Tutoring Reservation

Reserving a Tutoring Session

The reservation system has changed

Reservation are available from the following, Teams Chanel or the Instagram Account.

You can book an English tutoring session during one of the following time slots:

8:45, 9:30, 10:30, 11:15, 13:00, 13:45, 14:45, 15:30,16:30, 17:15

Please check the following calendar to see available time slots, and then click "Reserve" to fill out your reservation details.

※ One tutoring session lasts for 45 minutes (actual tutoring time is 30 min. 15 min. for feedback and preparation).

※From 12:00 to 13:00, walk-in tutoring sessions are available. Lunchtime sessions will be 30 minutes or less.

※Online tutoring sessions are only available for those who have health issues.

※We will have online tutoring sessions via "Google Meet."

Important notes

  • Tutoring sessions can be reserved up until 11:59 PM the day before.

  • You may have a tutoring session without a reservation if a shift at the LLC is available (no reservation) when you come.

  • After you have reserved a tutoring session, an email will be sent to your student email (s_______@mail.meio-u.ac.jp). Please check the details sent to your email.

  • You may not have two tutoring sessions consecutively.

  • If you receive an e-mail that says "Your reservation could not be made," please contact the LLC at (+81-980-51-1117).

  • ONLINE TUTORING SESSIONS are available only for those who have health issue.

How to have an tutoring session

1 Get a reservation when you are available.

2 Verify your reservation in the Teams Chat or The Instagram Chat

3 Please visit the LLC for your appointment or join the tutoring session from ”Join Google Meet” if you have an online reservation in the schedule.

We are looking forward to meeting you soon!