CTE Honors

In addition to meeting the requirements for the Hawaii High School Diploma, the following must be met with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above:

  • CTE Honors:
    • Completes *program of study​ (2-3 courses in sequence plus a state-identified specific academic course requirement).
      • Earn a B or better in each required program of study (coursework)
      • Meet or exceed proficiency on **performance-based assessments for corresponding program of study

*Programs of Study

A Program of Study spans a minimum of two years at the high-school level and extends to postsecondary education; integrates Hawaii's academic standards, career and workplace skills, and specific business and industry validated standards; incorporates work-based learning where feasible and appropriate; prepares students for further education and/or employment, and occurs in career fields that require less than a four-year degree as a prerequisite for entry. Students completing a high school Program of Study would have mastered all specific Career Pathway core, cluster, and academic course standards. For some Programs of Study, students would also have mastered Concentration-level standards.

**Performance Based Assessments (PBAs)

Hawaii's unique CTE Performance-Based Assessments evaluate students' ability to apply the academic and technical skills and knowledge they have learned in their CTE Programs of Study. The PBA includes three components:

  1. research paper,
  2. written online assessment, and
  3. a challenge from a local or national business or organization asking students to develop a solution, strategy, and/or product to solve a problem facing the business or organization.

Students in a particular Program of Study are given a topic that will be related to their challenge. They prepare a research paper on the topic, complete the online assessment, and then are given the challenge.

The challenge is a two-day event. On the morning of the first day, the business/organization partners introduce the challenge for each specific Program of Study and explain the parameters and expectations of the challenge. Students spend the rest of the day developing and creating their responses. Students may ask the business and organization partners for clarification regarding the challenge parameters and expectations but teachers are not allowed to assist the students. On the second day of the PBA, students make formal presentations to panels of business and industry professionals to explain the rationale for their solution and display and/or demonstrate a product or strategy when appropriate. Judges then ask questions to obtain additional information, clarification, or greater detail about the students' proposed solution. Scores from the judges are combined with the research paper and written assessment scores to determine which students have earned a Career and Technical Education Special Recognition Diploma and/or free dual credits with postsecondary institutions where dual credit options have been formalized.

The PBA is structured differently for students in the Entrepreneurship and Marketing Programs of Study. These students spend the entire school year researching and writing a business or marketing Plan. They also take a written, online assessment. There are several rounds of formal presentations by Entrepreneurship Program of Study students where they "pitch" their plans for a small business initiative to panels of business professionals during the Performance-Based Assessment event. Marketing Program of Study students develop a marketing plan and implement one of the proposed strategies during the school year. On the first day of the Performance-Based Assessment event, students meet with mentors to discuss the results of the implemented strategy and then refine their proposals. On the second day of the event, students make formal presentations to panels of business professionals explaining their marketing strategies. Scores from the written assessments, marketing or business Plans, and formal presentations are combined to determine Career and Technical Education Honors Designation or dual credit eligibility.