Reading & Writing

Reading Instruction

Our literacy program consists of many components:

We will also utilize Google Classroom for some reading assignments. 

A week of Reader's Workshop would look like this (subject to change):

Units of Reading:  Guided and independent practice used to demonstrate various comprehension skills, enforce reading stamina,  fluency, and independent reading. Students will practice the reading strategy independently.

Units of Reading:  Guided and independent practice used to demonstrate various comprehension skills, enforce reading stamina, fluency, and independent reading. Students will practice the reading strategy independently.

Achieve3000 (Students will be assigned articles to independently practice various comprehension reading strategies based on their Lexile level) Strategy Groups; Students will also utilize the website Readworks to increase their comprehension of fiction and nonfiction articles.

Scholastic News- Students will analyze a nonfiction article. We will do this together or independently. Students will have comprehension strategies and questions to practice while completing this article.

ReadWorks (Students will be assigned fiction and nonfiction articles to practice various comprehension reading strategies; main idea, inferencing, compare and contrast,predicting and monitoring, text structure) These articles can be completed as a class or independently.


Throughout the course of writing, students will use various components such as Units of Study, Writer's Workshop, and Language Arts Mechanics of Writing. Throughout Units of Study students will complete a final product of a narrative, opinion, informational, and fairy tale. Students will practice using their creativity while crafting stories and essays. These writing assignments will be assessed by using a specific rubric, based on the writing assignment genre. While learning writing skills, students are going to incorporate both pencil and paper while also becoming accustomed to typing on Chromebooks. We will use the Writing Google Classroom to practice typing drafts and final copies of stories. Students will also work on various language arts, grammar skills, and spelling practices to implement in their writing by utilizing the website IXL.

Additionally, students will be taught proper formation and direction of cursive letters for about 15-20 minutes per day. Please encourage your child to practice at home using this link by clicking HERE.