Health and Well-Being

The health and well-being of our students take a high priority at all of our schools.  It is important that you understand what your professional medical staff members in your child’s school both can and cannot do relating to medical issues.  In addition to providing routine and emergency medical care to students, school nurses maintain information on immunizations and required physical examinations.  They should be able to answer many of your health-related concerns such as administration of medication during school hours, symptoms that warrant school absence, general health screenings and much more. 

The nurses working in our schools are employed by the Milford Health Dept.  Questions relating to public health and safety that your school nurse may not be able to answer may be directed to Joan Campbell, R.N., Director of Nursing for the Milford Health Dept. at (203) 783-3285.

In addition to providing the overall principles we follow in school for medical care, we are also including several of the most frequently referenced BOE policies regarding Health and Well-Being.  

Health and Well-Being Policies

Administering Medications, (5141.21)

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco, (5131.6)

Breathalyzers, Use of Breath Testing Devices, (5145.124)

Child Abuse and Neglect, (5141.4)

Concussions, (5141.7)

Food Allergy, (5141.25)

Opioid Overdose Prevention, (5141.21)

Pest Management/Pesticide Application, (3524.1)

Sexual Abuse Prevention/Education Program, (5145.511)

Suicide Prevention and Intervention, (5141.5)
Student Wellness (6142.101)

2022-23 School Nurse Assignments


Nurse: Diane Harkness

Phone: 203-301-5618

Fax: 203-783-3680



Nurse: Jacqueline Campbell

Phone: 203-301-5616

Fax: 203-783-3688



Nurse: Joan Braun

Phone: 203-301-5653

Fax: 203-783-3616



Nurse: Samantha Simone

Phone: 203-301-5617

Fax: 203-783-3563



Nurse: Robin Weissauer

Phone: 203-301-5602

Fax: 203-783-4826



Nurse: Mary Fowler

Phone: 203-301-5619

Fax: 203-783-3619



Nurse: Brandi Solomon

Phone: 203-301-5600

Fax: 203-783-3716



Nurse: Patty Stoughton

Phone: 203-301-5606

Fax: 203-783-3696



Nurse: Elizabeth Melvin

Phone: 203-301-5613

Fax: 203-301-5060



Nurse: Carrie Gordon

Phone: 203-301-5654

Fax: 203-783-3687



Nurse: Debra Levin

Phone: 203-301-5610

Fax: 203-783-4827



Nurse: Kendra Luth, Kathy Malski

Phone: 203-783-3578

Fax: 203-783-3641

Email: ,


Nurse: Deborah Tyrrel, Linda Bespuda

Phone: 203-783-3502

Fax: 203-877-6608

Email: , 


Nurse: Cora Singer

Phone: 203-301-5620

Fax: 203-783-3469



Students may call upon school nurses at any time for emergencies when they occur in school.  It is important to keep the student’s emergency contact information up-to-date so that parents/guardians can be contacted in the case of an accident or illness at school.

Injuries which have occurred out of school and require medical attention should be handled immediately by contacting your personal physician for assistance; do not wait to report such injuries to the school nurse for treatment, as legal guidelines limit the extent of treatment the school nurse may provide.

Insurance: All students may purchase accident insurance for a moderate cost.  Application forms can be found on the district website at the beginning of the school year.

Communicable Diseases

The Milford Health Department requires that each case of any disease listed here must be reported to the Director of Health or the school nurse.  All communicable diseases must be reported to the school nurse or Health Director even if diagnosed over the weekend or over vacation.  It is important to have this information so we can help prevent the transmission of communicable diseases. For the guidelines on when your child can return to school for these and other ailments, please refer to Illnesses in this section.

Chicken Pox or Herpes Zoster

Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)


Coxsackie Virus

Fifth Disease

German measles

Head Lice



Lyme Disease






Salmonella infections


Streptococcal infections


Whooping cough


Emergency Contact Information

Emergency contact information for the student must be provided annually and is accomplished through your PowerSchool account each year.  Emergency phone numbers, as well as your child’s special health needs (if applicable), may be entered there. This is of the utmost importance for your child’s safety and well-being.

Emergency Procedures

There are several procedures in place to address emergency situations that might arise during the school day. Parents have the right to opt out of these potentially life-saving procedures by providing a formal, written statement to the school nurse.


Parental Opt-out for Administration of Emergency Naloxone: A parent or guardian may submit a written and signed form to the school nurse requesting that their child not be administered an opioid antagonist in the event of an emergency. Such request shall be valid for one school year only and will require renewal each school year. 

