
For staff training and certification information, please click HERE

A Brilliant Guide to Some Brilliant Apps

Thanks to @MrsRichards_HEc

Google For Education-"The Anywhere School"

Click below to enter the training site

Click below, to see the recorded session led by Kirsty Dunn around more advanced use of Google Classroom

Anywhere School - Highlands (2020-11-19 at 08:36 GMT-8)

Click below, to see the recorded session led by Kirsty Dunn around 'Anywhere School'

Anywhere School - Highlands (2020-11-17 at 08:23 GMT-8)
Teacher Support - Digital Learning.docx

Click below to find out more about each G-suite Tool

A Staff Guide to Accessing GLOW for Education Scotland and Northern Alliance Events and Meetings

Accessing GLOW for Education Scotland & Northern Alliance Resources, Events & Meetings

***Office 365/Outlook Now Available on Personal Devices at Home***

Accessing O365 from any device

If you are accessing O365 on a personal device or Chromebook, the way to do has been updated. The guidance is now found within the ICT Support page (Toolkit) and the ICTiLearning folder. - ICT guidance - How to access Office 365 on your personal computer%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FSchoolHub%2FICTiL%2FO365

How to login to Office 365 from a Chromebook v0.1.docx (

The key message for anyone wishing to access their account in this way for anyone who hasn’t utilised this function on a personal device before is that they need to set this up on a managed device first and then also use authenticator installed on a phone Microsoft-Multifactor-Authentication-Set-Up.docx (

Please use the ICT Service desk if you have any queries regarding this process.


How to login to Office 365 from a Chromebook v0.1.pdf

Setting up TT Rockstars

A further fabulous app which is already well used across Highland Schools is TT Rockstars which is extremely popular with primary aged pupils who want to develop their knowledge and recall of times tables. As with many other resources, TT Rockstars is now free for up to 60 days for any school affected by COVID-19 so is definitely worth signing up to as a school and then encouraging pupils to get rocking!

These short tutorials will guide schools through how to create an account on this fabulous resource, as well as how then add pupils and get started using it! For full instructions and other video-tutorials, please click below:

A Quick Guide to Using Book Creator

This short tutorial video gives an overview of how to get started with one of the most versatile resources that can be used in both primary and secondary schools. Book Creator accounts can be created using a Highland provided Google Account (e.g. Once a teacher account has been created, pupils can then join the class 'library' using the invite code and their own Highland provided Google Account.

This excellent resource which is free for users (who normally get a library of 40 books as part of the free version) has now made a 90 day premium version available for any school affected by COVID 19. To find out more and claim your upgrade, click below:

Epic Books

Another excellent resource which is entirely free for staff and pupils during school hours, is Epic Books which has a fantastic range and variety of books including Comics, 'Read to Me' books and Audio Books. Staff should sign up using the link below and then add pupils to the account (in a Google Classroom type way) which means that pupils can then have books allocated to them and complete quizzes and reviews.

Guidance for Loggining into your Google Acount from a non-Council/Personal Device

This PDF gives step by step guidance on how to log into a Google Account from a personal device rather than a Chromebook.

Additionally, this short tutorial created by Tavs Laurie at Inshes Primary, is another good source of info for how to log into a non-council provided device.

Logging into your Google account using Chrome.pdf

Copyright Licensing Agency's Education Platform

Tools to help you give remote access to learning materials.

Yesterday’s announcement that UK schools are to close to help contain the spread of COVID19 means that giving your students remote access to materials has never been more important.

Here are two ways that you as a licensed school can share resources quickly and easily.

CLA’s Education Platform offers you a way to make electronic copies from books for use on the VLE or to email to students. Publishers have supplied 1000s of high-quality versions of popular textbooks. It’s a quick and easy process to unlock the books your school owns. Once this is done, you can access digital versions of the books from anywhere with an internet connection. Once you’ve made your copy by selecting the pages you want, you can generate a link to share with students.

If you need help to unlock a book, make a copy, or if we can help in any other way, please just let us know.

Register here to get started on the Education Platform

NLA’s Newspapers for Schools archive holds newspaper articles from all the major national titles, as well as many regional papers. Teachers at licensed schools are eligible to set up an account, search the database going back to 2006, and access relevant clippings to share with students. This can help to support research and comprehension activities, and you may wish to pair the news material with our activity suggestions.

Students can therefore keep on top of vital literacy skills and work on projects while they’re at home

Register here to get started on Newspapers for Schools

We hope these tools prove useful and we wish you and your students well in the coming weeks.

Tel 020 7400 3100



Social Enterprise Academy Resource

Community Champions.pdf