
Game Review

Original ideas 

The claw could be in the shape of pixels with a slider like doors that hold 2-5 pixels and the slider door like opening would release pixels one by one

(team likes)

2.) Suspending

To suspend the robot we could use the same design we did for nova edge but add a claw-like design for it to hold onto 

(refrence the video the teacher showed)

3.) drone launcher 

two wheels touching together powered by a servo or motor that will rotate to launch the drone.

(no because it rips paper airplane)

4.) Robot 

we could have a stationary robot with only a moving arm to save time so we don't have to make so many turns but incase the alliance team can't we would also have a fully functioning robot.

(team agrees)

5.) Sensors

Add ultrasonic sensors to the claw so we don't accidentally bump into the backboard  

(no because it will get in the way)

6.) Gears

add gears to motors to increase speed 

(yes team agrees)

7.) Drone 

rubber bands 

8.) Lightweight 

Keep the robot as lightweight as possible. Minimize motors, and overall build.

9.) Camera

Have the camera mounted on the arm 

10.) suspensing 

Add suspensingmechanism to arm inorder to minimize motors and weight 

Game Manuals 

Scoring Strategy 

Robot will need to successfully -

pick up and deliver pixels to the backboard 

shoot drone from behind the bars

suspend from the bars without falling 

be able to scan the codes and go to assigned directions 

drive to the maximum speed without wobbling

FTC Design 1

the arm will go down then the extrusion sticking out will sustain the robots weight up 

the gears for the driving base will give us an advantage with speed 

the drone launcher will be made of rubber bands 

and the pixels claw design will be a box like feature that secures the pixels inside 

FTC Test Bed

HD Hex Motors will be used for our drivetrain 

one servo is for the claw 

the other two servos are for the drone launcher 

and the other motor is for our arm 

FTC Design

Drivetrain 9/26/23

Sproket view


The battle with the chains during our class was nothing short of an endurance test. The main issue revolved around securing the right measurements and getting the chain links to align perfectly with our robot's drivetrain. It was a painstaking process that seemed to defy simplicity. Throughout the entire class period, we found ourselves grappling with the intricacies of these chains. The struggle was real, extending to the point where we had to dedicate extra time and effort beyond regular class hours. An entire additional hour was spent after school, and yet, despite our relentless efforts, we could only manage to complete half of a side. The sheer complexity and precision required in working with these chains made them a formidable challenge. Each link needed to be meticulously measured, cut, and attached with utmost accuracy to ensure the smooth operation of our robot's drivetrain. Even minor discrepancies in these measurements or alignments could result in significant disruptions and hinder our robot's overall performance. The fact that chains emerged as such a significant hurdle underscored the level of dedication and problem-solving skills required in our robotics project. Despite the struggles we encountered, it served as a valuable learning experience, emphasizing the importance of attention to detail and perseverance in tackling complex engineering tasks.

Drivetrain 9/28/23


Today, we worked on getting all of the drive train done we figured out the chain issues we added support pieces and the batter along with the hub 

Drivetrain 10/2/23

Ava looking over Mr. Newmans Robot

Engineering notes DRIVECHASIS 1


Our class today was laser-focused on troubleshooting and refining our robot's performance. In particular, we delved into addressing a significant issue with our drivetrain that surfaced during our initial test drive. The problem was evident – the chains were consistently making contact with the ground, leading to disruptive interruptions in our robot's functionality. To overcome this challenge, we opted for a practical solution. We relocated the wheels lower on the channels, effectively elevating the entire structure above the ground. This alteration holds great potential to mitigate the interference issues and ensure smoother operation in future tests. In parallel to these mechanical adjustments, we also embarked on an exploration of ways to optimize Mr. Newman's robot design. Our aim is to take his foundation and elevate it to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. In this context, Ava took the reins, and her expertise played a pivotal role in our discussions. One specific improvement we deliberated upon pertained to the support system for the robot's arm. The idea on the table was to lower this support structure, thus eliminating the necessity for it to lift the gate. This adjustment, while seemingly straightforward, carries additional implications. It necessitates extending the arm's extrusion, allowing it to reach the tallest level on the backboard. This holistic approach ensures that the improvements we make align with the broader objectives of our robot's performance enhancements. In summary, our class was marked by a meticulous approach to problem-solving and optimization. The combination of mechanical adjustments and strategic improvements reflects our unwavering commitment to refining our robot for upcoming challenges.

