Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular Policy

Eligibility for Extra-curricular Activities, (6145.2)

Activities and Clubs

Every student has the opportunity to join an after-school club or activity.  The activities offered at each school vary, since they reflect the needs and dynamics of the community each school serves.  The after-school programs are not intended to be highly competitive; rather the emphasis is on enjoyment of the activity.  These programs are provided through the assistance of our present faculty and are open to all students.  Late buses are provided at the middle school level only on the days the clubs are offered.  Contact your school office for more information.


High School After School Activities (Sample list)

Badminton Club


Bible Club

Book Club

Bowling Club


Chess Club



Color Guard

Composer Club

Cooking Club

Debate Club


Drama Club

Engineering Club

Environmental Club


Fencing Club

Fishing Club

Forever Friends (Best Buddies)

Gaming Club

Giving Table

GSA Club

Interact Club

Interact Club

Jazz Combo

Key Club

Keyette Club

Mathematics Honor Society

Model U.N.

Multicultural Club

National Art Honor Society

National Honor Society

Natural Helpers

Robotics Club

Save Promise Club

School Newspaper


Science National Honor Society

Sign Language Club

Sikorsky STEM Team

Ski & Snowboard Club

Spanish Nat'l Honor Society

Student Council

Student Government

Tri-M Music Honor Society

Unified Arts

Unified Sports

Weight Room Club


Youth & Government


Dances and Class Activities

Middle School Requirements

Dances and other evening events held at school are school functions and, therefore, any rules that apply during the school day are still in effect. Students may not leave a dance before its conclusion unless written parent/guardian permission has been submitted and given prior approval. Students will not be allowed to enter the dance after it has begun unless accompanied by a parent/guardian. Only middle school students who are currently enrolled in the school sponsoring the dance are allowed at the dance. No high school students may attend. Refreshments must remain in the designated areas. Misbehavior will not be tolerated. Students must attend school for the full day in order to attend the school dance.

Students are responsible for informing their parents of the time to be picked up. Students whose parents fail to pick them up on time may be denied the privilege of attending the next dance. Students are not allowed to walk home after a school dance unless they have written permission which must be given to the Principal or Asst. Principal prior to the school dance.

Students are reminded that attendance at dances, including the 8th grade dance, is a privilege. This privilege may be revoked by an administrator due to behavior concerns.

High School Requirements 

School dances are usually held on Fridays from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.  School dances are not open to public patronage.  Students may invite non-school members to attend as guests at the discretion of the administration.  Guests are subject to the general rules of behavior observed by their host or hostess.  Smoking is not permitted during a dance.  The use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by any student or guest during a school dance is forbidden.  In order to protect student safety, the Board authorizes the school administration to utilize an alcohol detection device, (commonly called a ‘breathalyzer’), to determine whether a student is in fact under the influence of alcohol. Students found drinking and/or smoking will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Class sponsored dances and other social events are a privilege which students must earn the right to attend by exhibiting responsible behavior during the school year.  These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

Dance Participation Rules

In order to attend their own class dance or other class activities held during the year, a student must have the following:

If an activity is held on a school day, students must attend school for the full day.

If an activity is held on a Saturday, students must attend school for the full day on the day before.

Allowing an early release day on the day of an activity is at the discretion of the building principal or designee.


Athletics are considered an important part of the school’s educational program.  The Athletic Department provides opportunities for organized athletic participation to appeal to students of all levels of ability and interest.

The Athletic Program is under the direction of the Athletic Director.  The athletic office phone numbers are: 

Foran: Athletic Director Anthony Vitelli

(203) 783-3502, ext. 5



Law: Athletic Director Thomas Drew

(203) 783-3574, ext. 1840



Requirements for Participation: To participate on an interscholastic athletic team, an athlete must have satisfied all of the eligibility requirements prior to participation.

Scholastic Eligibility: Students must comply with all Milford and CIAC Eligibility Rules.

Parental Permission: Prior to participating in interscholastic athletics, a student must have a signed parental permission form on file.

Physical Examination: A yearly physical examination is required for interscholastic participation.  The physical form must be completed by a physician and submitted to the school nurse prior to participation.  The form will be kept on file in the nurse’s office.

Emergency Medical Authorization (on Powerschool): Each athlete’s parent/guardian shall complete an Emergency Medical Authorization Form (on Powerschool) giving permission for treatment by a physician or hospital when the parent/guardian is not available.  This information is accessible by all coaches and trainers at all practices and contests.

