Machine Shop Technology

Machine Shop Technology

Recent research has shown a comprehensive shortage of skilled trade workers. The Morris Hills Regional District offers students the opportunity to gain valuable skills that can earn them a career right out of high school. Our Metal Shop offers students a foundation of machine shop technology. Career-focused students who are looking to enter the workforce following high school should consider pursuing our 3-year Machine Shop Technology sequence. Progressing through Metalworking, Metals and Manufacturing Technology, and culminating in Advanced Metals and Manufacturing Technology, students who choose this track will earn industry valued credentials in a high-paying, high-demand job.


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective

This is a general metalworking course offering instruction and study activity in the areas of sheet metal, foundry, welding, forging, precision measuring, and machine shop practices. Background and developmental demonstration and informational study and discussion are supplemented through practical experience in the use of tools and materials. Activities will include the study of the production of metals, sheet metal layout and fabrication, pattern making, soldering and brazing, welding exercises, metal finishing and metal lathe operation. Projects will be carried out commensurate with the interest and ability of the student.


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Prerequisites: Metalworking

This course is designed to provide students with advanced skills used in the manufacturing trades. Advanced machine tool and welding operations, inspection, CNC machining, and foundry operations will be emphasized. Students will design their own projects by hand sketching or through the use of design software (AutoCAD). Experimentation with the various processes available is encouraged. The history and current trends of manufacturing will be studied from an occupational viewpoint.


Grades 10, 11, 12; 5 credits; One Year Elective; Prerequisites: Metals and Manufacturing Technology, Application and Departmental Approval

As the culminating course in the Machine Shop Technology CTE Program, this course will build upon the skills learned in Metals and Manufacturing Technology. Students will approach this course independently, working towards completing projects they have designed on their own. Portions of the second half of this course will focus on preparation for an industry-approved completer examination. Students enrolled in the third year of this approved CTE program are highly encouraged to co-enroll in TC999 CTESLE for on-the-job training.