Engineering Notes 10/16/23

Our team engaged in a thorough discussion today with a collective focus on enhancing the efficiency of our robot. The primary issue we've encountered revolved around the performance of the claw, which kept getting stuck. This challenge left me with a sense of limited control over the robot, even when disregarding the existing delay in its actions. Additionally, the weight of the robot posed another concern, especially considering our goal of achieving suspension capabilities for an upcoming meet. The arms of the robot also registered on our radar as particularly heavy components. During our brainstorming session, we explored various ideas aimed at addressing these concerns. One key solution involves the adoption of torque servos for our wrists. This switch would empower us with precise control over the wrist's vertical movement, a significant improvement over the previous setup. Additionally, we considered the implementation of worm gears for the arms. This strategic move would result in stationary arms, eliminating the challenge of continuous movement. Moreover, our plan includes scaling down various components, such as utilizing shorter channels, to effectively reduce the overall weight of the robot. In our quest for enhanced strength and performance, we're contemplating using the motors originally intended for the drive train for our arm as well. This step is crucial to ensure that our arm has the necessary strength for its tasks. We've also opted for a replacement of plastic gears with metal ones, albeit in a slightly smaller size. There's a program tweak on our to-do list as well. We aim to rectify the issue where the program starts when the 'initialize' option is selected, streamlining the operational process. Additionally, we're gearing up to tackle TensorFlow, a valuable skill that we need to incorporate effectively into our project. While addressing these challenges and considering improvements, we can take heart in the successes from our previous competition. Our claw worked flawlessly, and the drone launcher proved to be quite effective. However, during operation, we encountered a delay, particularly when trying to coordinate the movement of the arms and the base simultaneously. It appears that when the arms are in action, the base briefly halts its movement until the arms complete their task. Afterward, the drive train executes the command, leading to an unintended collision with another robot. These discussions and refinements demonstrate our commitment to progress and optimization. By addressing these challenges and implementing our proposed improvements, we're confident that we'll elevate the performance of our robot for future competitions.

Engineering notes DESIGNS

Lexy looking over game manuals

1st place at scrimmage

Engineering Notes 10/18/23

Today, our team made significant strides in different areas of our project. Here's how we contributed: I was responsible for integrating the torque servo with our project's wrist. This is a pivotal component that empowers the wrist with the necessary torque to perform its tasks effectively. We have plans to run tests to ensure it operates smoothly before fully incorporating it into our setup. Ava took the lead in organizing and managing our project inventory. This may not always take the spotlight, but it's a vital aspect of our work. Her efforts ensured that everything is systematically arranged and easily accessible, saving us valuable time and making our project development more efficient. Tabii was in charge of the drive train, the powerhouse of our project. This system encompasses essential components like motors, gears, and wheels. We did encounter a challenge when one of the motors was found to be non-operational. We're currently addressing this issue and working towards a solution for our next class period. Each of these contributions plays a significant role in advancing our project, and our collaborative approach ensures that we overcome any challenges that arise.

Drivetrain Tabii worked on 

Ava organizing

Engineering Notes 10/20/23

Today, our main focus revolved around the completion of our drive train and wrist components. The drive train's core design remains in line with its prior iteration, with a significant alteration — a noteworthy reduction in size. This change is motivated by the expectation that this downsizing will enhance the project's capacity for suspension-related functions. We're eagerly awaiting the delivery of the metal gears. Their arrival might necessitate further adjustments to optimize our project's performance. To enhance our drive train's functionality, we've introduced a small-to-large gear ratio configuration, aimed at augmenting torque. Concurrently, for the wrist component, we've incorporated a torque servo. Although with some reservations about its ability to meet the expectations placed upon it. During the course of our work, several pertinent issues and questions have come to the forefront. Foremost among them is a malfunctioning motor associated with the right wheel, demanding our immediate attention. Furthermore, we're looking forward to Mr. Newman gaining proficiency in TensorFlow programming, a skill essential for effective guidance and instruction. The question of balance remains paramount. It's imperative to ensure that our drive train maintains equilibrium during operation and steers clear of tilting tendencies. This calls for meticulous calibration and fine-tuning. The decision to remove the expansion hub is a substantial one. This prompts contemplation regarding potential delays or complications in the project's performance in light of its absence. Lastly, the ever-ticking clock prompts us to evaluate the available time for practice in project operation and the demanding programming tasks ahead. Effective time management is central to the project's ultimate success.

