School Meals Program

Carryover price meal benefits expire on Tuesday, September 19.  Please submit an application online for meal benefits for SY23-24 as soon as possible

School Lunch Prices

Lunch Prices - SY2022-2023 - Sheet1.pdf


EZSchoolPay is the easy, convenient and secure way to pay for school meals.

23-24 Go Online for Faster Results.pdf

Free/Reduced Price Benefit

Available July 15, 2023

Meal Account Deposit Slip

23-24 Prepaid Meal Form.pdf

Nutrition Guidelines for Food & Beverages

Children who eat school lunches are more likely to consume milk, meats, grains and vegetables than students who bring lunch from home. They also tend to have higher nutrient intakes — both at lunch and over the course of an entire day. We make it a priority to ensure students get nutritious meals that fuel learning and physical activities. The Department serves more than 100,000 meals daily during the school year.