
Attendance Policies

Attendance, (5113)

Resident/Non-Resident Status, (5118)

School Attendance Areas (5117)

Truancy, (5113.2)



High School: No homeroom period in place since attendance is taken in each class period.

Middle School:  Upon arrival, students go to their designated grade level area.  From there, students are dismissed to go to their homerooms. Attendance is taken and morning announcements are made during this period.  When a student is late to homeroom, he/she is considered to be tardy and must report to the main office to sign in.

Mental Health Days

Milford Public Schools will follow the State Public Act for Student mental health and wellness days.

Public Act No. 21-46 Sec. 19. (NEW) (Effective July 1, 2021) (a) As used in this section and section 10-198b of the general statutes, as amended by this act, "mental health wellness day" describes a school day during which a student attends to such student's emotional and psychological well-being in lieu of attending school. 

(b) For the school year commencing July 1, 2021, and each school year thereafter, a local or regional board of education shall permit any student enrolled in grades kindergarten to twelve, inclusive, to take two mental health wellness days during the school year, during which day such student shall not be required to attend school. No student shall take mental health wellness days during consecutive school days.


Tardy to School

Students will be considered tardy to school if they are not in their assigned classrooms by the school’s start time.  Any student arriving late to school must report to the main office and/or the School Greeter. Detentions will result from multiple accrued tardies.

Tardies resulting from professional appointments (medical, legal, etc.) must be documented by an original note from that professional and submitted at the time the student signs in with the main office and/or School Greeter.  These notes must be on the professional’s original letterhead.  Notes cannot be copied or faxed.


Tardy Procedure

If a student arrives after the start of the official starting time, the student is to report directly to the main office or School Greeter for check-in.  In the case of a preschool student arriving late to school, parents are required to wait with their child until the child is in the care of school staff.

All tardy arrivals will be considered unexcused.  Tardy arrivals must have a doctor’s note for illness upon arrival and be signed by a parent to be converted to an excused tardy.  Failure to have the note at the time of arrival will result in an unexcused tardy.  All unexcused tardy arrivals are subjected to disciplinary consequences as determined by the school.

Elementary School Specific – Tardy Procedure

Students who arrive after one and a half hours of the school day must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and a note explaining their delay in order to have an excused tardy.  Students who request an early dismissal prior to the last one and a half hours must be signed out by a parent/guardian and provide verification for the early dismissal.

Students arriving after the start of the school day, but within the first one and a half hours of the start of the school day will be considered tardy.  After six (6) unexcused tardy arrivals, a phone call will be made to the child’s home.  After 12 tardies, an official letter will be sent to the student’s home and after 18 tardies, a conference with the parents/guardians will be requested.



Withdrawing from School

If a student needs to withdraw from school during the year, the student’s parent/guardian is required to complete a withdrawal form.  All books, materials, athletic and other equipment loaned by the school must be returned or paid for by the student or his/her parents/guardians.