Week 7

Endings and New Beginnings!

As my time here at Whitman comes to a close, I look back and realize that there is so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. Whitman is beginning a week of final exams this week to close out the first semester. Things have slowed down for me a lot as most of last week was spent reviewing for the final this week.

In Pre-Algebra, students have been working on a survey project in which they surveyed a group of people and created circle graphs with charts showing how they converted their data into percentages and degrees in order to draw an accurate circle graph. Students will present the project later this week to share their findings with the class!

In Algebra I, the majority of the week was spent practicing problems and reviewing for the final exam. The Algebra I students had heard about the "Escape Room" that I did with the 7th-graders and asked if I could make one for them. I was up to the challenge and made one for them to review things for the final. They did really well with the activity and it was a great way to end a week of preparation for the final.

Tuesday was my parents' final day in Jordan. We went out for one final falafel brunch before I waved goodbye to them again. It was really fun to share some of this experience with them!

On Thursday night, my fiancé, Lynnsi, and her roommate flew in to join me in Jordan for the remained of my time here. I am beyond excited to have them here and extremely excited to explore Jordan a little more with them after Whitman closes at the end of this week.

Madaba & Mount Nebo

On Saturday, we visited the town of Madaba and Mount Nebo. Madaba is famous for its mosaics and specifically famous for the mosaic located on the floor of Saint George's Greek Orthodox Church. The mosaic is one of the oldest maps of the region in existence. This is where the church gets its nickname of "Church of the Map". The church is also full of many other beautiful mosaic pieces.

After a little bit of time in Madaba, we drove out to Mount Nebo. At the top, there is a memorial and church from the Byzantine times. Mount Nebo is the location where God showed Moses the promised land. It was fascinating to walk around the beautiful site and look out over the Jordan Valley.

In the coming weeks, we are planning trips to the Dead Sea, Petra, and Wadi Rum. I am so excited to get out and explore more of the country before I head back to the States.

I have had an incredible experience in Jordan working at Whitman Academy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to live in Jordan for a few months. I have learned so much and grown in so many ways both as a teacher and a person. I will always remember my time in Jordan and it will forever hold a piece of my heart.

Thank you for following along with me on my journey!