Parental Opt-out for Administration of Epinephrine: A parent or guardian may submit a written and signed form to the school nurse requesting that their child not be administered epinephrine (Epi-pen) in the event of an emergency. Such request shall be valid for one school year only and will require renewal each school year. 


Food in School/Parties

Milford elementary schools have a 'no-food' practice when it comes to special celebrations or classroom events.


Head Lice 

If parents discover their child/children have head lice, they are asked to notify the school nurse.  Parental cooperation will help protect all children, including yours.

Guidelines regarding Pediculosis (Head Lice) Control

Control of pediculosis (head lice) depends on case finding, proper administrative handling of the case and prevention of spread.  Transmission may be occurring outside of school and be identified only in the school.


Health Screenings 

Various mandatory screenings are conducted throughout the school year.


Health Services 

A licensed Registered Nurse (R.N.) is on duty at school during normal school day hours.  The nurse is available for health counseling and health emergencies.  Students who are ill are asked to request a pass from their classroom teacher to visit the nurse. If medical treatment or dismissal from school is necessary, the student’s parent or guardian will be notified.  If a student is too ill to remain in school, arrangements will be made with a parent or guardian to ensure a safe return home.  Before admission to the Milford Public Schools, all new entrants must have a physical examination within one year and meet the school immunization requirements per the CT Dept. of Public Health.


This program provides tutors to students who cannot come to school for physical, psychological, or emotional reasons.  Before such a special homebound program can be implemented, medical and other determining factors are taken into account, and a special individualized program is developed.  Teachers, parents, administrators, school nurses, physicians, agencies, clinics and pupil personnel staff members are involved in setting up such a program.  In many cases, the Planning and Placement team is the agency for such cooperation. 

Tutoring takes place in a community/school setting unless there are significant medical issues requiring alternative arrangements, to help the student until he/she is able to return to school.  The tutor is responsible for grading during the homebound period. 

Unless otherwise arranged, homebound must be reviewed every 3 weeks by the primary care provider. In addition, some courses require specific hands-on activities or specialized equipment, making the course inappropriate for homebound instruction.  See your school counselor for a list of courses that are not eligible for homebound instruction.



[Please check with your school nurse regarding COVID-19 cases].

Parents and guardians of students who remain home due to illness are asked to notify the school using the Attendance Absence Form in PowerSchool before the start of the school day.

Students who become ill during the day must report to the school nurse to be excused from school.

Deciding whether a child should go to school or not is sometimes difficult.  In the interest of the health of your student’s classmates, we suggest children stay home if they show any of these signs or symptoms:



Return to School Guidelines

After receiving medical and public health clearance from their physician and the Milford Health Dept., children with active tuberculosis can return to school and resume regular activities as soon as medication therapy has been instituted and there is an ongoing monitor of adherence to the medication treatment plan.


Medical Information

Many times, a student may become ill, sustain an injury, have an operation or surgical procedure, obtain a new prescription for new glasses or lenses or receive an immunization booster during school vacations.  You must inform the nurse so your medical information can be updated and, when indicated, appropriate staff can be notified.

Student Assistance Team

The district believes it is in the best interest of our students, their families, and the school to provide a Student Assistance Team which has been specially trained to help students who may be experiencing challenges to their learning and academic progress. Problems may be occurring with students themselves, with their friends, or with their family.  Every effort will be made to offer students and their families’ assistance, including early identification, referral for treatment if necessary and after care support.

What is the Student Assistance Team?

Consisting of teachers, counselors, school psychologists, nurses and administrators, the team has been specially trained in Milford to assist students with personal problems including drugs and alcohol.

Who can use the team?

The services of the Student Assistance are available to any student, as well as to any member of their immediate family who may have a concern.

How can the team help?

If students have concerns about themselves, their family or their friends, the team can help by providing immediate personal support or acting as a referral service to other resources that can better serve the student’s needs.

How does referral to the team work?

There are four basic ways referrals may happen:

Asbestos Annual Notification

(AHERA, 40 CFR Part 763, Title II of Toxic Substances Control Act)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that the Milford Board of Education annually notify parents, teachers, and employee organizations that an asbestos management plan has been prepared in accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA, 40 CFR Part 763 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act). Inclusion in the Parent Student Handbook serves as this notification.

Asbestos Management Plans have been developed for each of our educational facilities (Grades PK-12) which have asbestos containing building materials present.  These plans are available and accessible to the public at each individual school office and at the Maintenance Department Office, 70 West River Street, Milford, CT 06460. 

Any questions concerning the above can be directed to: Patrick Bradbury, Director of Facilities via phone (203) 783-3430 or email at

Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management Letter To Parents

Integrated Pest Management Plans:

General Pest Control 

Rodent Pest Management