Student Teaching Portfolio

Portfolio Goals

This portfolio presents my growth in achieving the following goals based on Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching. These goals were developed to prompt me in taking action to become a more effective educator during my student teaching experiences. Evidence of growth and application can be found on the artifacts page of each domain.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Collect and apply a variety of resources for planning, developing, and teaching lessons.

Domain 2: Classroom Environment

2c. Managing classroom procedures

Develop ways to manage transitions and maximize instructional time through procedures and planning while also creating an environment of flexibility and spontaneity.

Domain 3: Instruction

3c. Engaging Students in Learning

Implement a wide range of activities and assignments in a variety of settings to engage all students in learning.

Domain 4: Professionalism

4e. Growing and developing professionally

Actively apply feedback from others and information learned through meetings, professional development, and other conferences to lesson planning and teaching.