciation and an eagerness to learn! Keep up the hard work Stella! Nominated by Ms. Redding

Sophia Roth

Lok Ye Young

Mia Gilmore

These three freshman have been volunteering their time to their community during the pandemic. From making bagged lunches for the homeless to sewing and distributing masks to medical professionals, Sophia, Lok Ye and Mia have gone above and beyond and represent the spirit on MHS Students! Nominated by Mr. Stoodt

Shaina Lasoff

Shaina has been a reliable and conscientious student since school's closure. She has completed all assignments on time and with care and has attended all class meetings. She even attends them when she doesn't have questions so that she can help explain how to do certain example problems and check in and ask how everyone is doing. I am impressed with Shaina's consistent work ethic and organization during this time as well as her genuine concern for others. Nominated by Ms. Menuier

Olivia Ketler

Olivia has done a fantastic job of keeping up with the challenges of independent remote learning. She pays careful attention to detail and she is prompt with her assignments. Olivia has had a great attitude throughout this process; she checks in frequently and gives her best effort! I'm so proud of you, Olivia! Nominated by Ms. Craven

Sam McLaughlin

I am so impressed by Sam's effort throughout the remote learning experience! He has done very well with keeping up with his math assignments. His work has been thorough and timely, and I look forward to his continued hard work! Great job, Sam! Nominated by Ms. Craven

Kate Possi

Kate has been relentless in her preparation for the AP Calculus Exam. Since March 16th, Kate has completed all assigned work. Additionally, she show up at all Virtual Office Hours to ask specific questions and to practice more problems. Her work ethic was not affected whatsoever by the remote learning model. I hope she earns the grade she deserves on her AP Exam. Regardless, her efforts are highly commendable. Mr. McCready

Calidore Robinson

Cal has been a student I can count on in class and now remotely. His work and efforts have remained outstanding. Cal comes to my google meets on time and ready to learn. He asks good questions during our meetings and always adds to our discussions. I am so proud of Cal and his hard work. He is a true role model for his peers. Nominated by Ms. Masciarelli

Vivian Kwong

Vivian has consistently done all her work both before and during distance learning. She is always the first to complete each assignment. She dedicated herself to preparing for the AP exam. During the preparation she asked great questions, utilized all resources, and stayed positive through this whole process. Nominated by Ms. Jarboe

Jonathan Truong

Jonathan has demonstrated a complete understanding of Computer Science. He has demonstrated so much growth over the last year. It is clear that he has put in a lot of work and he has been determined to get a deep understanding of Java.He has worked hard both before and during remote learning. Nominated by Ms. Jarboe

Bjonnce Morris

Bjonnce has made it clear during this remote learning that she wants to have a clear understanding of Statistics. She was the first person in class to start every assignment. When she had a question she would send videos or emails describing questions she had. She always did her work with a positive attitude. She made the best out of this difficult situation especially as a senior missing out on so many senior experiences. She has demonstrated a strong understanding of Statistics. Nominated by Ms. Jarboe

Emily Gallagher

Emily has been very on top of her work during all of remote learning and really seems eager to continue math. She comes to office hours and asks insightful questions so I can tell she is thinking deeply about the topics we are covering. Nominated by Ms. Ritten

Will DeGregorio

Throughout the remote learning period, Will has gone above and beyond to complete all of his work to the best of his ability, and has done a great job communicating through technology. In addition to our class assignments, Will has also taken this time to dive further into his interest in science by reading "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking and learning about Astrophysics, a topic he is passionate about. Nice job, Will! Nominated by Ms. Pieciak

Student Spotlight - May 11, 2020 Edition

Keaton Stirling

Several of my students like Keaton have really stepped up over the past several weeks by completing all assignments and have been present in nearly all class meetings/discussions. These students have been maintaining a high level of effort and dedication throughout this challenging time. In addition, they have been using weekly reflections to share their thoughts and their activities including baking, picking up new hobbies, reapplying themselves to old hobbies, and continuing to enrich themselves and their families through various activities. Nominated by Mr. Midura

Hannah Andrews

Hannah has continued to show dedication to her math studies despite not being physically in school. She has stayed on top of all assignments and attended all extra help sessions to ask great questions that help her and her peers dig deeper into the math. She checks in frequently and her commitment to her education shows! Keep up the great work, Hannah! Nominated by Ms. Craven