Acknowledgment of Athletic Policies: The Milford Public Schools Athletic Handbook is included within this Parent-Student Handbook.  Before a student is allowed to participate on an athletic team, the student and a parent/guardian must sign an Athletic Permission/Emergency Authorization Form for each season.   All students must abide by all of the regulations contained in this handbook, including the Athletic Code of Conduct.  This signature indicates that the student-athlete handbook has been read and received.  The Athletic Permission/Emergency Authorization Form which also includes concussion informed consent, sudden cardiac arrest consent, exertional heat illness, and compliance of the health assessment record is acknowledged and completed through the student's PowerSchool account. 

Athletic Conference: SCC

Milford is a member of the Southern Connecticut Conference.  Both high schools are also members of the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC).


Student-Athlete Handbook

To the Parent/Guardian

This material is presented to you because your son/daughter has decided to participate in interscholastic athletics and you have expressed your willingness to permit him/her to compete.  Your family interest in this phase of our school program is gratifying.  We believe that participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences which assists students in personal growth.

We, who are concerned with the educational development of boys and girls through athletics, feel that a properly controlled, well-organized sports program meets with a student’s needs for self-expression, mental alertness and physical growth.  It is our hope to maintain a program that is sound in purpose and will complement each student’s educational maturity.

It is essential that students and parents realize that participation in the Milford Public Schools’ athletic program is a privilege and not a right enjoyed by all students.  The privilege is extended to those students willing to comply with certain rules and conditions.  Behavioral expectations are high and a willingness to live up to them is part of being a member of a team.

It is important that all athletes and their parents be thoroughly familiar with the team’s and school’s training rules.  Additionally, it is important to remember that the privilege of participating in athletics may be revoked for unacceptable conduct.

A student who chooses to participate in athletics is making a choice that requires self-discipline.  This is the reason we place a strong emphasis on good training habits.  Failure to comply with the rules of training could affect a player’s performance and his/her contribution to the team.  In some cases a player who does not adhere to the training rules could be jeopardizing his/her participation.

Coupled with a prescribed training program is an Athletic Code of Conduct.  These concepts of self-discipline and proper conduct are tempered by the school’s responsibility to recognize the rights of the individual within the objectives of the team.  There is no place in high school athletics for students who will not discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition or who will not comply with the Athletic Code of Conduct.

When your son/daughter joins one of the interscholastic athletic programs, he/she commits the school to certain responsibilities and obligations:

Likewise, we feel that you commit yourself to certain responsibilities and obligations.  We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with specific policies that are necessary for a well-organized and effective program of athletics.

It is the philosophy of the department of athletics to make rules that govern the interscholastic competition for the school.  The implementation of these rules relies on community support, which is strengthened through communication with the parent.  It is our hope that communication is enhanced by this student athletic handbook.


To the student-athlete

A student-athlete is a student who is or has been a member of the Milford athletic program. He/she becomes a member on the first day of practice.

Being a member of an athletic team affords not only an opportunity to enjoy competitive athletics, the camaraderie of team participation and personal satisfaction, but it brings with it certain required responsibilities.

Responsibility to yourself.  The most important of these responsibilities is to broaden yourself and develop strength of character.  You owe it to yourself to get the greatest possible good from your high school experiences.  Your academic studies, your participation in other extracurricular activities, as well as in sports, prepare you for life as an adult.

Responsibility to your school.  Another responsibility you assume as a squad member is to your school.  A high school cannot maintain its reputation unless you do your best in your chosen activity.  By participating in athletics to the best of your ability you are contributing to the reputation of your school.  You assume a leadership role when you are on an interscholastic athletic squad.  The student body and citizens of the community know you.  You are on stage with the spotlight on you.  The student body, the Milford community and other communities judge your school by your conduct and attitude, both on and off the field.  Because of this leadership role, you can contribute greatly to school spirit and community pride.

Responsibility to others.  As a team member you also have a responsibility to your family.  You are a representative of your family and your community and should conduct yourself in an admirable and respectable manner.  The younger students in the Milford school system are watching you.  You are a role model.  Set good examples for them.


Southern Connecticut Conference Code of Behavior


Athletic Philosophy

Statement of philosophy

The Milford Public Schools believe that interscholastic athletics are an integral part of the educational process.  The total athletic program must be consistent with that philosophy.  Athletics make a significant contribution to the personal growth and development of all participants.  While we take great pride in winning, we do not condone “winning at all costs.”  Rather, we encourage sportsmanship and good mental health.  The purpose of the program is to ensure a positive experience for those students who choose to participate.

