Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy/Confidentiality Policies

Student Records, Confidentiality, (5125)

Directory Information, (5145.15)

On-Campus Recruitment, (5145.14)

Notification of Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records.  These rights are:

Legitimate educational interest defined as if the official needs the information to fulfill their professional responsibility.

Student Privacy Policy Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20202

Click here to access the MPS Directory Information Public Notice, with Opt out Form. 

See the list below of the disclosures that elementary and secondary schools may make without consent.

FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the parent or eligible student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in § 99.31 of the FERPA regulations.  Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the parent or eligible student, § 99.32 of the FERPA regulations requires the school to record the disclosure.  Parents and eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures.  A school may disclose PII from the education records of a student without obtaining prior written consent of the parents or the eligible student –

Photographing of Students

Occasionally, photographs or videos are taken in classrooms to illustrate an aspect of the curriculum or as a visual depiction of a specific program.  These photographs or videos can be used as part of a presentation to the Board of Education, teachers, parent groups and community organizations.  At times, photographs depicting school events might be placed in local newspapers or displayed on the school/district website or via social media (Twitter/Instagram).

If you do not wish to have a photograph or video of your child used in the manner described, please indicate this on the student’s profile in PowerSchool (via the Parent Portal) in the days prior to the start of school.