Engineering notes INTAKE

Wrist- Powered by torque servo 

New drivetrain 

Engineering Notes 10/24/23

Side view of robot

Arm replaced with extension

During our recent class, we made progress with our design by integrating metal gears. However, a significant challenge has emerged due to a substantial weight disparity between the arm and the base of our project. This weight imbalance has resulted in difficulties in achieving stability, especially when the arm is in motion. It's worth noting that this situation aligns with the thesis I initially proposed, which predicted the potential for severe balance issues. In our pursuit of solutions, one consideration is reverting to our previous drive train design. While this might address the balance problem, it would introduce a new challenge – the inability to suspend. This presents us with a dilemma as we need to balance both stability and functionality. 

In an effort to resolve the issue of having a delay while driving and the weight of our arm, I sought advice from a former colleague who suggested a potential strategy. This involves, reducing the weight of our claw and separating the components for the arm onto an expansion hub while keeping the drive train on the control hub. The intention behind this approach is to potentially mitigate the delays we've been experiencing and put less weight on our motors. However, this also comes with the realization that time is running short, and we still have the substantial task of programming our autonomous functions ahead of us. This situation adds a layer of urgency to our project as we navigate these complex design and programming challenges.

Engineering notes ARM


Engineering Notes 10/26/23

Arm replaced with extrusion 

In today's class, our primary focus centered around the intricacies of programming, especially in light of our recent addition of the expansion hub. However, our journey in this realm was riddled with challenges that required some nimble troubleshooting. One of the most perplexing issues we encountered was related to the arms of our robot. Despite meticulous programming, there was an odd anomaly – the arms would not raise as expected. It became apparent that the source of this conundrum might be linked to our coding approach. Our suspicion was that the expansion hub didn't quite mesh with our block-based coding structure. To tackle this, we undertook a significant shift in our programming strategy. Rather than bundling the code for the arms with the rest of the script, we segregated it into its own dedicated block. This adjustment, we hope, will enable smoother interaction between the expansion hub and the arms. In our quest to further refine our robot's capabilities, we also delved into programming that offered enhanced control over the arm. This control sought to address an issue with its speed, which sometimes led to undesirable tilting. To alleviate this challenge, we opted to replace the arm extension mechanism with an extrusion, as it promised to be a lighter alternative, potentially reducing the risk of tilting. As we proceed, there's a sense of urgency looming, given the numerous tasks still on our to-do list. First and foremost, we have the imperative task of programming our autonomous mode, a cornerstone of our robot's capabilities. Simultaneously, we're actively working on enabling our robot to suspend, which is a crucial component for our team's objectives. Another item on our checklist revolves around delving into the intricacies of TensorFlow, a skill that we recognize as vital for optimizing our robot's performance. We're eager to gain a deeper understanding of this tool. In the midst of these programming efforts, we've also set our sights on practicing driving our robot. This hands-on experience is pivotal in fine-tuning our operational skills. Moreover, in an effort to maintain an organized workspace, we've initiated the task of labeling and arranging our cables systematically. This seemingly simple task contributes to the efficiency and smooth operation of our project. As we continue to investigate the issue of tilting with the arm, we're open to reevaluating our base's design. If necessary, we're willing to start from scratch to ensure that our robot operates optimally. With these ongoing tasks and limited time at our disposal, our class underscores the dedication, adaptability, and teamwork required for our robotics project's success. Each challenge we encounter serves as a stepping stone toward further refinement and achievement.


Programming October 26th PROGRAM

Engineering notes 10/30/23

Mr. Newman trying to figure out what is wrong with the program while I ask questions

Today, I began my day by focusing on my assignments to improve my grades. It's essential to stay on top of my schoolwork while we also work on our robot. Towards the end of the class, I decided to investigate our robot. The last 20 minutes seemed like a good time to dig into why the arms weren't working. We've been trying to figure this out for a while, but we're still in the dark about what's causing the issue. It's a bit like solving a tricky puzzle, where we're getting closer to understanding it, but we haven't quite put all the pieces together yet. The determination to find a solution to this arm problem is still very much alive. We're committed to getting our robot in top working order. These experiences, whether in school or with our robot, help us learn and grow.