Education has three basic purposes:

Athletics, as an integral part of education, can make a significant contribution to each of these.


Athletic Program Objectives

The program provides opportunities for student-athletes:

To work with others: An athlete must develop self-discipline, respect for authority, and the spirit of hard work and self- sacrifice.  The team and its objectives must be placed higher than personal desires.

To compete:  Although we cannot always win, we can strive for excellence.

To develop sportsmanship: to accept the outcome of every contest in a sportsmanlike manner.

To develop desirable personal health habits:  It is important to obtain a high degree of physical fitness through exercise and good health habits.  It additionally fosters the desire to maintain this level of physical fitness after formal competition has been completed.

To enjoy athletics:  Athletic participation includes personal satisfaction as well as personal achievement.



The Board of Education is the ruling agency for the Milford Public Schools and is responsible for the following areas:



As a member school district, the secondary schools of Milford agree to abide by and enforce all rules and regulations promulgated by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference.

The primary role of this state association is to maintain rules and regulations that ensure equity in competition for the student-athletes and a balance with other educational programs.  The association solicits input and is responsive to requests for rule modification from member schools, appointed committees, and coaches associations.


Affiliated League: SCC

Milford High Schools are voluntarily members of the Southern Connecticut Conference (SCC).  The league encourages member schools to improve their co-curricular program in athletics.  The conference membership facilitates the arranging of schedules, equalizes competition, conducts league meets, and determines league championships.  Membership implies abiding by conference schedules, rules and regulations.


Scholastic Eligibility

To participate on an interscholastic athletic team, an athlete must have satisfied all of the scholastic eligibility requirements prior to participation, (refer to Milford and CIAC Eligibility Rules in this booklet).


Parental Permission

Prior to participating in interscholastic athletics, a student must have a signed parental permission form on file.


Physical Examination

A yearly physical examination is required for interscholastic participation.  The physical form must be completed by a physician and submitted to the school nurse prior to participation.  The form will be kept on file in the nurse’s office.  If assistance is needed in this process, arrangements can be made through the Milford Health Dept. at (203) 783-3285.


Emergency Medical Authorization

Each athlete’s parent/guardian shall complete an Emergency Medical Authorization Form giving permission for treatment by a physician or hospital when the parent/guardian is not available.  This form is accessible by all coaches and trainers at all practices and contests.


Concussion, Cardiac Arrest, and Exertional Heat Illness Parental Signoff

State law requires that all student-athletes have both a completed concussion, cardiac arrest and exertional heat illness parental signoff on file prior to participating in interscholastic athletics.  Please note that a new form must be completed and on file for each sport that a student-athlete participates in every year.

Please see the Concussion Policy (5141.7), in its entirety, in the Health Section of this Handbook.


Acknowledgement of Athletic Policies

At the time a student tries out for an athletic team, he/she will read and understand all the necessary information relating to participating in athletics.

For athletics that begin in the fall, each parent/guardian will be provided with a copy of the Student-Athlete handbook, a Code of Conduct Acknowledgement form and an Athletic responsibility Acknowledgement form, which a parent/guardian must sign.  All students must abide by all of the regulations contained in this handbook, including the Athletic Code of Conduct.  This signature indicates that the Student-Athlete handbook has been received.  This signed Athletic Responsibility Acknowledgement form will be filed in the Athletic Director’s office.



The school district does carry insurance to cover student-athletes who are injured during interscholastic athletics.  All Milford interscholastic high school athletes are covered by an excess insurance policy.  This means the student-athlete will be billed and personal insurance will be applied first.  Bills not covered by one’s own insurance will be submitted to the school district’s insurance.  All completed insurance forms must be turned in to the athletic office in a timely manner to ensure immediate processing.


Financial Obligations and Equipment


In several sports, athletes will be required to purchase a portion of the game uniform, which will become their property.


All athletes are responsible for the proper care and security of equipment issued to them.  School-furnished equipment should be worn only for contests and practice.  Student-athletes who do not return equipment in good condition at the end of the season will be subject to a financial penalty and report cards and transcripts will be withheld until the obligation is met.


Student-athletes will not be allowed to participate in any other sport until all outstanding financial obligations of previous sports are met.


