4:160 - Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

The Superintendent shall take all reasonable measures to protect: (1) the safety of District personnel, students, and visitors on District premises from risks associated with hazardous materials, and (2) the environmental quality of the District’s buildings and grounds. 


Pesticides will not be applied on the paved surfaces, playgrounds, or playing fields of any school serving grades K-8 during a school day or partial school day when students are in attendance for instructional purposes. Additionally, the application of any restricted use pesticides is prohibited on or within 500 feet of school property during normal school hours. Before pesticides are used on District premises, the Superintendent or designee shall notify employees and parents/guardians of students as required by the Structural Pest Control Act, 225 ILCS 235/, and the Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act, 415 ILCS 65/. 

Coal Tar Sealant 

Before coal tar-based sealant products or high polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sealant products are used on District premises, the Superintendent or designee shall notify employees and parents/guardians of students in writing or by telephone as required by the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act.

LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.17a; 5/10-20.48.

29 C.F.R. §1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, as adopted by the Illinois Department of Labor, 56 Ill.Admin.Code §350.700(b).

29 C.F.R. §1910.1200, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hazard Communication Standards, as adopted by 820 ILCS 255/1.5, Toxic Substances Disclosure to Employees Act.

20 ILCS 3130/, Green Buildings Act.

105 ILCS 135/, Toxic Art Supplies in Schools Act.

105 ILCS 140/, Green Cleaning School Act.

105 ILCS 160/, Pesticide Application at Schools Act.

225 ILCS 235/, Structural Pest Control Act.

415 ILCS 60/14, Illinois Pesticide Act.

415 ILCS 65/, Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act.

410 ILCS 170/, Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act.

820 ILCS 255/, Toxic Substances Disclosure to Employees Act. (inoperative)

23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.330.

CROSS REF.: 4:150 (Facility Management and Building Programs), 4:170 (Safety)

ADOPTED: February 24, 2025