Engineering Notes 11/1/23


Labeled Cables 

During class today, I tackled several important tasks. For instance, I discovered a crucial issue - the absence of a delay. Following Mr. Newman's advice, I promptly removed the expansion hub, which seemed to resolve the problem. My exploration led me to the fascinating world of encoders. While researching this topic, I stumbled upon a valuable resource linked to the encoders subheading, providing significant assistance in my quest for understanding. I initiated work on the encoder program, but an unfortunate incident occurred when I accidentally logged out without saving the code. Fortunately, we hadn't made significant progress, so it was a minor setback. In my pursuit of efficiency and optimization, I decided to disassemble our claws. The goal was twofold: to reset them to their initial positions and configure the servos back onto the control hub. This process required careful labeling, leaving cable organizing towards the end in case of any last-minute adjustments that might be necessary. Looking forward to our next class, my primary goal is to complete the encoder program. This achievement will allow us to test its functionality. The next milestone on my agenda is the autonomous program. Given my experience in programming, I plan to tackle this task independently, allowing the rest of the team to focus on our website and design drawings. In conclusion, each day in the robotics lab provides a unique opportunity for learning and growth. I'm excited to be at the forefront of programming, guiding our team toward success in this exciting endeavor. 

Configured servos

Engineering notes ENCODERS

Engineering notes INTAKE 

Game Plan

Engineering Notes 11/6/23

Design ideas for suspending

     Engineering Notes DESIGNS

Taking the drive train apart

     Engineering Notes DRIVE TRAIN

In class today, our team realized that the original drivetrain was the best option. It was a last-minute decision, so we took apart the base and rebuilt the original one. I worked on a plan for both autonomous and driver control, and Ava created some design drawings. 

The next day during my visit to the robotics lab, I noticed an issue with the right wheel – it seemed to spin on place due to unbalanced weight. To fix it, we added a temporary motor at the back. Our plan is to remove the chains and directly connect the motors to the front wheels to balance the weight and improve control. 

I also adjusted the arm shaft by lowering it by one notch to get under some obstacles. However, we're still facing a problem with the wrist occasionally stopping when moving down but working fine when going up. 

Our goal for the next class is to move the motors to the front without the chains so that Mr. Newman can assist with programming.

Engineering Notes 11/8/23

Robot Being Test Driven

Engineering Notes 11/10/23

Me Programming

The day before the first meet

I was working on our autonomous all class I got it somewhat finished what it does is back up since it's placed at an angle, then it turns to readjust, it drives forward, the arms raise, then the wrist turns and lays on the backdrop, then our claw opens. I needed to add a few more blocks for it to back up so it drops the pixels but that's pretty much it. Ava sat with me on the mat readjusting the robot every time I played the program and gave me feedback on what to change. Then Tabii helped pack everything up for the meet. Unfortunately, the pictures of the program are lost.

First Meet

Placed 14th out of 22 

What went wrong- 

our autonomous program didn't drop the pixels on the backdrop 

our robot struggles driving with the wrist down 

Arms are too fast 

pixels fell every time we placed more on the backdrop 

What went right-

We were able to pick the pixels up and place them on the backdrop effectively 

we had an autonomous for the red side 

we discussed strategies with alliances to maximize our points.

Engineering Notes 11/14/23

Engineering Notes ARM

Today, our new mentor Rachel provided valuable feedback on our bot. She commended Claw's effectiveness, advised us to enhance the shaft structure for better tension distribution, suggested using two c-channels at the back to form a strong triangle, recommended employing a math formula to determine the optimal angle for the drone launcher, proposed altering the overall drone placement, advised adding a worm gear to improve motor performance and arm stability (with a note on 3D printing the gear), recommended inserting a spacer between the wrist and extrusion to reduce friction and ease movement, and suggested shortening Volt for enhanced maneuverability under poles.

Engineering Notes 11/27/23

Top View of Worm Gear

New Location for the Drone Launcher

During this class period, we worked on getting the 3D printed worm gear on our robot, a few issues we faced included, the hex shape on the gears being too small or too big so we would have to hammer them into the shafts. once we got them on there we realized that the print on the regular gear teeth did not align with the worm gear, there was too much space in between them. This caused them to slip often, and since they are plastic, once they slipped we would have to replace everything because the teeth on both the regular and worm gear were just too worm out. We also had to add the short metal piece on the outside so that it would hold up the shaft, bringing the teeth closer. We added the drone launcher on the inside to protect it from other robots bumping into ours.