Athletic Department Policy

An athlete and parent/guardian must realize the risk of serious injury which may be a result of athletic participation.  The Athletic Department will use the following safeguards to make every effort to eliminate injury:


Substance Abuse Policy

Medical research clearly substantiates the fact that use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs produces harmful effects.  The Milford community is concerned with the health habits of all students and prohibits the use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs (including marijuana and anabolic steroids).  It is, therefore, necessary that student-athletes do not compromise their involvement in interscholastic athletics with substance abuse.  Any use of tobacco (smoking or chewing), alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.  Violators of Board of Education policy involving drugs, alcohol and tobacco will be subject to school and athletic department disciplinary action (see Athletic Code of Conduct).


Rules of Eligibility

The Eligibility Rules as set by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) can be found HERE.


General Athletic Department Policies 

After-School Tutoring

Athletes who are in danger of becoming ineligible or who need additional help with their academic subjects are required to seek and participate in after-school tutorials.


Students must be in school by 8:00 a.m. in order to play in a contest or practice on that date.  Final authority for exceptions to this rule rests with the principal or his/her designee.  Students absent from school on Friday with a contest the following day (Saturday) will be eligible to participate with the approval of the principal or his/her designee.


Please see Bullying, in this Parent-Student Handbook.

College Recruitment Policy

In the event an athlete should be contacted personally by a college recruiter, he/she has an obligation to work through his/her coach and the athletic department.  Coaches should be informed of such contact as soon as possible.  College recruitment information is available in the athletic office.  NCAA standards are also available in the athletic office.

Conflicts in Extracurricular activities

Student-athletes are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, but may find themselves in a position of conflict.  When a conflict arises, the sponsors/coaches and student-athlete should try to develop a workable solution.  If a solution cannot be found, the principal will make the decision.  Once the decision of the principal has been made and the student-athlete has followed that decision, he/she will not be penalized in any way by faculty, sponsor or coach.


School equipment checked out by the student-athlete is his/her responsibility.  He/she is expected to keep it clean and in good condition.  Loss of any equipment is the athlete’s financial obligation.

Grooming and dress policy
A member of an athletic team is expected to be well-groomed.  The following grooming and dress rules will be adhered to by team members:


Please see Hazing, in this Parent-Student Handbook.

Locker Room Regulations

Missing Practice

An athlete must always consult his/her coach before missing practice.

NCAA Eligibility

The NCAA Eligibility Center provides prospective college level athletes with a robust collection of information and direction.  Prospective student-athletes will be able to access information needed to understand the Division I and Division II eligibility requirements, how to create a prospective athlete account, and access a Frequently Asked Questions guide.

As of January 2023, standardized test scores are not required for all student-athletes who initially enroll full time on or after August 1, 2023. During the 2023 NCAA Convention, Divisions I and II adopted legislation to remove standardized test scores for these students. The vote was based on the recommendation from the Standardized Test Score Task Force, a specialized group charged with reviewing initial-eligibility requirements as part of the NCAA's eight-point plan to advance racial equality.

Among other requirements, college-bound student-athletes planning to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school are still required to have a 2.3 (DI)/2.2 (DII) grade point average in 16 NCAA-approved core-course units and provide proof of high school graduation. Division-specific information on initial-eligibility requirements is available here:

Link: Division I.

Link: Division II.

Link: Division III: Click here for more information on Division III requirements for international student-athletes. Student-athletes planning to attend a Division III school are not required to have an academic certification from the Eligibility Center but may be required to have an amateurism certification.

Students should also check with the NCAA school they plan to attend regarding whether standardized test scores are necessary for admission or scholarship requirements. Please contact NCAA Customer Service at 877-262-1492 with questions.

You will need to enter the following information to view the list.  We recommend that you check with your athletic director and school counselor for specific academic requirement information.

You can then select ALL courses and continue on to look at the NCAA-approved courses.


Toll-free phone numbers

Customer Service Line: (877) 262-1492

Customer Service Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, (Eastern Time)

FAX:  (317) 968-5100


An athlete may participate in only one sport per season.  During any one sport season, a student may not transfer team membership after the date of the first contest in that sport season.

Release from class

It is the responsibility of student-athletes to see their teacher regarding classes they will miss because of an athletic contest.  All work shall be made up at a convenient time at the discretion of the teacher.

Reporting of Injury

All injuries which occur while participating in athletics should be reported to the trainer/coach.  If the injury requires medical attention by a doctor or treatment center, it will be necessary to have an injury report form completed within 24 hours.  Once athletes are treated by a physician, the athlete must obtain a doctor’s written permission to return to the activity.

Selection of Captain

Criteria for the selection of captain(s) will be developed by each coach with the approval of the Athletic Director.