Skyler DaSilva

Skyler is always on top of her work in Engineering 1. She is willing to try anything that is asked of her, and thinks deeply about assignments. Skyler always wants to improve and do better, and always follows up on feedback given. In particular, I love how Skyler doesn't just wait until a project is submitted to see what I suggest. She asks for feedback in the middle of a project so that she can consistently show her strongest work. She really is an example of a student striving to be her best. Nominated by Mrs. Greene

Caroline Gannon

Caroline Gannon in honors chemistry has been consistently present at our Google meet sessions. She is very positive and is a risk-taker, asking questions and digging deep to understand the concepts. Keep up the hard work Caroline! Nominated by Ms. Redding

Emma Bears

Emma has been an outstanding worker, having turned in every single assignment from the day that we left on time, and accurately done. Excellent discipline all things considered! Nominated by Mr. Borde

Aidan Coombs

Aidan has shown incredibly impressive work ethic throughout our remote learning period. He tunes in to every extra help session, both with Ms. Craven and Mr. Jordan. He is a leader in the sessions and asks fantastic questions. He regularly works to correct old work, and seeks feedback on assignments. We are so proud of how invested he has been in keeping up with the math content! Nice work, Aidan! Nominated by Ms. Craven

Last Friday, May 8th, Graham, Chloe and Luke dropped off over 2,000 masks to Milton Department of Public Health. They created The 7.15 FUND a few weeks ago and fundraised from their peers using social media. Over 90% of funds raised were from their classmates giving just $7.15 each. Very few parents were involved. They only expected to raise enough for one box ($715 per box) but in a few short days raised enough for 3 boxes. New Balance matched them a box so a total of 4 boxes were delivered. Keep up the great work!

Graham O'Donnell

Luke Calcagno

Chloe McCarthy

Student Spotlight - May 1, 2020 Edition

Emma Weeber

Emma has always been a strong student who works hard in Chemistry, but she has really gone above and beyond in both taking part in Google Meet Hangouts and in completing the work, which has been consistent and of excellent quality. Nominated by Ms. Redding

Jordan Goddard-Brown

Jordan has really shined during this time of remote learning. He has been on top of all his work since the start and has put in effort on each assignment by showing his work, asking questions, and responding to feedback. We have been so impressed by how he has advocated for himself and by how on track he has been this entire time. Nominated by Ms. Ritten

Sophie Kosiba

Sophie has consistently gone above and beyond from the beginning of the closure. She is the only student to consistently keep up with sending me daily Do=Nows, has actively participated in Google Hangouts, and has asked inquisitive questions via email. I know that Sophie is on her way to being a star student in Course II Honors and I am SO proud of her. Nominated by Mr. Moray

Kevin Harvell

Kevin has demonstrated sincere dedication to keeping up with his studies throughout the remote learning period. He reaches out with great questions, is on top of all of his work, and goes the extra mile to join in on extra help sessions... literally! He tuned in to our last one to listen while he was on a run. Way to go, Kevin! Nominated by Ms. Craven

Michael McCarthy

Michael McCarthy created a video production of Theatre Show Must Go On. I have had Mikey throughout the year and to say the least, he is awesome and does so much behind the scenes. Nominated by Mr. LoPresti

Rachel Steinberg

I wanted to recognize Rachel Steinberg for the work that she has done since we have started remote learning. She has completed all assignments on time, come to every Google Hangout session, and has been reaching out to me for clarification when she needs to. She also has been collaborating well with others during this time, which has led to a more positive work environment. Nominated by Mr. Ellis

Andrew McDonnell

Andrew has been a rock star since March 13th (actually even before the 13th). Andrew has balanced well the responsibilities of maintaining safety at home while also giving consistent and thoughtful attention to all his classes. In addition, Andrew has shared some cool historical memorabilia and is reading Doris Kearns Goodwin for pleasure. That is truly impressive character being exemplified under pressure. Keep up the great work Andrew! Nominated by Mrs. Warn

Gabriella Brown

Bella has gone into her father's business...just him and her...and re-purposed the manufacturing equipment to make medical equipment for local health workers. Kudos to Bella (and dad), on behalf of the health workers, we appreciate your support! Nominated by Mr. Mills

Student Spotlight - April 18, 2020 Edition

Rowan Leggett

Rowan went above and beyond in using his 3D printer at home to create protective mask holders and then delivering them to local hospital to help protect medical workers. We salute your efforts and appreciate your thoughtfulness. Nominated by Kate Daley

Rachel Davis

Rachel has been an active participant in math class despite them being virtual. She attends class meetings, asks thoughtful questions about assignments, and completes all assignments with care. In addition, Rachel is always willing to help out her friends and consistently encourages her peers to engage in remote learning. Nominated by Jen Meunier