Engineering Notes ARM

Engineering Notes DRONE

Engineering Notes 11/29/23

Discussing the goals for the day

Today in class Lexy was able to engage a lot more in building, I took a step down since most of the roles were already occupied. After class, we went to Midland College, hoping to have a full-functioning robot, but the arm still needed to be tweaked. I practiced driving, since it had been a while and driving is very important so I need to be extra good at it. Everyone else worked on problem-solving. Because there was too much weight on our claw and wrist the worm gear was struggling to lift it up. We added surgical tubing to relieve some of that weight.

Discussing the goals for the day

Engineering Notes 12/7/23

Today in class I found the parts we want for our robot so we can suspend. It's a linear actuator from go bilda and can support a lot of weight, 50 pounds. and I worked with Tabii on where we can mount them. We decided that it should be closest to where all the weight is, so right next to the arm. 

there will be another actuator right across it to the side 

Engineering Notes 12/11/23

Engineering Notes 12/13/23

There are still some things that i think need to be changed on our robot. for example the claw and the wrist, mainly the wrist. There is too much weight on our claw so the torque servo mounted on for the wrist struggles to pull the claw up. Maybe i could mount the servo onto the claw directly instead of using the gear not sure how the designing for that would work. but it is definitely something i want to try to see if it will improve the wrist when it moves up at all. And if it doesn't we might need to use one servo for the claw, because the wrist really is slowing us down.

Today our linear actuators arrived, i focused on putting them together while Tabii and Ava Claire worked on figuring out how to mount the arm in the middle. 

Engineering Notes 12/15/23

In class today, since we had the linear actuators built. we worked on making the mount for the arm and proceeded to attach it. now we need to figure out where to mount it because if thee arm extends out into the opposite direction it messes with the weight of the robot when driving which then messes with how much traction we have because of how distorted the weight is. i believe it is something we will have to figure out once we have a functioning arm. maybe we could have it in the middle, but then it might exceed to size limit. and if we have it further back the arm might not reach the backdrop.

Engineering Notes 1/10/24

Volt suspending 

Over winter break I mounted the Linear actuators on the robot, when we got back to school I was able to configure the new motors and then program. we tested them out and they hold the weight of volt perfectly. only issue is that one actuator moves faster than the other. 

Driver Hub recieving feed 

Rachel has been helping us out with TensorFlow and she got the programming done. Because she is not in town yet I have been giving her information about our bot the camera and software we use. I was asked to check if our camera was recieving feed so and it is. for the program that was already installed. all that is left is to train our team object and code the actions we want volt to take.

front view with dimensions

our team object is a bolt for voltage. the dimesions have to be minimum of 3x3 inches and a max of 4x4 inches as well 

the pattern on the sides are for tensorflow so that it can recognize our team object better.

Isometric view

Engineering Notebook 1/10/24

Configuring the SPARKmini

Blocks for the arm found in the servo section since the SPARKmini needs to be plugged into the servo section 

In class, I worked on programming and configuring the Spark Mini for our arm. It had to be plugged in right next to the battery port, essentially drawing direct power from there. However, it couldn't connect to the standard port motors, so we had to plug it into the servo section. After some research on programming, I found that it slots in right under the continuous rotation servo port. It works as expected, but there are some limitations to what you can program with the Spark Mini. I set it up so that when you press the D-pad, it moves down with a power level of one. Upon release, it goes back to receiving no power, and the same process is mirrored for the arm going up.

What the SPARKmini looks like 

Program for arm 

Engineering Notebook 1/12/24

Configuring the motors

Lift up

Lift down

VOLT suspending 

During this class period, I successfully configured and programmed our lifters, assigning them to ports 3 and 2. Notably, I omitted the initialization block specifying their direction, causing the program to default to -1 instead of both being set to 1. Due to limited space on gamepad 2, I found myself in charge of controlling the lifters manually. This task consumed a significant portion of the class, and it wasn't until the end of the day that I had the opportunity to test the lifters. To my surprise, I observed that they ascended and retracted at different speeds, despite being programmed at the same speed. We initially didn't dwell on this discrepancy, assuming that adjusting the speed in the programming would offer a straightforward solution.