Squad Selection
In accordance with the philosophy of our athletic program and our desire to see as many students as possible participate in the athletic program while in high school, we encourage coaches to keep as many students as they can without compromising the integrity of their sport.  Time, space, facilities, equipment and other factors will place limitations on the most effective squad size for any particular sport.  Selection of an athletic squad is the responsibility of the coach.  The coach will inform all candidates for the team of the selection process before the try-out period.

When a squad cut becomes a necessity, the process will include these important elements.  Each candidate shall have:


All athletes must travel to and from all athletic contests in transportation provided by the athletic department unless previous arrangements are made by the parents for an exceptional situation (see Contest Travel Release Form).  Athletes will remain with their squad and under the supervision of the coach when attending away contests.  Athletes who miss the bus will not be allowed to participate in the contest unless there are extenuating circumstances.  All regular school bus rules will be followed.

Student-athletes are asked to dress appropriately for away contests.

Vacations Policy
Vacations by athletic team members during the sport season are discouraged.  In the event of an absence due to a vacation that is unavoidable, a student-athlete must:

Weight Room Regulations


Awards Policies

Varsity Letter Requirements

The varsity award shall be presented to an athlete who satisfies the participation requirements as listed below, completes all team obligations and receives the recommendation of the coach.  The coach may recommend a waiver of these requirements under an unusual circumstance.

The letter will be awarded to the student who meets the following conditions and is a member of the team in good standing at the end of the season. 

A. Football

(1) participates in 50% of the total quarters, or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


B. Baseball

(1) participates in 50% of the total number of innings or 

(2) participates for three years as a team member 


(3) pitchers only: participates in 25% of games


C. Softball

(1) participates in 50% of total innings or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


D. Volleyball

(1) participates in 50% of the total number of games or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


E. Basketball

(1) participates in 50% of the total quarters or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


F. Track, Swimming, Gymnastics

(1) places 1st, 2nd or 3rd on own team in 50% of the meets or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


G. Wrestling

(1) participates in 50% of the meets or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


H. Golf, Tennis

(1) participates in 50% of the matches or 

(2) participates for three years as a team member


I. Cross Country

(1) places in the top 10 in 50% of the meets or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


J. Soccer/Lacrosse

(1) participates in 50% of total halves or 

(2) participates for three years as a team member


K. Ice Hockey

(1) participates in 50% of the total periods or

(2) participates for three years as a team member


Note:  “Season” is defined as the period between the date officially designated by the CIAC as the beginning of the season for that sport and the close of the postseason tournaments.


Junior Varsity and Freshman Awards

Certificates and/or numerals are given on the recommendation of the coach to all athletes that complete the season.


Manager’s awards will parallel the regular awards system for athletes if they manage for the entire season on a daily basis.


Statisticians will be awarded 1/2 point for the satisfactory compilation of statistics for the entire season.

Sweater or Jacket Awards

An athlete will receive a sweater or jacket award when he/she has a total of eight (8) points.  A jacket/sweater may also be earned by lettering in the same sport during sophomore, junior and senior years (no 8 points required).  Points are earned as follows:

Team member: 1 point (per sport, per year)

Letter winner: 1 point (per sport, per year)

Team captain or co-captain: 1 point (per sport, per year)


Example:  if the basketball co-captain receives a letter, he/she earns 3 points: one as a team member, one as a letter winner, and one as a captain.


Lettering criteria that pertains to all sports

A coach will have the prerogative to letter a senior who has not met the seasonal requirements for lettering.

Injury Rule: Any athlete who is a starter or plays regularly and was thereafter injured may be awarded a letter, if in the coach’s judgment, he/she would have met the lettering requirements.

In a sport where state tournament play is sponsored, athletes may letter if they have become a starter and play 75% of the quarters, innings, matches, or score team points in individual competition in tournament play regardless of other lettering criteria.

An athlete must complete the season in good standing with the school and coach in order to receive a letter.


Varsity awards

1st-year award: chenille award letter with insert signifying the sport and certificate, (note: should the athlete letter in another sport, he/she will not receive a second chenille letter).

2nd year award: gold service bar or insert and certificate

3rd year award: gold service bar or insert and certificate

4th year award: gold service bar or insert and certificate


Non-Letter awards

All members of a varsity squad who successfully complete an athletic season for a particular sport, but who have not earned ample points for a varsity letter are to be awarded a varsity participation certificate.


Freshman Awards

Members of any sport will be awarded chenille class numeral and/or certificate upon completion of their first athletic season.


Championship Award

All members of a varsity team that wins a league, district, regional or state championship will receive appropriate awards from the league and/or the school indicating the championship.