3 Ringtone Directions sheet - Text to Speech

15-30 seconds long

1) Open a new tab to keep the directions up. Copy and paste the link from this tab, onto your new tab so the directions are always there.

2) Go to one of the following Text to Speech websites:   readthewords.com,  text2speech.org, ttsmp3.com, or  fromtexttospeech.com 

3)  Type in what you would like the voice in your ring-tone to say.

    a) Example  "Mick, your phone is ringing. Answer me"  "Yo, this is Mick's phone.  Can someone let Mick know his phone is ringing. Mick?"

4) Then click "Read", "start", or  "create audio file"

5) Choose the MP3 version and download it.

        a) If a Pop-Up window appears, choose "SAVE" instead of "Open With" to save your voice.
b) It will download it into your piano # folder (also usually seen at the bottom of the screen) 

9) Open Mixcraft 7 to the startup screen 

10) On the start screen "New Project Settings" please change the following:
  a) Change Mode from "BEATS" to "TIME"
b) Change Snap Setting to "1/8 notes"
c) Change Instrument Tracks to "0"
d) Change Audio Tracks to "5"
e) Click OK

11) Add the voice recording you just saved to MixCraft 7 by doing the following:
a) Click on "Sound" at the top of the page
b) Select "Add sound file" (Ctrl-H)
c) Find your voice recording in your folder and select it.

12) Add  "fx" to enhance the voice sound on project.   Click on the letters "FX" on track 1 and choose some effects to make your voice sound different.  

(Here are some good possibilities listed below).  After you have the effects you want, simply hit the "X" at the top right to close (it saves automatically).

    a) select Acustica Reverb -  and then change "custom" to Train Station (or your choice)
b) select Acustica Delay -  and then change "custom" to Echos (or your choice)
c) Any other effect you want to add

13) Add music to the audio tracks left to enhance your ringtone. 

14) You may want the music to "Fade out" at the end of 30 seconds.  If so, do the following...
a) Click on "Sound" at the top of the page
b) Choose "Envelopes" and then "Fade Out" and choose the speed you want to fade out

15) Adjust the track volume so that the ringing and music are in the background and the voice track is loudest so you can hear it.

16) Save the project to your folder. (Under File, choose "Save  As" then click on THIS PC, AC150, 7th Grade, Your Period, Your Rotation, Your Seat Folder.)

17) When you are happy with your ringtone #1 and feel you are "done" you will "Mix down to MP3 file" by doing the following steps:
a) Click on "File" at the top of the page
b) Select "Mix Down to"  and choose MP3
c) Save to your folder.

18)  When you are finished making the ringtone an MP3 file, close Mixcraft 7, and please go on to the next set of directions "4-Ringtone #2 Direction Sheet-Calming"