Engineering Notebook 1/19/24

In class the day before competition everything was hectic we had removed the wrist off the arm so we had to put it back together and we got some paper airplanes put together. did some packing and made sure we had everything we needed 

Engineering Notebook 1/25/24

new idea for arm/wrist when dropping pixels 

power switch

grease inside motor

Unfortunately, the week before the competition, I got sick, and it wasn't until the 19th that I could return to school to finalize preparations for the competition the next day. Amidst the chaos of the competition, grappling with programming issues, we closely examined the challenges at hand. The first hurdle we identified was our arm's inability to reach the backdrop adequately. It barely touched the backdrop when attempting to place pixels and only reached the very bottom. Mr. Newman and Robert, a visiting mentor, suggested a solution: having the arm move backward to provide more clearance for pixel drops. However, this required adjustments to the extrusion lengths on our claw to reach higher on the backdrop. Additionally, we needed to lengthen the extrusion for the entire arm to extend its reach. Another challenge emerged concerning the need for encoders. To prevent the arm from falling due to gravity when reaching the necessary angle for pixel drops, we required encoders. However, the Spark Mini used for the arm lacked a port for encoders. To address this, we contemplated reconfiguring and reprogramming to switch one of the regular cords for the lifters to the Spark Mini, creating a port for the encoders. Further complicating matters, we discovered that the port on the control hub to which the lifters were connected malfunctioned, causing the lifter to retract and rise at different speeds. Attempting to troubleshoot, we disassembled the motor, suspecting issues with gears or the motor itself, only to realize it was the port on the control hub. The solution to this problem remains uncertain. Additionally, we identified an issue with our power switch. Despite my attempt to solder it back together after it broke off, it continued to lose contact. A replacement switch seemed necessary to address this recurring problem.

Testing lifters


Engineering Notes 1/29/24

In class, Tabii and Ava focused on fixing our wrist while Rachel and Lexy looked over  the Judge Manual for the engineering portfolio. 

Judge Manual 

some notes include 

Team Plan-

it should be included in the engineering portfolio, our team plan is to spike diversity in the STEAM field. this plan is already in action as we have encouraged girls to join our school for robotics.

Think award-

we should include underlying science and mathematics in our portfolio because to be considered for the Inspire award we need to be considered for all the other awards.

should include how we acquired new mentors 

Motivate award-

outreach to non-technical groups 

we should talk about the Spark mini and how I had to teach myself how to program it and the challenges we faced with it.

The Inspire Award is given to teams who represent the "challenge" of First Tech Challenge 

Design award-

Team must submit an engineering portfolio that includes examples of robot CAD (Computer Aided Design) images or detailed robot design drawings.

We should mention our drone launcher as well and how it is extremely reliable.

Engineering Notes 1/31/24

In class, we realized that the port we had a linear actuator connected to was giving us issues, so maybe one of the terminals was not working correctly. we're not completely sure. So we decided to add a different control hub but by doing that we also had to reconfigure all our motors and servos, along with renaming it and changing the WiFi password. then we also had to transport all our files onto the new one, one by one, since it did not let us select all of them. we also had to make sure that when we were configuring our motors, that they had the exact name they did as the last ones so the program would continue to run. after double-checking all that we kept getting error messages on our wrist, and then we realized it was because we did not configure it as a continuous rotation servo. 

New control hub with all the wires plugged in

Engineering Notes 2/2/24

New torque servo

Today's class centered around getting our wrist mechanism to cooperate, which has been a persistent issue all season. Initially, we believed it was due to the weight of the claw. However, after pushing it to its limits, we may have overexerted it, leading to problems with the servo's gears and an irregular beat in its operation. Even after removing the claw to test the weight theory, the problem persisted. Eventually, we opted for a new torque servo, and presto! Our wrist mechanism sprang back to life.

 Engineering Notes 2/6/24

Today in class i worked on an autonomous program for the left blue side of the field. we still plan on using object recognition but since Rachel is not here to teach me how to train it, i decided to do the basic code we would insert into the program once it recognizes the pixel so that on Thursday when she gets here, we can just add the ones i have already done. in this program the robot drives forward to the middle designated spot for the pixel then it opens the right claw. what were fixing to add is... it will then rotate back 90 degrees, lift the arm back, lift the wrist and deliver the other yellow pixel to the designated spot on the backdrop.

Robot Deconstruction

Organizing Nuts and Bolts

initial mess

Dodge Bot Design 2

Organizing small parts