Matthew Tobin

Matt has done all of his assignments, sometimes revising them even when I said it was done, since we left school. He sends me updates on things, asks lots of questions, and has come to both of the video check-ins I've hosted for his class. Andhe does it all with great humor as well. I'm very proud of what he's done. Nominated by John Radosta

Sam Dunnington

During this remote learning Sam has increased his homework completion by at least 100% and he has been present in all available Google meets. He struggled with work completion and was inconsistent with participation in class but he has really stepped up these last few weeks. He's done all of his AC Support requirements and been present at every online check-in, sometimes he's the only student present. He has done exceptional during the remote learning experience. Nominated by Brenda Redding and Larry Jordan

Samantha Pincus

Samantha regularly attends conferences, but not passively. She asks questions and takes risks as if in the physical classroom. Samantha is kind to her peers, allows others to participate, and values the community we have created during this time. She puts just as much effort into her virtual schooling as she did in the physical building. Samantha Pincus is a consistent bright light who puts her best forward even in the most difficult times. Nominated by Vanessa Bettencourt

Michelle Tran

Michelle has gone above and beyond while learning from home. She is always the first to complete her assignments and is not afraid to reach out to her teachers with any questions she may have via email. Michelle has shown she is flexible in learning and is willing to put 100% effort into her work, no matter where she is. Nominated by Kelly Conaty

Sarah Mitchell

Sarah is a kind, hard-working student who acts as a leader and role model for her peers in all environments - in the classroom, in a remote learning setting, as a National Honor Society officer, and as a friend to her classmates. Sarah has not only been diligent in getting her work done during this unconventional time, but also brings her positive attitude and energy to her peers in our Google Hangout sessions and beyond. She has continued to impress me all year with her work ethic and kindness, only further emphasized during this time away from school. I think Sarah would be very deserving of being highlighted this week! Nominated by Jillian Pieciak

Hannah Andrews

This 9th grader already knows how to get the job done and then some! Her tenacity and curiosity have her engaging actively in Culinary Arts, completing assignments, while using redirection to benefit her kitchen skills and knowledge. Congratulations Hannah you truly deserve to be in the Student Spotlight! Nominated by Joyce White

Owen McHugh

Owen has been phenomenal with turning work in on time and is always reaching out to me asking questions and looking for feedback to produce the best quality work. Switching from traditional learning to remote has not changed his motivation at all, he continues to be a rockstar student. His desire to do well was the same when we were in the building. In class and online Owen is always looking for ways to improve his work and technology skills. In class if he finished early I would ask him to help others while I was floating around. He is a great student with a positive attitude and is a pleasure to have in class, in person and remote! Nominated by Maura O'Brien

Emily Walsh

We would like to recognize Emily Walsh for the Student Spotlight because she has really embraced remote learning with a positive attitude! Not only has she been an active participant in online learning since we left school, she also goes above and beyond to be an advocate for her learning and to not miss out on assignments from any of her classes. Keep up the great work, Emily! Nominated by Christine Martinelli & Carolyn Truax

Maya Galeano

As a senior Maya has been a tireless and consistent worker throughout the year and that includes during our school closure. In addition, I have been assigning weekly journal reflections regarding the events and these are excerpts of two weeks of entries by Maya. "Yesterday, my mom had the idea of making masks out of cloth to donate to whoever needs them. I told her I would fix my sewing machine to help her. I'm going to make it my project for the week....It feels good to help, hopefully it does help people. This week went by fast. I've been working on those masks but I keep messing." Nominated by Dana DePaul

Jillian Rundlett

Jill has been my TA throughout this school year and she has made a huge difference in the classroom! Jill formed very professional relationships with the preschool students, worked alongside me in creating and executing lessons, she remained dedicated to her classwork as well. Jill has expressed interest in studying Early Childhood Education in college next year and from the work she has done in my classroom, I think she will truly excel in it. Nominated by Maggie Randall

Samuel Higgins

Sam was scheduled to participate in YoungArts New Your next week as part of the National YoungArts Foundation (YoungArts). After careful consideration, and in accordance with current recommended guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they had to cancel the event. Needless to say, Sam was still given the honor of being a 2020 YoungArts Winner. With that achievement, YoungArts is committed to supporting Sam and other winners with their work through future opportunities with the YoungArts Foundation including residencies, micro-grants and our online portal for alumni YoungArts Post. Congratulations to Sam Higgins. Nominated by MHS Administration