
Tutoring Session

Students can study languages and work on class assignments with tutors in the form of one-to-one or group tutoring. Students can study for certification exams and practice talking to native speakers. Tutoring sessions are available by making an appointment and take about 45minutes per session.We also offer15-30 minutes short tutoring session. (click here to reserve a tutoring session)

Abundant Materials

Students can use materials in the LLC as they like and can improve their listening skills by using the PCs, CVCs, and CDs. They can also study with many different books suitable for their individual level. LLC also provides a large variety languages of books, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and many more.

Information about Studying Abroad

Most of the tutors in the LLC are foreign students or Japanese students who have experienced studying abroad. Students can ask them freely about life in another country and information about foreign universities that are sister schools with Meio University.