Drive Chassis

Drivetrain design 1

Our class today was laser-focused on troubleshooting and refining our robot's performance. In particular, we delved into addressing a significant issue with our drivetrain that surfaced during our initial test drive. The problem was evident – the chains were consistently making contact with the ground, leading to disruptive interruptions in our robot's functionality. To overcome this challenge, we opted for a practical solution. We relocated the wheels lower on the channels, effectively elevating the entire structure above the ground. This alteration holds great potential to mitigate the interference issues and ensure smoother operation in future tests. In parallel to these mechanical adjustments, we also embarked on an exploration of ways to optimize Mr. Newman's robot design. Our aim is to take his foundation and elevate it to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. In this context, Ava took the reins, and her expertise played a pivotal role in our discussions. One specific improvement we deliberated upon pertained to the support system for the robot's arm. The idea on the table was to lower this support structure, thus eliminating the necessity for it to lift the gate. This adjustment, while seemingly straightforward, carries additional implications. It necessitates extending the arm's extrusion, allowing it to reach the tallest level on the backboard. This holistic approach ensures that the improvements we make align with the broader objectives of our robot's performance enhancements. In summary, our class was marked by a meticulous approach to problem-solving and optimization. The combination of mechanical adjustments and strategic improvements reflects our unwavering commitment to refining our robot for upcoming challenges.

Initial drivetrain 

Drivetrain sized down

Side view

Top view

During our recent class, we made progress with our design by integrating metal gears. However, a significant challenge has emerged due to a substantial weight disparity between the arm and the base of our project. This weight imbalance has resulted in difficulties in achieving stability, especially when the arm is in motion. It's worth noting that this situation aligns with the thesis I initially proposed, which predicted the potential for severe balance issues. In our pursuit of solutions, one consideration is reverting to our previous drive train design. While this might address the balance problem, it would introduce a new challenge – the inability to suspend. This presents us with a dilemma as we need to balance both stability and functionality. In an effort to resolve this issue, I sought advice from a former colleague who suggested a potential strategy. This involves separating the components for the arm onto an expansion hub while keeping the drive train on the control hub. The intention behind this approach is to potentially mitigate the delays we've been experiencing. However, this also comes with the realization that time is running short, and we still have the substantial task of programming our autonomous functions ahead of us. This situation adds a layer of urgency to our project as we navigate these complex design and programming challenges.

Drivetrin rebuild 

In class today, our team realized that the original drivetrain was the best option. It was a last-minute decision, so we took apart the base and rebuilt the original one. I worked on a plan for both autonomous and driver control, and Ava created some design drawings. 

The next day during my visit to the robotics lab, I noticed an issue with the right wheel – it seemed to spin on place due to unbalanced weight. To fix it, we added a temporary motor at the back. Our plan is to remove the chains and directly connect the motors to the front wheels to balance the weight and improve control. 

I also adjusted the arm shaft by lowering it by one notch to get under some obstacles. However, we're still facing a problem with the wrist occasionally stopping when moving down but working fine when going up. 

Our goal for the next class is to move the motors to the front without the chains so that Mr. Newman can assist with programming.